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Sep 29, 2013


 Homoeopathic Recorder
Vol. XX, Lancaster, Pa., January, 1905  No. 1

By Dr. Mossa, Stuttgart
Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder from Allg. Hon. Zeit.
Edited By Dr. Vandana Patni
A servant girl, twenty-nine years of age, had suffered much 
ever since her ninth year from rheumatism. This pain roved 
about in all the joints, sometimes in the fingers which are red and 
swollen, then again in the shoulders or the loins. She cannot 
sleep at night. The joints are stiff and sore and hard to move. 
The mother-tincture of Gnaphalium, ten drops a week, continued 
for two months, brought remarkable relief. In the course of two 
months she was freed from all pains, except a slight aching in the 
back (Cartier). Gnaphalium is generally most useful in non- 
inflammatory rheumatism, and still more in nervous rheumatism 
and in gouty myalgia. 
Kalmia Latifolia
A school boy, ten years of age, had an attack of rheumatic fever, 
lasting thirteen days. Acute pains in the shoulder-joints and in 
the upper arm, jumping from one side to the other; penetrating 
lancinations in the cardiac region, worse at night; thirst for large 
quantities of water; great restlessness. Pains darting through 
the intercostal muscles in the left side, worse while breathing; 
the tongue, red in the middle, with a red triangular spot on the 
tip; the joints neither reddened nor swollen. Temperature higher, 
respiration 48-60 ; the cardiac pains worst while lying down. The 
boy had had a similar attack the year before, which had been less 
painful, indeed, but which under allopathic treatment had lasted 
six weeks and a half, and had left behind a deficiency of the 
valves. On giving him Kalmia latifolia the pain disappeared in 
two days. 
This remedy is according to J. H. Allen most effective in rheu- 
matism after gonorrhoea, especially when the small joints are 
affected. The gonorrhoea in such cases has often been quickly 
repressed. Whenever in rheumatism the joints, especially those 
of the fingers and toes, or the knee joint, are swollen, we should 
think of Medorrhinum; for there is usually a specific infection pres- 
ent. This remedy has cured gouty exudations, extending to the 
whole of the body. The patients in such cases have hardly any 
use of the joints affected (similarly as Rhus in muscular rheuma- 
tism). It is worse in cold weather, better when it is warm.
Winter is always the worst season with such patients, especially 
when it is cold and moist. They complain of heaviness of the 
limbs while walking, as if the limbs would refuse their service. 
In Arthritis deformans, this crux for patients and physicians, 
Dr. Bonino has found the best results from a weekly alternation 
of Causticum and Thuja. In pronounced gout Urtica urens has 
been most serviceable. 

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