(Page No. 559 – 563)
Edited By: Dr Ravinder S. Mann
Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder from “Willst du Gesund
weren ?”
There are in homoeopathic practice states of disease, the
symptoms of which viewed in their completeness, point to a
single remedy of the homoeopathic treasury of medicines, so
that when rightly applied the said disease can be thereby fully
extinguished. But not less numerous are the cases in which a
single remedy carries us only to a certain point; then changes
appear or symptoms still remain which point to another remedy;
and the time for its application has come, when the improvement
makes no further progress. In this case, however, it is
by no means indifferent what remedy is elected to follow immediately
after the other, for experience shows us that there are
some remedies which are especially adapted to complement one
another's action, while there are others which mutually repel
each other. There is not at the present time any satisfactory
explanation of this phenomenon which, however, rests on experience
and observation.
We also frequently find in homoeopathic practice that simultaneously
two remedies are prescribed by some physicians to be
used in alternation. This mode of treatment, which is especially
frequent in acute diseases, but also used in chronic cases, is not,
indeed, in agreement with the method of our master, Hahnemann,
who directed that only one remedy should be used, yet
the choice of two remedies may be perfectly justified even from
the homoeopathic standpoint; for there are states of disease
which point to different remedies, not only by some of their
secondary symptoms, but even by their fundamental character.
The latter is, indeed, very rarely the case, and we find more
frequent instances where alternating remedies are prescribed, not
from necessity, but with a well meant intention of hastening
the cure. And this result may, indeed, be hastened by the use
of alternating remedies, when these remedies are mutually concordant
and supplementary. But the use of alternating remedies
has also its drawbacks, which appear when one of the remedies
is unsuitable and not adopted to the special case, so that its influence
instead of furthering the cure only serves to obstruct the
action of the other remedy. On this account we ought from
principle to continue our observance of Hahnemann's doctrine,
that only one remedy should be brought into action at one time.
The image presented by the provings were obtained and continue
to be so from the use of one single remedy at a time on a
healthy person. But these results only obtain their full value
when they are confirmed by practice, and for this it is necessary
that the respective remedies should be prescribed singly. The
more frequently a remedy has thus been “confirm” under
certain circumstances the greater will be the confidence of the
practitioner in its virtue and the more easy will it then be possible
for him to associate with it another remedy in consequence
of the experience he has gained. By this the practitioner also
is led to see that there are remedies which serve specially to
complement one another.
As an example of this I would here mention Silicea,
Calcarea fluor., which gives splendid results in caries of the
bones. We may further refer to Sulphur and Mercurius, which,
when used alternately, are very effective in the cure both in
humid and in dry herpetic eruptions. I have had much experience
in the latter disease, so that I may say that in the course of
years these two remedies have been of the greatest service to me
in many herpetic cutaneous ailments ; I have used them in the 30, 12
and 6 potencies. Usually these remedies were given alternately,
every 4 or 6 days, one dose of one or the other. In humid eruptions,
with an inflamed basis with violent itching, of which we find
especially many cases with children, I have found these two
remedies effective with hardly an exception. When such eruptions
come to suppurate Hepar sulphuris is to be preferred; still
remedies like Graphites and Juglans cinera, etc., may still be
considered, especially when the success of the former remedies
has not been decisive and permanent; but Sulphur and Mercurius
are always the chief remedies and will continue to be so.
Of course the treatment of a chronic cutaneous disease will always
require months.
Two additional remedies, which are mutually concordant and
supplementary, are Arsenicum and Carbo vegetabilis in chronic
ulcers on the legs. These remedies are indicated when dilatation
of the veins lies at the bottom of the disease, and this is well
known to be the case in most instances of this ailment. They
are indicated in cases where the process is inert for a long time,
and where the secretions from the ulcer is slight in quantity and
perhaps occasionally sanguineous, and where there are burning
pains, occasionally also stinging pains, while there is no intermission,
even at night.
Arsenicum and Carbo veg. are given in herpes somewhat more
frequently than Sulphur and Mercurius. We may also give for
two days three doses a day of one remedy and then, after a pause
of one or two days, give the other remedy in the same manner.
It is certain that chronic ulcers on the legs are improved and
cured in this manner without necessitating a cessation of the
usual employment. The remedies mentioned last I have preferably
used in the 12 potency, also in the 30, but rarely in the 6. Instead
of Carbo veg. it may also become necessary to use Lachesis, when
the limb affected is much disfigured by considerable swellings and
the parts around the ulcer have a bluish-black appearance.
Two other remedies which also supplement one another's
action remarkably well are Calcarea carb. and Nux vom. when
the catamenia appear too early and are too profuse. This
ailment may also be caused by a certain weakness, and is not
always due to change of position, ulcers, etc. In such cases,
Nux vom. and Calcarea carb. in the 30 and 12 potencies, one dose
every third day, prove very curative. Even in cases where female
physicians had operated on the patient, and where the irregularity,
according to their statement, was due to a thickening of the mucous
membrane, I have been able to effect a cure through the two remedies,
demonstrating that modern surgery is not always
the last sheet-anchor for suffering patients. In these cases also it is,
however, necessary to continue the treatment for several months.
I do not mean to be understood that in the above-mentioned
diseases only the two remedies there mentioned ought to be used.
I myself have, indeed, learned to know and value these remedies
by very many observations, but another practitioner may also
discover other remedies which used together may not be less
effective. I have only desired to make a small contribution to the
doctrine of alternative medicines, and perhaps assist one
or another practitioner to a certain success in similar cases.
The following from the Medical Advance gives a good idea of the
nature of the recently published Gross' Comparative Materia Medica:
The first edition appeared in 1866, and for many years this
splendid volume, upon which the author spent so many years of
hard labor, has not been obtainable. If our practitioners will use
this work in comparing the action of two remedies, the symptoms
of which are opposite or more or less similar, they will have very
little excuse for alternating remedies. Here are about 500 com-
parisons of 100 of our most frequently called for remedies, and a
little work will yield an abundant harvest in the brilliant cures which
follow the carefully selected simillimum. Never before has the student
of Materia Medica had such an opportunity to become familiar with
the essence of his armamentarium as is here offered. A study of these
comparisons will speedily remove the erroneous impression
of the student in the similarity of drug pathogeneses, for the complaint
is frequently made that the symptoms are nearly the same in every drug.
On the contrary, after a study of Gross, the question more frequently
asked will be, “Where is the similarity?” It would certainly be difficult
to find the similarity in the following remedies so often given in
alternation by those who believe in and practice poly-pharmacy:
Inclination for open air Aversion to open air.
Hot and painful swelling of Painless swelling of glands.
Eruptions more humid than Eruptions mostly dry.
Heat on suffering part. Sweat on suffering part.
Taciturnity. Loquacity.
Mood gentle, distrustful. Mood Irritable, rarely amorous.
Mania from suppressed menses Mania from profuse menses
Catamenia too short and scanty. Catamenia protracted and profuse.
Worse from warmth of bed. Better from warmth of bed.
Better from pressure. Worse from pressure.
Mostly worse after sleep. Better after sleep; but worse when
"Frequent reference to this work will not only save much
valuable time in a sharp and clear-cut individualization of the
remedy, but it will often demonstrate that our examination of
the patient has from some cause been imperfect, something vital
has been overlooked by the physician or patient, and a new and
more complete examination must be made. Those who have
used this book most consider it almost indispensable when a life
depends upon the selection of the perfect remedy. A very
trifling change may often decide a momentous question. Be
sure you are right, then go ahead."
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