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Sep 15, 2013


Article originally published in "The American Homoeopathic Review, Vol IV, New York, January, 1863. No. 7 & 8"



* Allg. Horn. Zeitung, 65, 18.

Part 2
(For Part 1 Click Here)

Driving and riding must be included among the varieties of motion. Various symptoms are induced or aggravated by driving in a wagon, which generally find their remedy among Ars., Bry., Cocc, Colch., Hepar., Hyos., Ignat., Lach., Nux mosch., Op., Petr., Rhus tox., Selen., Sep., Sil and Sulph. On the other hand the remedies for sea-sickness, from motion in a ship, are pretty much confined to Ars., Cocc, Colch., Ferr., Hyos., Opium, Petr., Sil and Tabac, although the motion of rocking which seems to nearly related to the above, corresponds only to Borax and Carbo veg. It may here be mentioned as something remarkable that some symptoms are relieved by driving in a wagon, and in such cases Ars., Graph., Nit. acid or Phos., are most likely to be indicated.
As regards riding (on horseback) the totality of the symptoms in those persons with whom this exercise does not agree, will generally be found to be of such a character that Graph., Nat. carb., Sep., Spig. or Sulph. acid, are among the remedies best indicated. In this connection, as above, we note a singular circumstance, viz.: that cases of exceedingly painful, inflamed and protruding haemorrhoids sometimes present themselves, in which, contrary to all analogy and to all reasonable expectation, riding (on horseback) affords the greatest relief. In such cases as these a single very small dose of a high potency of Kali carb. is generally sufficient to cure the disease rapidly and permanently.
Just as change of position may, through the aggravation of symptoms, furnish a useful indication for several remedies, most strikingly, for Caps., Carbo veg., Con., Euphorb., Lach., Lyc, Phos., Puls. and Samb., so it may also happen that it alleviates the symptoms. This affords a very characteristic indication for Cham., Ign., Phos. acid, Valer. or Zinc.
Turning over in bed is also a motion which produces more or less of aggravation under several remedies, and may therefore serve as an indication. It is most marked under Acon., Ars., Borax, Bry., Cann., Caps., Carbo veg., Con., Ferr., Hepar., Lyc, Nat. mur., Nux vom., Puls., Rhus tox., Sil., Staph. and Sulph. Closely related to this is the motion of looking around, although as regards aggravation it is as yet noted only of Calc, Cicuta vir., Con., Ipec. and Kali.
In addition to the above-named varieties of motion there are many others, which however we may pass by here the rather because they affect often only isolated portions of the body, a fact which constitutes in itself something of an individual characteristic and which therefore gives to the motion associated with it a somewhat subordinate rank. Among the number, are, for example, respiration, inspiration as well as expiration, swallowing, whether only of saliva, or empty swallowing, or also swallowing of food or drink; sneezing, yawning, coughing, speaking, writing, etc. Respecting all of these conditions, in so far as they exercise an influence upon the aggravation or amelioration of symptoms, our Materia Medica Pura contains a large quantity of observations which were first obtained by provings upon the healthy and then verified by administration to the sick. They have therefore sustained a double test, a priori and a posteriori, and they deserve just as much consideration, in the search for the most complete and perfect simile, as any other symptoms that have been discovered and verified in the same way. If at the present day this consideration is not commonly accorded, if, indeed attention is chiefly fixed on the pathological, the general symptoms, while the concomitant symptoms, which for the most part are very characteristic, are correspondingly neglected, assuredly such laxity and incompleteness in the application of our fundamental principle are utterly inexcusable and it is not; to be wondered at that even “experiments on the sick,” to their great injury should be ever on the increase, while pure experiment is growing less and less frequent.
Thus much, for the present, I have felt constrained to say respecting the influence of motion and its varieties upon the phenomena of disease and respecting, consequently, the importance of regarding them and finding their correspondence in the drug symptoms in order to show to what extent and with what critical discrimination we are to avail ourselves of them. At the same time, what has been written will demonstrate, with what industry in a period of fifty years (the first volume of Materia Medica Pura of 243 pages, appeared in 1811, the third edition of the same volume with 504 pages in 1830) our therapeutic edifice has been extended, while every duly verified new observation or discovery finds always therein its appropriate place and must contribute to the further extension and completeness of the whole.
All that needs to be said concerning the influence of rest upon the aggravation of symptoms, may be done with considerable brevity, for essentially it consist in the converse of what has been already said.
One variety of rest, however, demands a brief consideration and all the more, because in the first place it affords for many internal and external diseases a truly indispensable characteristic, and in the second place because it must astonish every experienced Homoeopathist to see, as he reads the more recent descriptions of clinical cases, that many practitioners appear to leave it altogether out of account. I mean rest in the recumbent position.
I pass by simple lying, which is merely rest in contradistinction to motion, and also lying in bed and propose to consider the different recumbent positions, which are the points of greatest interest in this connection.
First under this head comes aggravation from lying outstretched in contradistinction to lying crooked or in a curved position. For aggravation in the former posture, Cham., Colch., Coloc., Platina, Puls., Rheum, Rhus  and Staph. are most likely to be appropriate. For aggravation in the latter, most frequently Hyos., Lyc, Spong., Teucr. and Valer.
Aggravation from lying with the head low indicates other remedies again, among which are Ant. tart., Arg., Ars., Caps., Chin., Colch., Hepar., Lach., Nit., Puls, and Spig. If in addition the horizontal position is most tolerable to the patient, then Apis, Arn, Bell. and Spong. may be added to the above.
But still more important than these, are the recumbent positions upon the back and upon the sides.
If lying upon the back aggravates, this indicates especially Amm. mur., Ars., Caust., Cham., Chin., Coloc., Cup., Cycl., Iod., Nitr., Nux vom., Phos., Plumb., Rhus., Sep., Sil. or Spig. When, on the contrary this position affords relief, the most suitable remedy will generally be found among Acon., Anac., Bry., Calc.., Carbo. an., Kali carb., Lyc, Merc., Puls., Seneg., Stann. or Thuja.
Aggravation from lying on the side requires in general Acon., Anac., Bry., Calc., Carbo. an., Kali carb., Lyc, Phos., Puls., Stann., Sulph. and Thuja. But under this head there are two varieties which are of very great importance, viz.:
1. The aggravation may be produced by lying upon the right or upon the left side; or,
2. It may be produced by lying on the painful side or on the side which is not the seat of pain.
If we disregard these distinctions we grope about in the dark in treating many affections of the head, chest, abdomen and limbs, and we fail to select the correct and successful remedy until we have long sought it and experimented in vain, whereas we might easily have found it at the outset had we paid attention to the distinctions above indicated.
The following remedies correspond to aggravation produced by lying upon the right side; Amm. m., Borax, Caust, Mag. mur., Merc., Nux vom. and Spong.; by lying on the left side, Acon., Amm. c., Baryt., Bry., Colch., Ipec., Nat. carb., Nat. mur., Petr., Phos., Puls., Sep., Sil., Sulph. and Thuja. But when this condition comes into collision with the following one, the preference is always to be given to the latter.
The most important distinction and one of which we may the most frequently avail ourselves in practice is that between aggravation produced by lying on the painful side, and that produced by lying on the painless side.
In the former case the chief remedies are: Acon., Amm. c., Ars., Baryt., Calad., Cycl., Dros., Graph., Hepar., Iod., Lach., Lyc, Magn. c., Magn. m., Mosch., Nitr. acid, Nux mh., Nux v., Par., Phos., Ph. ac, Rheum, Ruta, Sabad., Selen., Sil., Spong., Staph. and Thuja.
On the other hand, aggravation when lying on the side which is not the painful one occurs uniformly under the following remedies; Ambra, Arn., Bry., Calc., Cann., Caust., Cham., Coloc., Fluor. acid, Ign., Kali carb., Puls., Rhus , Secale, Sep., Stann. and Viola tr.
All of these indications are so trustworthy and have been verified by such manifold experience that there are hardly any others which can equal them in rank, to say nothing of surpassing them. But the most valuable fact respecting them is this: that this characteristic is not confined to one or another symptom, but like a red thread it runs through all the morbid symptoms of a given remedy which are associated with any kind of pain whatever or even with a sensation of discomfort, and hence it is available for both internal and external symptoms of the most various character.
It is really a matter of surprise and wonder that an element so obvious and so very valuable for the appropriate selection of a remedy should have remained so entirely unheeded in many of the most recent details of cases so carefully drawn up in other respects and that instead of these, the results of auscultation and percussion should be recorded with the utmost exactness, notwithstanding the fact that the symptoms of our old and well-tried pure Materia Medica contain nothing whatever relating to these, then unknown methods of observation and that, consequently, they are almost worthless as items on which to base the choice of the remedy.
If the conscientious homoeopathic physician is more intent on curing his patient as speedily and as safely as possible, than on making a parade before him and astonishing him by a display of scientific accomplishments, he will, at least, first, seek out in the case those, I had almost called them therapeutic-pathological, characteristic symptoms by which he may make sure his choice of the remedy; and not until he has done this, will he seek to make available the general physiologico-pathological phenomena, for these, at least, can then do no mischief. And if he desires, in a laudable manner, to prepare the way for a future useful application of the stethoscope and the pleximeter, let him seek to bring the results of the employment of these new implements into relation with the above-mentioned old and verified symptoms, in such wise that both united may be employed in making the cure even more certain and precise than before.
He, however, who does not go to work in this fashion, but in contradiction of section 153 of the Organon, pursues his way over the barren waste of a pathology without characteristic, should as little expect to be recognized as a true homoeopathic physician as those others who in opposition to section 245, et sequa. of the Organon, by their, to say the least, unnecessary administration of massive doses, give our adversaries occasion to declare (as in the Allg. Preuss. Med. Zeit., 1861, and not altogether without reason) that the distinction between allopathic and homoeopathic remedies no longer exists, and to deduce from this the futility of the claim on the part of physicians to the liberty of dispensing their own remedies, since in fact the necessity for this liberty is denied to exist.
 If any one, whoever he may be, has the audacity to proclaim to the world, that Hahnemann himself, towards the end of his life, returned to the use of massive doses and only maintained an outside semblance of adherence to his potentization theory, from unworthy motives, such a man is nothing but a common slanderer, unworthy of respect and credit at the hands of any honorable man, whether Allopath or Homoeopath, and he will be nailed to the pillory as a malignant liar by the publication, which we may very soon expect, of original matter from our great master’s own journals. 

Published in the American Homoeopathic review by Dr. Dunham.

Read Part 1

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