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Dec 24, 2011

CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS -Some kinds of Paralysis, Chorea, and Epilepsy: By Dr. Th. Rueckert Case 1

 This case was published in "THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATHY VOL 23".

Some kinds of Paralysis, Chorea, and Epilepsy
By Dr. Th. Rueckert

Case 1 —S. M— a girl, aet. 22, came on the 2nd July, 1863, to ask my advice. She was bent forward, and walked with short and trailing steps. She is of feeble constitution, earthy, pale countenance, and complains of the following symptoms-

Since her 14th year she had suffered from frequent attacks of water-brash and vomiting of food. She generally vomited most of what she ate, but she could, soon after doing so, eat again. For the last six or seven weeks the vomiting has ceased, but in place of it she now complains of her back and legs. She has no particular pain in the back or sacrum, nor is any vertebra painful; she has only a paralytic weakness from the back into the legs. When she goes out to walk, she can get on for a little while, but then her strength fails her, the legs refuse to do their duty, and she must stop to rest. In this way she had with great difficulty crawled about three miles to see me. I made her walk about the room, which she did bent quite forward, she could not step out properly, it seemed as if her legs were quite stiff. She complains of no particular pains, nor is there any emaciation. It is always dim before her eyes; she cannot read more than a line. There is nothing abnormal visible in the eyes. For some time back she has every week had urinary tenesmus, the water comes away in drops. She has never been regularly menstruated, it only came on scantily; for a year she had none. She has often leucorrhoea of a bland description. Her digestion is better, the bowels regular. 

Prescription. 1 dose of Thuja, 30. 

20th July.—The urinary complaints were better the first week, the second they quite disappeared; the leucorrhoea is less. In back, sacrum, and legs, no alteration; the same stiffness when walking. 

4th August.—The catamenia have returned and kept on for three days; no urinary symptoms. In the back and sacrum there was occasional burning, less latterly. She has less difficulty in moving about the house, not much improvement in walking about the street. The skin of hands and arms is much chapped, the neck and arms are desquamating, and feel very rough. No prescription.

She presented herself again on the 9th November. She now complained of nothing except a slight want of sensibility of the skin of the legs, she walked with ease about the room, and she had been dancing all night.

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