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May 8, 2011

Signs In Homeopathy I

                                  Homeopathy and Homeopaths mainly talk about symptoms.For searching true, strange, uncommon and peculiar symptoms all the homeopaths go through long and minute details of the patient. "Totality of symptoms" is a main concept in remedy selection. We can not deny the true value of symptoms in a case well taken.
                                   Symptoms has their own well known value. But, can we sometimes think about signs? Can we prescribe medicines on basis of signs? May signs be equally important in prescribing Homeopathic remedy? 
                                   In our literature; either its Materia medica or repertory; their are numerous pages filled with signs ranging from chapter of Mind to Generals. But in practice seldom we use signs in prescribing medicines. But if careful interview is taken, signs can be more important in prescribing.
                                   Rubrics of few important signs:-

1. Answers:-
Answer, abrupt, short, to imaginary questions : Hyoscyamus
Answer, averse to: Chin.S., Colocynth, Manc., Nux V., Spongia
Answer, cannot return civil: Chammomila
Answer, confused: children- Baryta Mur.; in puerperal mania: Puls.
Answer, correctly, but at once becomes delirious again: Opium
Answer, difficulty with: Helleborus
Answers, hastily: Rhus, ; and evasively: Act.Rac.
Answers, imperiously: Lycopodium
Answers, incoherently: Val.
Answers, incorrectly: Bell., Hyosc., Nux V.; in heart disease: Opium,Phos., Stram., Ver.
Answers, does not know what he ought to say: Natrum Mur.
Answers, peevishly: Kali Ars.
Answers, quick, anxious and tremulous: Lyco.
Answers, rapidly: Lyss.
Answers, refuses to: Act.R., Agar., Camphor, Hyos., Phos., Sabadilla, Stramo., Sulphur, Ver. 
Answers, reluctantly: Conium, Rhus, Stannum, Vib.
Answers, repeats all questions before answering them: Zincum
Answers, short: Cicuta, Conium, Stannum; incomplete,but correct: Anacardium; quick: Sepia
Answers, slow: Ars. h., Hell., Kali. br., Merc.v., Phos., Zincum; but correctly: Rhus 

2. Brooding:-
Brooding, over one's condition: Acid Phos.
Brooding, over disappointed affection: cardiac weakness in, Acid Phos.
Brooding, over forbidden things: Plumb.
Brooding, over imaginary troubles: Ignatia
Brooding, constantly over loss of a child: Gels, Kali. br.
Brooding, in silence: Bell., Ver.
Brooding, sits: Stramonium

1. Hering's Guiding Symtpoms: C Hering
2. Reperoty of Hering's Guiding Symptoms: C.V.Kneer
3. Allen's Keynotes: H.C.Allen



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