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Aug 15, 2014


Originally published in  "The Homeopathic Recorder, Vol. XXVI, Lancaster, Pa. 1911". 
Edited By: Dr Ravinder S. Mann

Dr. J. V. Mott, Amelia, O. (Ec. M. J., Jan.), writes of Sumbul 
in asthma which gives prompt results, almost as much so as 
morphine, without the danger. He gives big doses, a dram, 
in hot water, and “it is a horrible dose, but the patient is glad 
to take it for the expected relief.” “Continued in small doses, 
it will cure most cases of asthma, if the disease begins before 
middle life.” 
Dr. Simpson (Hom. World, Jan.) reports case of a married 
Woman, age 35, very much troubled with sudden, urgent desire 
to urinate, the urine often escaping involuntarily. “Over the 
region of the bladder a dull pain was mostly present,” worse by 
standing or walking; no mal-position. Equisetum hyemale 6 
effected a complete cure. 
Dr. B. C. Woodbury, Jr., Portsmouth, N. H. (N. Am. J. 
Hom. j February), reports a case of sciatica of twenty years 
standing, always worse in wet weather, entirely cured by Rhus 
tox. 200. 
A case of intercostal neuralgia following a bruise cured 
by Ranunculus bulb. 3X. 
Also, Silicea mariana 3X has proved itself of service in consti- 
pation, with inactivity of the rectum with receding stool (Silicea 
and Natrum mur.) . 
“Given a pain in the region of the kidneys, and I always think 
of Agrimonia as the remedy. In my practice I have seen wonder- 
ful results from it, in cases of months' and years' duration, and 
when everything had failed. I have found other uses for it, but 
this has been so prominent that I always associate the medicine 
and the position of the pain.” — Scadder. 
The Agrimonia here referred to is Agrimonia eupatoria. Used in 
small material doses. 
Among the old-timers it had great repute as a remedy for kidney 
and bladder diseases. There is no proving but it has been used 
by some Homoeopaths after the methods of Burnett. 
Dr. Ashley B. Palmer, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific Coast J. of Hom.), 
reports a case of anterior poliomyelitis in a baby aged under two 
years. Gelsemium in this case had a quick and favorable action, 
though he gave other remedies, Aethusa, Kali phos. and Helle- 
bore for certain symptoms,  “but, in the main, I am staying by 
Gelsemium, for I see a constant improvement”. 
For sudden, sharp pains in any part just recall Kali carb. 
 Dr. Royal E. S. Hayes, Farmington, Conn. (Med. Advance, 
January), says that “Nux vomica appears to be the ‘ineffectual 
Effort’ remedy.” “Ineffectual effort is a general characteristic,” 
with excitement, irritability, etc. 
Dr. G. W. Harvey, Millville, Cal. (Cal. Ec. Med. Jour., Febru- 
ary), finds that Bryonia is as sure a prophylactic in measles as 
Belladonna is in scarlet fever, Echinacea for diphtheria, Pulsa- 
tilla for whooping cough, and “malaria is prevented and the pa- 
tient made immune in any climate by Arsenicum iodide 3X.”
Dr. Truman Coates, Oxford, Pa., in a letter mentions the case 
of a man, deaf for years, who complained much of noises in his 
ears, indeed more of than that of the deafness. He received 
Thiosinamine 2x tablets, and in a week his whole condition was 
much improved ; the noises no longer bothered him, and he could 
hear better. Some bad weather threw him back, and he came 
back for more of the “same medicine.” 
A correspondent of the Homeopathic World, February, tells of 
a lady who suddenly “became stone deaf.” A London specialist 
pronounced the case to be hopeless, but under Pulsatilla nutall- 
iana her hearing was restored and has remained for eight months. 
The correspondent got the hint from Clarke's Materia Medica, 
who credits it to Burnett. 
According to Burnett, 5 drop doses of Chelidonium is about 
the best “liver medicine” going — if one may drop into the ver- 
Granatum has been reported as a remedy of use where persist- 
ent vertigo is the most marked feature of the case. 
In cases where there is great difficulty in retaining the urine, 
day and night, the first remedy to be thought of is Ferrum phos. 
It has given relief in many cases of inability to retain the urine. 

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