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Jul 18, 2014

Some Interesting Cases by Baillie Brown

 “Some Interesting Cases” were published in “The Homeopathic Recorder”
Vol. XXV Lancaster, Pa., February, 1910 No. 2. (Page 57)
Edited By Dr. Ravinder S. Mann
Some Interesting Cases
By Baillie Brown, A. B., M. D.
And first let me say that I consider HOMOEOPATHY a gift of 
GOD to sick and suffering humanity and our law of cure a 
DIVINE LAW. We are prone to speak of Similia similibus 
curantur as “Hahnemann's law,” forgetting that this wonderful 
Homeopathic Law of cure is only after all GOD’S Law which 
Samuel Hahnemann was graciously permitted to discover. 
Case 1
Miss R , a Russian Jewess, was brought to my office 
by her intended husband and a Jewish Rabbi with the following 
interesting history. One afternoon some 5 or 6 months previous, 
while walking across the Brooklyn Bridge with her intended hus- 
band, she suddenly stopped and clapping her hands to her head 
declared that “his mother had struck her over the head with a 
wooden club.” The intended husband remonstrated and tried to 
show her that they were quite alone, but she kept reiterating that 
“his mother had struck her with the wooden club.” She was 
brought to her home and physician after physician was summoned, 
but all failed in disabusing her mind of the peculiar hallucination 
or in any way improving her health, which continually kept grow- 
ing worse, until finally their little savings were all used up, after 
which she was taken to the various city dispensaries, but in every 
instance without any improvement or amelioration of her condi- 
tion either mentally or physically. The family physician was 
again consulted and on his advice the papers were all made out 
for a commitment to an institution. Before taking her away at 
the final request of the Rabbi she was brought to my office “to 
see if Homeopathy might be able to do anything” in her case. 
On being led into my office I noticed the following: she immedi- 
ately sank into a chair and was in but a few moments asleep — her 
hair was disheveled ; shaking her I asked through the Rabbi, who 
acted as interpreter, if her mouth was dry and if her tongue seem- 
ed to stick to the roof of her mouth and she nodded assent. On 
turning to consult my Hering’s Condensed Materia Medica and 
while the intended husband, and Rabbi, were looking over the 
volumes on my library shelves she slipped from the office and was 
gone. The two men hastily picking up their hats hurried out of 
my office and caught her almost a block away, and pulling and 
dragging finally brought her back into my office. She then began 
to cry. She looked thin and frail and her face wore an expres- 
sion of much suffering. I was informed that it was next to im- 
possible to get her to partake of food in any form of any kind. 
I had noticed as the men led her into my office a staggering gait. 
But I thought I saw enough to pick as her remedy Nux moschata. 
Accordingly I made up three (3) powders of Nux moschata in 
the 1000th potency B. and T., one of which I placed on her tongue 
in my office, and giving the other two powders to her intended 
husband, ordered that one powder should be placed on her tongue 
in just 72 hours and the other on the third day following. The 
following is the report of the Rabbi : “Miss R seemed to grad- 
ually improve from the moment you put the powder on her tongue. 
Indeed she seemed so much improved in 72 hours that we thought 
it hardly necessary to give her the second powder, but decided 
to obey your instructions, which on doing she clapped her hands 
to her head and declared that something had snapped on the in- 
side.” Immediately she was her old self again — declared she had 
never had such silly hallucinations as her friends informed she 
had been suffering from for seven months — began to eat — and in 
two weeks gained seven pounds — in three months was happily 
married and is at last accounts perfectly well and happy. 
Case 2
Mrs. D, a colored woman aged 40 years, mother of 
four children, had been taken to the local hospital during my sum- 
mer vacation and delivered of a dead fetus. They kept her a 
week or so and then sent her home in an ambulance, telling her 
“she would probably never be a well woman again, as her womb 
agony until she heard that I had returned from my vacation, when 
she immediately sent for me to come and see her. Before I had 
time to ask her any questions or examine her or even to find a 
chair to sit down on, she burst out with, “O Doctor, It is so miser- 
able — It is so thirsty — It  burns so here (pointing in the neighbor- 
hood of McBurney's point) — It is so restless and O Doctor, I just 
can’t bear them hours of one, two, three to come — cause them is my 
worstest hours.” It is needless to say that in a jiffy I had ordered 
a glass of water and a teaspoon, into which glass I dropped a few 
drops of Arsenic 30. The next day she sent me her blessing and 
a dollar, and said she was able to do her own washing in the 
next morning. The third teaspoonful of Arsenic 30 had in only 
nine hours effected a happy cure. 
Case 3
Mr. C , a young Russian Hebrew, was brought to 
my office by the same Rabbi as in Case 1. The Rabbi informed 
me that “he was tormented with a peculiar hallucination, viz., 
that every time he looked in a looking glass he failed to recognize 
himself but saw the form and visage of another man.” Like the 
woman with the issue of blood in the N. T. Scriptures he had 
spent all his living upon physicians, neither yet had he been healed 
of any. Before proceeding to question him further I thought I 
detected the smell of musk about him, and found sure enough 
that he was in the habit of carrying a little vial of musk essence 
in the pocket, which he occasionally touched with his tongue. I 
took the vial of musk from him, throwing it into my waste-paper 
basket, gave him a good lecture on the enormity of “musk tasting” 
and prepared him a tiny vial of pellets medicated with Moschus 
30, ordering two pellets to be taken occasionally, with the result 
that in a few days his “peculiar” hallucination completely disap- 
peared and he improved wonderfully in health the following 
Case 4
The little six-year-old daughter of very poor but re- 
spectable parents. Was called in the 
morning to see the child, which the messenger informed me was 
“very sick.” But being a very busy day I was unable to get to 
the little patient until late in the afternoon. On reaching the bed- 
side I beheld a very sick child indeed, tossing about from place to 
place on the parents' bed, continually demanding “a drink, mama.” 
On inserting my two thermometers into the little one's rectum I 
found a temperature of 106. On examination of the right lung 
I discovered consolidation over two-thirds (lower). She was 
constantly scolding “the naughty pains around her heart. It was 
informed by the mother that they thought she would die” right 
after dinner (1 P. M.)." The symptoms pointed so unmistak- 
ably to Arsenicum, although I recalled that Nash in “How to 
Take the Case” speaks of Arsenicum as specially called for in 
“Upper Right chest troubles” that I decided then and there to 
give Arsenicum in the 1000th potency, one dose from my buggy 
satchel on her tongue, and warning the mother to give absolutely 
nothing else in the shape of medicine I left, promising to call the 
next morning. The next morning I made my call at about ten 
A. M. and found the little miss playing on the floor with her dolly 
and contentedly munching a crust of dry bread. The tempera- 
ture, taken in the rectum, was normal and THE CONSOLI- 
DATED LUNG QUITE CLEAR. I asked the mother to mi- 
nutely describe what happened after I gave the medicine the after- 
noon before (between 4 and 5 P. M.). She said baby seemed to 
get much worse and the fever higher until about 11 P. M., when 
she called for the “pottie” and from that until 2 A. M. the mother 
was kept busy emptying pot after pot of slimy stools. At 4 A. M. 
the child fell into a peaceful and refreshing slumber and awoke at 
9 A. M., evidently feeling as well as ever. 
-88 Bowers Street, Jersey City, N. J., January 26th, 1910. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent cases illustrating characteristic symptoms of remedies.Keep it up Dr Mann.