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Sep 15, 2013


Article originally published in "The American Homoeopathic Review, Vol IV, New York, January, 1863. No. 7 & 8"



Allg. Horn. Zeitung, 65, 18.

Part 1

If we attentively read and study the long series of symptoms of the thoroughly proved remedies, we find therein, without giving them any forced significance, the material for a great number of the most various diseases. Almost all remedies exhibit in common this abundance of symptoms and it is repeated alike in the oldest and the newest provings. Only now and then does one come across one or another symptom, which occurs under only one or only a few remedies, but this is rarely sufficient of itself alone to completely characterize a morbid affection, still less a (generic) disease.
From these facts, of which every one may convince himself with his own eyes, it is easily comprehensible that besides the strictly morbid phenomena and sensations, still other items than the Physiological and Pathological indications must be taken into account, if we would be in a condition to make a correct choice of a remedy in any concrete case.
But these items are to be found, directly and especially, in the individual peculiarities as well of the disease as of the remedies; and the important problem is, to investigate and comprehend both with the utmost possible precision and to bring them into relation with each other so as to satisfy with the necessary perfectness the fundamental principle “Similia Similibus.”
With what comprehensiveness the founder of the homoeopathic school and his early immediate pupils, recognized and met this necessity, appears most clearly from their writing. But many younger Homoeopathists appear not to have thoroughly understood the importance and necessity of this part of Therapeutics, but instead thereof, seem to lay a preponderating weight upon general Physiology and Pathology which in recent times have made such wonderful growth, sciences which teach indeed to recognize the disease with certainty but not to cure it. It needs only to compare the more recent records of clinical cases, even those which are published as model cases, with the earlier ones, to show that my assertions are just.
It would require too much space were I to attempt to delineate, even with the greatest possible brevity, all the peculiarities of the Homoeopathic Therapeutics, in which it differs from the Allopathic and to which strict regard must be paid in its practical application. But it may not be superfluous to touch, by way of illustration upon one point, of which for the most part no notice is taken by the Allopaths, for the reason that they do not understand how to make it available, but which is by us brought into constant use, inasmuch as it manifests a great influence upon internal and external symptoms, and hence demands the greatest consideration as a necessary constituent of the Simile. I mean the influence of Motion and Rest upon the aggravation of symptoms.
The occurrence or aggravation of (internal as well as external) symptoms, by motion of the whole body, or only of the part affected, in contradistinction to repose, is without doubt known in a general way to every Homoeopathist. No one would, for example, blindly give Bryonia in a so-called Nervous fever if the patient kept constantly tossing about and could find no rest on account of pains in the limbs which were relieved only by motion; neither would he give Rhus, in a disease going by the same pathological name if every motion, however trivial, aggravated to an intolerable degree the pains in the limbs and if the pains were only relieved by absolute repose.
It would, however, be a great mistake to suppose that with these general designations, Motion and Rest, the subject is exhausted. In this very particular it is most evident, as in like manner with regard to many other influencing circumstances, with what sharpness and precision the examination of the patient must be made, if we would select the remedy with as much certainty as that with which we desire to cure the disease. The following pages are devoted to a closer consideration of Motion and Rest such as has been alluded to. They are the fruit of careful experiment and observation for many years, and as such I venture to commend them to my younger colleagues.
When a patient, in reply to a question put to him, simply replies, "Motion aggravates;" this may be understood in a threefold sense. The aggravation, namely, may take place, first, on beginning to move, second, during continued motion and third immediately after motion. These are clearly important distinctions which are want to be predicated of motion and to be specified as legitimate sequences of it, but each of which has special relation to its own peculiar group of remedies.
When, for example, the aggravation takes place only at the beginning of motion, but diminishes gradually as the motion is continued, then Caps., Carbo veg., Caust., Con., Euphorb., Ferrum, Fluor. acid, Lyc, Puls., Rhus tox., Sabad., Samb., and Silicea are most frequently indicated. When, on the other hand, the aggravation occurs during motion and is increased by continuance of the motion, our first choice will fall upon Bell., Bry., Cocc, Colch., Ledum., Nux vom., etc. When however the aggravation occurs immediately after motion, that is, in the period of repose which immediately follows motion, still other remedies are to be preferred, such as Agairicus, Anac., Arsen., Cannabis, Hyoscyam, Kali carb., Puls., Rhus tox., Ruta, Sepia, Spong., Stann., Stram.,, Valer. and Zinc.
Important as it is to notice the above distinctions yet in many cases even this is not sufficient. There exist in reference to motion and rest still other points which require equally to be observed inasmuch as they correspond, like the foregoing to the individual genius of the different remedies.
First, it makes an important difference whether the motion is violent, involving much bodily exertion, in which case, while observing the distinctions previously defined, preference is to be given to Acon., Arn, Ars., Bry., Calc., Cann., Lyc, Nux vom., Rhus, Ruta, Sil. and Sulph.
If, further, there has been, in conjunction with the motion, considerable overheating, the choice will fall especially among Acon., Ant.crud., Bell., Bry., Camphora, Carbo veg., Dig., Kali, Opium, Phos., Sep., Sil., Thuja and Zinc. What might be said of the same character respecting taking cold (simultaneously with and immediately after motion) either in the entire body or in isolated parts, whether from getting wet through, or from some other causes—circumstances which might sometimes require the selection of still other remedies —this we must omit for lack of space.
It is necessary however to state, briefly, that the hind and manner of the motion likewise furnish their peculiar indications. Thus for aggravation from assuming the erect position, we have Acon., Bell., Bry., Ign., Nux vom., Opium, Rhus., Staph. and Sulph., while to aggravation from stooping, the following more frequently correspond: Alum., Ammon. carb., Arn., Calc., Lach., Sang., Sep., Spig., Thuja and Val.; although the desired favorable result may be wrought by still other remedies especially by such as produce alternate effects, when they correspond homoeopathically in respect of other symptoms.
The same is true of aggravation on rising from a sitting posture which requires especially Aconite, Apis, Caps., Conium., Fluor. acid, Lyc, Phos., Puls., Rhus tox., Spig.; and rising from the recumbent posture (from the bed) which calls for Apis, Bry., Carbo veg., Conium, Lach., Sulph. acid.
As a matter of course, under these heads, the beginning of motion is involved in assuming the upright posture; and in rising (from the bed) is involved also the aggravation of symptoms after sleep and thus still other remedies may come under consideration.
Furthermore it is to be observed whether the aggravation of symptoms takes place during or after the rising from a sitting or a recumbent posture, because in these cases, as has been before remarked of motion in general, different remedies compete for a preference.
The kind of motions must be carefully noticed; aggravation from extending the part affected is a verified indication for Alum., Calc, Coloc, Rhus tox., Sep., Staph., Sulph. and Thuja. And aggravation from flexing or turning it, for Ammon. mur., Cicuta vir., Ign., Kali, Lyc, Nux vom., Puls., Spig. and Spongia. The direction in which the motion of flexion is executed makes an important difference. If outward, Caps. and Caust. are preferable; if inward, Ignatia and Staphysagria; if backward, Calc., Kali, Puls., Sepia, and Sulph.; if sidewise, Bell., Natr. mur.; if forwards, Coffea and Thuja; or finally, if the part be retained in the flexed position, Hyos., Spong. and Valer. Under the head of Extension, belong also stretching and twisting for which likewise certain remedies are especially indicated, viz.: Amm. carb., Ran. bulb. and Rhus tox., as well as drawing up a limb, which frequently indicates Ant. tart., Rhus tox. and Secale cor.
Under this general head come also aggravations from lifting the limb affected, for which Arn., Baryta, Bell., Fer., Kali, Ledum, Rhus tox. and Sil. are indicated; and in particular from straining, for which Am., Bor., Bry., Calc, Cocc, Graph., Ign., Lyc, Natr. carb., Nux vom., Phos. acid, Rhus tox., Sep., Sil. and Sulph. stand in the first rank as remedies.
If walking in general is to be included under the head of motion, then the distinctions above specified of motion will apply to walking and aggravations occurring on beginning to walk, by continued walking and on ceasing to walk will have a corresponding therapeutic value. But there are certain additional varieties which furnish special indications by reason of their connection with certain accessory circumstances. For example, walking in the open air gives rise to aggravation of a great number of symptoms and hence serves as indication for a large number of remedies, but especially for the following: Anac, Bell., Carbo veg., Cocc, Colch., Con., Fluor acid, Hepar, Nux vom., Phos. acid, Selen., Spig. and Sulph.
But even this is far from exhausting our therapeutic store. The additional question arises, whether this aggravation on walking in the open air occurs in a damp atmosphere or in
rainy weather, in which case Amm. carb., Calc., Colch., Dulc., Fluor, acid, Lach., Lyc, Nux mosch., Rhus t., Sulph., or Verat., are usually indicated; or whether it take place in
dry weather, in which event Asar., Bell., Bry., Caust., Hep., Nux vom. and Puls, are especially indicated. Moreover special indications are furnished—by aggravation from exposure to the hot sun—for Ant. crud., Bell., Bry., Lach., Natr. carb., Puls., Selen. and Valer; from exposure to the air just before a thunderstorm, for Agar., Natr. carb., Phos., Rhod., and Sil.; from exposure to snowy air, for Calc., Con., Lyc., Phos., Phos. acid, Puls., Rhus tox., Sep., Sil., Sulph.; and from exposure to fog, for Bry., Cham., China, Mang., Nux mosch., Rhod., Rhus tox., Sep., Sulph. and Verat. Under this head belongs also walking in the wind; and Ars., Asar., Bell., Calc., Cham., China, Euphras., Graph., Lach., Lyc., Nux vom., Phos., Puls., Rhus tox., Spig. and Thuja are especially indicated where aggravation occurs from walking in a strong wind.
Besides the preceding conditions which exert an influence in a therapeutic point of view upon the motion of walking, there are several others which sometimes accompany isolated symptoms and furnish indications that are all the more useful because in such cases leading concomitants are often altogether lacking. Such are, for example, under vertigo, the aggravation by walking over a narrow bridge, which indicates Baryt., Ferr. and Sulph.; or upon or over water, which indicates Ang., Ferr. and Sulph. The same is true of pains in the soles of the feet, aggravated by walking upon a hard  floor or upon a cement-walk, a condition which calls for Ant. crud., Ars., Con. and Hepar.

But motion upwards or downwards requires also very particular consideration. For motion upwards (ascending, going upstairs) among many other remedies, Arn., Ars., Bry., Cup., Nux vom., Senega, Sep., Spig., and Spong. are most prominent, while for motion downwards (descending, going downstairs) Arg., Con., Ferr., Lyc, Rhod., Ruta, Sabina and Verat. have in many cases proved to be indicated.

Continue in Part 2

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