Originally Published in “The Torch of
Homeopathy”, January 1963, Vol V, No. 1.
Some practical hints from the experience
of the leaders
Homoeopathic Technique
T. K. Moore, M.D.
Observations of those
familiar with drugs effects on humans. Out of these part-truths will eventually
come truth itself.
It is impossible
to learn homoeopathy except from a master. (G.Miller)
Drugs are sick
making and sick curing and the sickness is the same.
The drug that can
affect certain life processes adversely can be used to stimulate the selfsame
life processes curatively. That is homoeopathy.
Matter processed
to finer and finer particles develops finally into energy and vice versa, the
physical is but concentrated energy.
The highly
potentized remedy like processed pitchblende (radium) continues to radiate
energy – year after year without perceptible loss. Homoeopathic remedies unused
for 20 or 30 years cure as readily as those freshly potentized.
Homoeopathy is
absolutely inconceivable without the most precise individualization.
The outstanding
is the key to follow, no matter how remote this symptom may be from the
indicating the curative remedy often lie outside those that make up the
pathology of the case.
central idea is fundamental that the further an outstanding symptom seems
removed from the ordinary course of disease the greater is that symptom’s value
in determining the remedy. ( Boger)
10. My inclination is
to believe that there is real healing in crude drugs and that their action is
homoeopathic, but as ordinarily used in continued application they have done
more harm than their occasional good.
11. The principle of
homoeopathy is applicable to any range of potency. (Boger)
12. After a remedy
has acted, repeating the remedy too soon is one of the greatest mistakes that
can be made. (Boger)
13. After a
prescription giving relief, do not give a remedy for any new symptom appearing
in a less vital part. (Lippe)
14. In chronic cases
do not repeat or change a remedy too soon. This statement needs to be repeated
a thousand times. (Sloan)
15. Minutes or hours
in acute; days, weeks or months in chronic. Never repeat while amelioration
holds. (Tyler)
16. Ultimates do not
indicate the remedy. In cancer the sharp pains, ulceration and anemia are
ultimates. Preceding symptoms must be found and on these the remedy selected.
Moving downwards
does not indicate progression but diminution of a disease. (Lippe)
18. Do not dip into
the chronic state when dealing with an acute condition and vice versa.
Do not commence
treatment of any chronic disease during an acute exacerbation. Prescribe for
the acute symptoms.
20. In treating a
chronic case, if an acute condition appears, unless it becomes dangerous or
thrown upon the screen some individualistic indication it should not be
interfered with.
21. If an acute
disease appears on top of a chronic, you must let the remedy work its way out.
I always use a
lower potency for acute conditions, the 2 c. if I have been using the 1 M or 9
M. (Roberts)
23. Why prescribe for
a part of a patient when you have the whole patient with you? The patient was
sick before the glands were. (Hayes)
24. There is no
better evidence of the good action of a remedy than mental improvement. ( Kent)
25. The
constitutional remedy is found by a series of symptoms absolutely new to that
patient. (Boger)
26. Prescribe for the
last symptom to open the case, follow with related remedy, if any.
27. In any
complicated chronic case, the recent symptoms are the deciding ones. Cure your
case in layers, the last layer first. (Woodburry)
28. If the general
state be ameliorated, whatever the state of local symptoms await the action of
the remedy. ( Jahr)
29. In acute cases one
must have a remedy of the highest rating in the outstanding symptom or
symptoms. (Dixon)
In acute
conditions it is often advisable to yield to the food cravings but in chronics
they must not be indulged. (G. Miller)
31. Vegetable diet
will increase susceptibility to our remedies. (Boger)
32. When a remedy is
indicated in a different type from its characteristic type, i.e., the type of
its best prover and those most easily relieved or cured by it often it is a
double indication. Sepia in a man, Pulsatilla in a NUX type(its opposite).
33. Keep on a
symptom. Don’t follow a remedy. ( Roberts)
34. It is my
experience that Puls. symptoms occur and are relieved by Puls. as often
indicated in Puls. type as in Nux. (Freeman)
35. The best provers
of Nux are dark wiry men; of Puls stout fair young women with pale skin and
blue eyes. (Roberts)
36. We all know that
proving in a remedy is evidence that it is not the simillimum. (Boger) Apparent
exception : Diphtheria epidemic. Those giving Bell in the morning had at 4 P.M. a violent fever, headache and drowsiness ending by 6
or 7 in sweat. All went on to recovery save when Acon. was given for these
37. Let us apply the
triangular test. If we find three important characteristic symptoms pointing to
one remedy, let us assure you that we can apply it with almost unerring
certainty. I have tested its application in hundreds of cases.
In a cure, the
original discharge may not come back at the original place but from some other
mucous membrane. (G. Miller)
If chronic
cutaneous eruptions disappear at last of themselves, dropsy or hectic fever is
to be apprehended.
Evil consequence
of artificial suppression of chronic cutaneous eruptions are proportionate to
the extent, intensity and duration of those eruptions, to the rapidity of their
suppression and to the state of internal health.
41. It is dangerous
to stop the diarrhoea of advanced phthisis, even by the indicated remedy. ( G.
42. The bond between
two miasms can be broken only by a prescription that will meet the totality of
the more active one. (J.H.Allen)
43. All infectious
diseases which form local affection of the skin
are internal diseases, the last disease of which is the local cutaneous
44. All maladies
which show skin eruptions are always present internally before showing local
symptoms externally. (Hahnemann’s Chronic Disease)
45. Local diseases do
not exist. What have been called so are localized morbid affections. (P.
46. A new remedy
should sustain a complementary relation to a former one, i.e., CAUST. and PHOS.
do not like to work after each other; CALC. is the natural chronic of the BELL; NATRUM MUR. of IGN.; APIS will not do well after
47. The complementary
remedy is always determined by the symptoms that arise. (Kent)
48. Don’t leave your
intercurrent too soon. It may be the curative remedy. (Gladwin)
49. To prescribe for
an aggravation is to fix the chronic condition on the patient. (Roberts)
50. The initial
aggravation may occur in chronics during the first eight or ten days.
Look for a clear
picture of the chronic following recovery from an acute condition. (Roberts)
52. Ultimately the
constitutional peculiarity is bound to reveal itself in form pointing to its
remedial counterpart. Nature calls for relief in her own language which it
behooves us to learn. Probably it is contained in the symptom picture but many
times we are forced to look for it elsewhere. (Boger)
53. If a remedy (Sil)
has the acute toxic symptoms and not the constitutional ones, it will subdue
the acute symptoms without doing any damage. But if the patient had weekly
headaches coming up the back of head, offensive foot sweats, sensitive to cold,
etc., even before the acute trouble, it would be a most dangerous remedy. (G.
No other symptom
is so pathognomic of psora as pruritis. ( J.H.Allen)
Many things can
interfere with the action of homeopathic drugs. First of all these must be
sought out and removed before even thinking of applying remedies.
56. A clear field is
necessary. All continuing causes must first be removed.
57. If the symptoms
for which a remedy is given are removed and a new symptom appears withhold the
hand if you wish the case to go on recovery. (Lippe)
58. It is doubtful if
there be any antidote to a high potency except the specific dynamic drug
59. The prodromal
symptoms have the key to the homoeopathic remedy. (Boger)
60. We have no long
action drugs. The action is immediate. Continued favourable condition depends
on the quality of the vital force and its harmonious action. (Roberts)
Pregnancy will
often bring out a latent malaria. It may not come until after delivery.
Regular medicine
is remiss in not following through effects of medicines on diseases continuing
after suppressive or other disruption of harmonious action of vital energy.
63. To hypersensitive
patients use low, medium potencies, at first anyhow. (Close)
64. In bad hearts,
high potency may give bad reaction. It may be necessary to use the tincture.
I have better
results from the millionth potency than I have from any other. (Boger)
66. Crude drug
effects are antidoted by the same drug in potency.
Crude substances
that act as irritants are best antidoted by the same or similar substances at
higher vibratory rate i.e., high potency, as in radium burns, Rhus Tox or
primrose poisioning.
68. The potency must
be changed if a given remedy is to be repeated. (Lippe)
69. Boenninghausen
usually repeated the 200th daily for two weeks.
In acute cases
Dr. Erastus Case usually gave four doses of the 2c. and waited. (Sloan)
71. A rare remedy in
a rubric is often the one.
72. When a nosode
comes out in repertorizing, use it with care. It invariably proves to be the
simillimum. (Hubbard)
In luetic
invalids, where remedies act but a few days and must be changed it always calls
for a nosode.
74. A well person
making a dose for proving, with the exception of a few sudden acting substances
(Glon., Camph. etc.) will not feel any disturbance before the third day
(Roberts). (How like the inoculation period of contagious disease or the
application of radium to a surface lesion).
75. In proving with
the potencies the latest symptoms have the greatest value in prescribing.
76. Repeat the dose
until an effect is produced, better or worse, then stop. (Case)
77. Always it is the
positive symptoms at the moment that demand a certain remedy. Negative symptoms
must not be allowed to call us off. (Tyler)
78. It is the
positive symptoms that decide the remedy. Negative symptoms are no use.
79. Absence of any
group of symptoms may or may not contraindicate a remedy, depending on the
degree. (Roberts)
80. Make no mistake
in homoeopathy – one is dealing with energy, real and powerful. As radium
emanations hold power for good or harm, so with potentized remedies. Unless
used with the technique of homoeopathic procedure, with law, good results are
not to be expected.
81. The simillimum
(Curative remedy) realizes reactive power strong enough to re-establish
harmony, which in turn is capable of sweeping away almost any morbid condition.
I believe that in
homoeopathy we are on the edge of something great belonging not to this
generation of mankind but to future ages. (Patrick)
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