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Jun 26, 2008

What is Homeopathy?

Brief Introduction To Homeopathy

Homeopathy has a complete theory and complex concepts of therapeutics. Basic law of homeopathy is its principal of simile. Few basic and very simple explanation of homeopathy are as follows:

(a) Homeopathy is a therapeutic method based on the application of the similia principle, utilizing medicinal substances that, in healthy subjects,produce effects that are similar to the symptoms being treated in ill subjects.

(b) When a healthy organism is perturbed by every physical, chemical, or biological stressor, it produces characteristic signs and symptoms; when caused by a drug, this is regarded as an expression of iatrogenic response or patho-physiological reaction (‘proving’ in the homeopathic medical system).

(c) The provings that describe the characteristic patterns of signs and symptoms, caused in healthy subjects by a number of mineral, vegetable and animal compounds, have been gathered during the past two centuries in the homeopathic ‘Materia Medica’.

(d) When threatened by natural disorder or disease, living organisms show signs and symptoms which are mainly the expression of the efforts to re-establish normal homeodynamics at cellular, tissue and systemic levels including the mind. In chronic conditions, the symptoms also reflect the failure of those efforts, the blockade of regulation system(s), and the pathological adaptation to the disease.

(e) Low doses or high dilutions of a substance which is capable of evoking certain symptoms in healthy subjects, when administered to subjects showing similar symptoms due to natural diseases, may evoke a specific and global secondary healing reaction, thus becoming a potentially effective therapeutic agent.

Homeopathic medicines promote patient's immune system to work strongly against disease process to maintain system's equilibrium again. Even in infectious diseases homeopathic medicines does not act directly against infectious organism. The dose of medicines is very low to work directly against any organism and that is the reason Homeopathic prescriptions are safest without any adverse effect even in children and pregnant women.

Homeopathy is different from all other system of medicines on its principal of individuality. Every patient either in state of health or in disease is different from other one, it means one person's Headache is different from others. Homeopathic medicines can not be prescribed on basis of diagnosis of a disease. All the patients of Migraine can not be prescribed same prescription. If a person get relief by pressure in pain and another person aggravated by pressure in pain,then these two patients would get different prescription in Homeopathy for same disease i.e. Migraine. This is individuality of a patient. Every patient is different from another.

Homeopathy has one more important principal of Totality. When a patient contact a Homeopath for any disease ,for an example Migraine,prescription is not only based on symptoms and signs related to Head. Sign and symptoms are living organism's expression of the effort to re-establish normal homeodynamics. In case of Migraine,these efforts are not only limited to head but all the system show different efforts to maintain normal functioning. So,sign and symptoms related to every system,organ,tissue, changes in behavior pattern, mental attitude are of equal importance. Homeopathic prescriptions are based on Patient's Totality and not merely on sign and symptoms of related disease only.

Homeopathic system of medicine is safest, efficient and accurate for any medical disorder.

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