Feb 25, 2011

Homeopathic Medicines for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

Some commonly indicated homeopathic medicines for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding are following.

1. Sepia:- Bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through vulva;must cross limbs to prevent protrusion or press against vulva.

Menses too late and scanty, irregular; exceptionally menses may be early and profuse; sharp clutching pains. Violent stitches upward in the vagina from uterus to umbilicus. Vagina painful, especially on coition.

Hot Flashes at menopause with weakness and perspiration.

Sepia patient dreads to alone, weeps when telling her complaint, irritable, very sad and Indifferent to those loved most.

2. Lachesis :- Lachesis has hemorrhagic tendency. Very important during the climacteric. Cannot bear anything tight anywhere.

Climacteric troubles, palpitation, flashes of heat, hemorrhages, vertex headache, fainting spells worse pressure of clothes.

Menses too short, too feeble; pains all relieved by the flow. Left ovary very painful and swollen, indurated.

Great loquacity.Jealous.

3. Phosphorus:- Hemorrhage from uterus between periods. Menses too early and scanty- not profuse but last too long.Weeps before menses.

Frequent and profuse hemorrhages from uterus caused by cancerous affection.

Weakness, blue circles around eyes and anxiety after menses.


4. Calcarea Carbonica:- Menses too early, too profuse, too long with vertigo, toothache and cold,damp feet. Least excitement causes hemorrhage from uterus.Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation.

Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhea.

Infertility with copious menses.

Increased menstruation about external genitals.

5. Pulsatilla:- Menses too late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted, changeable, intermittent.Menses suppressed from wet feet, nervous debility or anemia.

Chilliness, nausea, downward pressure, painful with intermittent menstrual flow.

Weeps when telling complaints, changeable, contradictory. Patient seeks the open air and always feel better there. Symptoms ever changing. Thirstless, peevish and chilly.

6. Ammonium Carb:- Menses too frequent, profuse, early, copious, clotted, black.Menses preceded by gripping colic, black and acrid blood.

Cholera like symptoms at the commencement of menstruation.

7.Lycopodium:- Menses too late, last too long, too profuse. Coition painful, dry vagina. Right ovarian pain. Discharge of blood from genitals during stool.

Melancholy; afraid to be alone.Little things annoy. Headstrong and haughty when sick.

8.Ambra Grisea:- Thin, scrawny women. Adapted to hysterical subjects. Anemic and sleepless. Weakness,coldness and numbness,usually of single parts, fingers, arms etc. Music aggravates symptoms.

Menses too early. Discharge of blood between periods, bleeding at every little accident. Profuse,bluish leucorrhea.

Itching of pudendum with soreness and swelling. Worse at night.

9.Arsenicum Album:- Arsenic is useful in persistent hemorrhages i.e. metrorrhagia or menorrhagia, of a low type depending upon some degeneration in the organ affected. Burning pains with hemorrhage.

Metrorrhagia of dark blood and increased sexual desire. Main affection in right ovary with marked burning, tensive pains and restlessness which is somewhat relieved by constantly moving the feet. Menstrual colic better from warm applications.

10. Belladona:- Menses are early,copious, bright red and attended with cramp-like tearing pain in the back, arms etc; throbbing headache; most intensely painful congestive dysmenorrhea; bearing down; cutting pain from behind forward or vice versa; menstrual flow offensive; lochia offensive. Uterine hemorrhage; blood pours out and feels hot; uterine hemorrhage with bearing down in the back.

11. Bovista:- Menses too early and profuse; worse at night. Diarrhea before and during menses. Cannot wear tight clothing around the waist. Traces of blood between menses. Soreness of pubis during menses. Metrorrhagia.

Leucorrhea acrid, thick, tough, greenish follows menses.

Uterine hemorrhage when the uterus is engorged, particularly when there is bleeding between menses from any little over-exertion. Here it is exactly like Ambra Grisea, but menstrual flow of Bovista occurs chiefly or only at night or early in the morning.

12. Cantharides:- Puerperal metritis with inflammation of bladder. Menses too early and too profuse; black swelling of vulva with irritation.

Constant discharge from uterus; worse false step. Burning pain in ovaries.

Retained placenta with painful urination.

13. Carbo Animalis:- Menses too early, frequent, long lasting, followed by great exhaustion, so weak can hardly speak. Menstrual flow only in morning. Burning in vagina and labia.

Cancer of uterus.

14. carbo Veg.:- Premature, too copious menses, pale blood. Continuous dark hemorrhage. Patient wants to be fanned, anemic, skin cool and bluish, pulse rapid and weak.

Burning pains across the sacrum and lower portion of the spine with hemorrhage.Carbo veg is torpid, sluggish.

15. Cinchona Officinalis:- Menses too early, profuse with pain. Leucorrhea bloody. Bleeding is dark and clotted. Hemorrhage is so profuse it produce condition of collapse, cool face, gasping for breath, patient demands to be fanned.

16. Erigeron Canadensis:- Hemorrhage from uterus with painful micturition. Profuse bright red blood. Pain in left ovary and hip.

Metrorrhagia with violent irritation of rectum and bladder; and prolapse of uterus. Menorrhagia. Bloody lochia returns after least motion, comes in gushes; between periods, leucorrhea with urinary irritation; pregnant women with “weak uterus”, a bloody discharge on slight exertion.

Erigeron is indicated in hemorrhages from uterus with painful urination. Hemorrhage comes in fits and starts; it comes with a sudden gush and then stops again.

17. Ferrum Metallicum:- Anemic women with fiery red face whose menses remit a day or two and then return.

Menses too early, too profuse, last too long; pale , watery. Sensitive vagina.

Discharge of long pieces from uterus.

Tendency to abortion. Prolapse of vagina.

Flow of bright red blood often mixed with coagula, associated with great deal of flushing.

18. Hamamelis Viriginica:- Menses dark, profuse, with soreness in abdomen. Bruised soreness of affected parts.Metrorrhagia occurring midway between menstrual periods. Inter menstrual pain.Vicarious menstruation.

Ovarian congestion with neuralgia; feel very sore.Uterine hemorrhage, bearing down pain in back.

Vagina very tender. Profuse leucorrhea. Vaginismus, ovaritis, soreness over whole abdomen.

The flow is dark and rather passive and there is a feeling of soreness in the affected area.

19.Ipecacuanha:- Hemorrhage bright red and profuse.

Uterine hemorrhage profuse, bright red, gushing with nausea. Pain from naval to uterus.

Menses too early and too profuse.

20. Millefolium:- Invaluable remedy for various types of hemorrhages; blood bright red.

Menses early, profuse, protracted. Hemorrhage bright red, fluid.

Millefolium is suited for a profuse, bright red flow , unattended with pain.

21.Nux Vomica:- Menses too early, lasts too long; always irregular, blood black with faint spells.

Prolpase of uterus. Dysmenorrea with pain in sacrum and constant urging to stool.

Metrorrhagia with sensation as if bowels wanted to move.

22. Sabina:- Menses bright red, clotted and worse from any motion. Hemorrhage is attended with pain extending from the pubes through to the sacrum and with pains in the legs. Uterine pains extend to thighs.

Discharge of blood between periods with sexual excitement.

Retained placenta; intense after pains.

Menorrhagia in women who aborted readily. Inflammation of ovaries and uterus after abortion.

Pain from sacrum to pubis and from below upwards shooting up in the vagina.

23. Sanguinaria Can:- Metrorrhagia occurring at the climacteric age. Bleeding is of bright red, clotted and frequently offensive. Metrorrhagia with flushes of heat and with sick headache.

24.Secale Cornutum:- Hemorrhages; continued oozing; thin, fetid, watery black blood. Whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat so all the Secale patients are better from cold.

Menses irregular, copious, dark; continuous oozing of watery blood until next period.

The flow of blood is passive; it is attended with tingling in the limbs.

Although the surface of the body is cold, the patient persistently expresses her desire to be uncovered.

25. Trillium Pendulum:- A general hemorrhagic medicine with great faintness and dizziness.

Uterine hemorrhage with sensation as though hips and back were falling to pieces; better by tight bandages.

Gushing of bright blood on least movement.

Metrorrhagia at climacteric. Hemorrhage from fibroids.

Prolapse with great bearing down.

Blood is bright red, profuse and is attended by a faint feeling in the epigastrium, pain in back, coldness of extremities, prostration and rapid, feeble pulse.

26. Ustilago Maydis:- Vicarious menstruation. Profuse menstruation after miscarriage; discharge of blood from slightest provocation; bright red; partly clotted.

Menorrhagia at climacteric.

Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Cervix bleed easily.

Ovaries burn, painful and swelled.

Uterine hemorrhage is partly fluid and partly clotted, bright red.

Read Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding


1. Clinical Materia Medica- E.A.Farrington

2. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory- W. Boericke

3. Homeopathic Drug Picture- M.L.Tyler

4. Allen’s Keynotes- H.C.Allen

Feb 22, 2011

Homeopathic Medicines For Urinary Tract Infection

 © Dr.R.S.Mann 2010

Homeopathic medicines are very effective, safe and curative in cases of Urinary Tract Infections. Medicines in homeopathy are selected very carefully on basis of symptoms, signs and modalities of every individual case. Following medicines are just few most common homeopathic medicines used to treat UTI. 

Do not consume any medicine without consulting a Homeopath. Mental concomitant symptoms before, during and after urination are given on another page.

Few other medicines which are listed by F. E. McCurtain, published in 1898 in The Critique "Notes on Cystitis".
Cantharides:- Constant urging to urinate, passing but a few drops at a time, urine mixed with blood. Drinking even a small quantities of water increases pain in bladder. Intolerable urging, before, during and after urination; violent pains in bladder.
Burning, cutting pains in urethra during micturition; violent tenesmus and strangury.
Burning and urging to urinate continuous after urination.The urine does not pass freely or copiously but dribbles away in hot, scalding, sometimes bloody with burning, cutting pains.
Cantharides is indicated in acute cystitis more frequently than any other homeopathic medicine.

Cannabis Sativa:- Urethra very sensitive to touch or pressure; cannot walk with legs close together, it hurts the urethra.
Pain extending from orifice of urethra backward, burning – biting, posteriorly more sticking while urinating.Tearing pain along urethra in a zigzag direction.
Cannabis sativa is very similar to cantharides in its urethral phenomena. It has same yellow, purulent discharge from the urethra but is more important when the discharge is thin and there is smarting and burning on urination. There seems to be more burning and smarting under cannabis sativa, while there is more tenesmus and cutting under cantharides. The glans penis is dark red and swollen. Chordee may be present. Cannabis sativa has drawing pain in the region of kidneys extending into the inguinal glands with anxious nauseous sensation in the epigastrium.

Equisetum Hyemale:- Severe dull pain in the bladder, as from distension , not ameliorate after urination.
Frequent and intolerable urging to urinate, with severe pain at close of urination.
Constant desire to urinate; large quantity of clear, watery urine but without amelioration.
Sharp, Cutting, Burning pain in urethra while urinating.
Equisetum acts very similarly to Cantharides on the kidneys and bladder. In Equisetum less escape of blood and less tenesmus of bladder than may be found under Cantharides. Urine is less scalding in Equisetum but there is an excess of mucus. The bladder is tender and sore with severe dull pain which is worse after urination.

Petroselinum:- Frequent, sudden and irresistible urging to urinate. Cannabis sativa, Cantharides and Mercurius all have the sudden urging to urinate but it is strongest under Petroselinum.
In the case of a child, he will be suddenly seized with the desire to urinate; if he cannot be gratified at once, he will jump up and down with pain.
Burning , tingling from perineum throughout whole urethra.
Intense biting, itching deep in urethra, must rub it with some rough article in urethra to ameliorate. Pain at root of penis or neck of bladder.

Capsicum:- Constriction, Burning and Smarting Sensation. Burning in bladder. Burning, Smarting after urination.
Strangury: tenesmus neck of bladder,urging to frequent and almost ineffectual urination.
Needle- stitches in forepart of urethra, when not urinating. Burning at the orifice of urethra before,during and after urination. 

Mercurius Sol. and Mercurius Corrosivus:- Tenesmus of baldder with intense burning in urethra. Urine hot, burning, scanty or suppressed, in drops with great pain; bloody, brown, brick-dust sediment; albuminous.
Great tenesmus of bladder and rectum at the same time. When the discharge becomes worse at night, green and purulent. More violent tenesmus, burning and swelling hence it is similar to Cantharides. Urethral meatus is very red.
Constant desire to urinate; indeed every ten minutes; but only a little passed.
Urine immediately after being passed very turbid and depositing a sediment; He passes much more urine then the liquid he has drunk.
Too frequent and too profuse urination.

Apis Mellifica:- Incontinence of urine, with great irritation of the parts; can scarcely retain the urine a moment and when passed scalds severely; frequent, painful, scanty, bloody urine.
Urine scanty, dark sediment like coffee grounds. Scanty urination with absence of thirst. 

Terebinthina:- The urine has the odor of violets.
Haematuria- blood thoroughly mixed with the urine; sediment like coffee grounds; cloudy, smoky, albuminous; profuse, dark or black, painless.
Violent burning and drawing pains in kidney, bladder and urethra.
Violent burning and cutting in bladder; tenesmus; sensitive hypogastrium; cystitis and retention from atony of fundus.
Strangury; spasmodic retention of urine. Urine rich in albumin and blood.

Sarsaparilla:- Severe almost unbearable pain at conclusion of urination.
Urine, bright and clear but irritating; scanty, slimy, flaky, sandy, copious, passed without sensation; deposits white sand.
Painful distension and tenderness in bladder; urine dribbles while sitting, standing, passes freely; air passes from urethra.
Sand in urine or on diaper; child screams before and while passing it.
Excruciating pains from right kidney downwards.

Staphisagria:- Urging to urinate, has to sit at urinal for hours; in young married women; after coition; after difficult labor; burning in urethra when not urinating; urging and pain after urinating in prostatic troubles of old men.
Burning or smarting in urethra when not micturating ; ceases while urine is passing.This is the most indicating medicine for Honeymoon Cystitis.

Ocimum Can :- May be employed in renal colic when there is considerable hemorrhage; when the urine not only has a brick red sediment as under Pareira brava, but contains considerable blood. It favors the right side.

Aconitum:- Frequently suits the incipiency of renal and cystic affections, which, unmodified, progress into Cantharides condition. The urging to urinate, the dysuria and hematuria are accompanied by an anxious restlessness and high fever altogether different from expression of Cantharides.

Chimaphila Umbellate:- Acute and chronic catarrh of urinary tract. Scanty urine and loaded with ropy, muco-purulent sediment. UTI  cases with prostatic enlargement.
Urging to urinate. Urine turbid, offensive, containing ropy or bloody mucus and depositing a copious sediment. Burning and scalding during micturition and straining afterward. Must strain before flow comes. Scanty urine. Acute prostatitis ,retention and feeling of a ball in perineum. Fluttering in region of kidney. Sugar in urine. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward.

Coccus Cacti:- Urging to urinate; brick red sediment. Urinary calculi, hematuria, urates and uric acid; lancinating pains from kidney to bladder. Deep colored, thick urine. Dysuria.

Uva Ursi:- Cystitis with bloody urine. Burning after the discharge of slimy urine. Pyelitis.
Frequent urging with severe spasms of bladder; burning and tearing pain. Urine contains blood, pus and much tenacious mucus with clots in large masses. Involuntary; green urine.
For Mental concomitant symptoms before, during and after urination click here .

1. Homeopathic Drug Pictures - M.L.Tyler
2. Allen’s Keynotes - H.C.Allen
3.Regional Leaders - E. B. Nash
4. Clinical Materia medica - E.A.Farrington
5. Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics- E.B.Nash
6. Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory- W. Boericke

Feb 19, 2011

Tears and Weeping: Some Important Medicines

Some important rubrics from our materia medica which may coexist with any of physical and mental disorders.

Torrents of tears if their personal sufferings are spoken off: Sepia

Unwilling streams of tears with nightly attacks of agony: Ammonium Carb

Tears stand in her eyes but cannot weep with sadness: Arsenic Met.

Involuntary weeping with sadness: Veratrum Album

Burning tears with lachrymose mood: Nux moschata

Weeps often: Cuprum Met

Much Disposed to weep: Lycopodium, Natum Mur, Ruta

Involuntarily weeping: Natrum Mur, Platina, Rhus Tox, Vertarum Album

Weeping with an old woman: Stramonium

Weeping attacks she can scarcely suppress: Sepia

Bursting into tears against her will: Alumina

Weeps even in the presence of strangers in the street: Carbo Veg

Irresistible propensity to weep: Aurum Met

Weep without a cause: Belladona, Graphites, Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Staphisagria, Sulphur, Viola odorata, Zincum Met

Weeps for nothing: Staphisagria

Does not know why weeps: Kali Carb, Rhus Tox

Abundant Tears: Crotalus

Must weep profusely: Hepar Sulf

Cannot cease weeping: Carbo Animalis

Weeps about trifles: Calcarea Ost, Causticum, Cocculus, Petroleum

Weeps about trifles and inconsolable: Stramonium

Children weep at the least cause: Nitric Acid

Slightest word makes her weep: Silicea

Weeps on even joyous, laughable things: Platina

Weeps if anyone looked at him: Natrum mur

Weeps when spoken to kindly, after gentle reproaches: Platina

Weeps when the least word said to him: Staphisagria

Weeps when anyone does the slightest thing contrary to him: Nux Vomica

Weeps when improper things are refused to him: Ignatia

Weeps at slight disagreeable things: Sulphur

Child cries when touched: Cina

Weeps when telling her symptoms: Pulsatilla

Violent weeping , thinking of death; very sad: Stramonium

Weeps from sad thoughts in the evening: Kali Carb

Anxiety ending with tears: Kali Carb, Lycopodium

Great anxiety ,impelled to weep: Natrum Mur

Weeping with anxiety and trembling: Carbo veg

Weeping with apprehension: Alumina

Weeps with despair: Lycopodium

Weeping aloud with vexation: Sabina

Weeps from anger: Belladona

Weeps when alone: Conium

Weeping and longing for death: Aurum Met

Weeps with dislike to work: Natrum Mur

Weeps after hallucinations: Dulcamara

Weeps with restlessness: Chamomilla


1. Clinical Materia medica: E.A.Farrington

2. Homeopathic Drug Pictures: M. L. Tyler

3. Allen’s Keynotes: H.C. Allen

4. Analytical Repertory of the Symptoms of the mind: C Hering

Feb 17, 2011

Symptoms: Better in company and Better when Alone with indicated Medicines.

In repertories, we mostly use rubrics Better in company as worse when alone and vice versa, But in real that is not always true. In following rubrics medicines are very different in each symptom.

Better in Company:-

The Sad and Depressed state better in Company: Bovista.

Sad, Solitary feeling better in company: Kali Carb.

Feel better from conversation : Eupatorium Perf.

The sad and depressed state is happy among people, likes company: Calc. Ac., Mezereum.

Desire to be in Company: Arsenic, Conium, Causticum, Elaps, Lycopodium, Mezereum, Sepia.

Dislike to Solitude:-

Did not want to be alone; great melancholy: Stramonium

Will not remain alone: Ranunculus Bulbosa

Dare not remain a moment alone: Sepia

Likes to have one beside him constantly: Drosera R.

Dreads being alone: Conium

Afraid to be left alone: Lycopodium

Frightened to be left alone: Kali Carbonica

Can not bear to be left alone: Arsenic, Bismuth, Calc. Carbonica.

Complaints when alone:-

Has no rest when alone: Mezereum

Anxiousness when alone: Drosera, Phosphorus, Zincum Met.

Fear of ghosts in the evening when alone: Ranunculus B., Pulsatilla

Fearful when alone: Arsenic, Conium, Drosera, Kali Carb, Lycopodium, Ranunuculus B

Feels forlorn in the morning when alone: Carbo Animalis

Apprehensions when alone: Bryonia

Apprehensions and Hypochondriac when alone: Arsenic

Irritable when alone: Phosphorous

Weeping , care and sorrow when alone: Conium, Natrum Mur.

Sadness when alone: Kali Carb

Room seems gloomy, desolate when alone: Valerina

Excited full of imaginations when alone: Arsenic

Dull mind when alone: Phosphoric Acid

Always the same idea in his mind when alone: Arsenic, Kali Carb, Zincum.

Cold face, hands and feet when alone: Calc Carb.

Love of Solitude:-

Prefers being alone, retired into a corner: Coca, Elaps, Hippom.

Ruminating his thoughts in solitude: Lachesis

Rather silent, than to speak: Menyanth.

Without speaking: Antium Crud.

Wishes to pore over his thoughts in solitude: Magn. Mur.

Wishes to be alone, quiet and at ease: Nux Vom.

Wishes to be alone, quiet and at ease, to lie with closed eyes: Sepia

Wishes to be alone, quiet and at ease,everything displeases her: Hepar Sulf.

Fond of solitude: Carb. An.

Fond of solitude; likes it best: Cinch. Off.

Fond of solitude and great discouragement: Gratiola

Fond of solitude and silence from sadness: Rhus Tox.

Desire for Solitlude : Aconite, Belladona, Digitalis, Rhus Rad.

Desire to sit alone: Jambos.

Desire for solitude; if interrupted,he gets angry: Graphites

Desire for retiring in a corner: Elaps

Wants Quiet: Belladona

Desire for Solitude with dislike to people: Lycopodium

Complaints with the love of solitude:-

Sadness: Bufo sat., Carb. an., Ignatia, Rhus Tox.

Sadness and Depression: Alumina, Aurum

Unhappiness: Alumina

Full of fears most every evening in bed: Kali Carb

Fearful and Trembling: Niccol.

Apprehension : Conium, Cyclamen, Kali carb., Natrm Carb

Shyness: Cocca

Ill humor: Gratiola

Morose: Cuprum, Ledum

Irritable: Nux Vomica

Thinks her death is near: Cuprum

Wishes Death: Ledum

Reflects about his future state: Cyclamen

Full of schemes: Natrum Carb

Reserved: Carbo Animalis

Burried in deep thought: Cyclamen

Plunged in deep meditation: Conium

Head as if drunk,with bursting pain in forehead: Antim Crud

Dislike to Society:-

Abhorring the foolishness of men: Cicuta

With bursts of sarcasm: Rhus rad

Unsocial humor: Magnesia Mur

Keeps aloof from others: Bufo Sat

Dislike to people: Lycopodium, Selenium, Stannum

Avoid Peoples: Natr. Carb.

Shuns the sight of people: Cuprum

Shuns the noise of many: Petroleum

Shuns to hear talking fatigues, hands and feet turn cold: Aurum

Presence of others is disagreeable, visitors loathsome: Belladona

Shuns all conversation: Carbo Animalis

Shuns all men: Cicuta

Would like to be in a deep cave, seeing no one: Elaps

Aversion to company: Cinnabaris, Clematis, Ledum, natrum Carb, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox

Dreads society when pregnant: Lachesis

Worse when other persons are present: Stramonium

Fear of approaching people: Cuprum Met.

Fear of approaching people and anxiety when others come near him: Lycopodium

Fear of approaching people, afraid they might touch him: Arnica

When persons are coming in the room, fear of being hurt: Arnica

When persons are coming in the room, fear of being hurt, his cough gets worse: Phosphorus

Whooping cough get worse among strangers: Ambra, Baryta carb

Anxious , when in company: Belladona, Lycopodium, Petroleum, Platina

Unwilling to converse: Argentum

In a room with many people,headache; pressure over the whole head: Magnesia Carb

Will not be looked at, especially children, they want to be alone and get out of humor: Antim Crud, Arsenic, Chamomilla,Cina

If any one looks at him, he must weep: Natrum Mur

Dislike to be spoken to:-

Ill humor: Arsenic, Chamomilla, Gelsemium, Natrum Mur, Natrum Sulph, Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox

Weeping: Natrum Mur, Staphsigaria

Coughing: Arsenic

Ill humor, worse from friendly persuasion or soothing words: Belladona, Calc. Oster., Calc. Phos., Cinchona Off., Ignatia, Kali carb, Mercuris, Natrum Mur, Nitric Acid, Nux Vom, Platina, Sepia, Silicea

Admonitions cause weeping: Belladona, Calc., Ignatia, Kali Carb, Nitric Acid, Platina


1. Analytical Repertory of the symptoms of the Mind- C. Hering

2. Materia Medica: C Hering

Feb 11, 2011

Mental Symptoms Before, During and After Urination

Urinary Tract Infection is a very common disorder in all ages.Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on basis of similarity of symptoms and signs. Following are some mental concomitant symptoms with urination. Symptoms and indicated medicines directly related with urinary complaints are given on page "Homeopathic Medicines For Urinary Tract Infection".

Everything looks brighter after urination : Jambos.

Burning after urinating, causing ill humor and despondency: Alumina

Anxiety and restlessness before urinating : Phosphoric Acid

Anxiety during urination : Chamomilla

Anxiety during urination and pressure in the bladder with scanty urine : Sepia

Great depression and anxiety before and after urination : Digitalis

Impatience before urinating : Sulphur

Before, during and after urination violent cutting pains in the urethra , has to bend double and scream : Cantharides

Is kind of frightened when going to urinate: Alumina


Analytical Repertory of the Symptoms of the Mind – C. Hering

Feb 6, 2011

Homeopathic Medicines Indicated during and after surgical procedures

These days numerous surgical procedures are done on human body for different disorders. During and after these minor and major surgical disorders many un-desirable symptoms and complication develops and persists. Following Homeopathic medicines are indicated to improve these after effects.

Arnica 200, 1M : When given before surgery will protect against shock, collapse and undesirable hemorrhage.
Phosphorus 200,1M : Given before anesthesia (specially Chloroform) it helps to check shock, nausea, vomiting, hemorrhage in nervous patients.
Arsenic Album 200 / Carbo Veg 200 : Prevents shock, collapse and Threatened peritonitis.
Acetic Acid 30 : Debility caused by Anesthesia.
Hypericum 200 : Debility caused by surgical shock, lumbar puncture, nerve injuries, amputations, spinal or brain surgeries.
Echinacea 30 / Gun Powder 3X : Gangrene, Blood Poisoning, Septic.
Aconite 30, 200 : It is indicated in patients who have very much Shock, fear, fear of death, restlessness , Anxiety about surgeries.
Pyrogenum 200 : Very important medicine in Septic, Puerperal septicemia where pulse rate is very high or very low and not proportionate to temperature.
Arnica 1M : Unconsciousness due to concussion, loss of vision and hearing caused by Brain Injury or shock. Helps in cases of Appendectomy and after surgeries on right lower abdomen.
Pulsatilla 200 : Helps in proper presentation proper presentation of fetus during labor . Helps in normal parturition.
Allium Cepa 1M : Severe Neuralgic pains in amputated stumps, pain like fine thread and shooting.
Staphysigria 200, 1M : Pains like cutting by knife, if persists after surgery. Indicated also in clean cut injuries.
Opium 200 / Helleborus 1M : Persistent stupor.
Solidago 1X / Sabal Serrulatum Q : Helps in cases of retained urine. Works like natural catheter and eliminates the use of catheter.
Phosphorus 200 / Arnica 200 : Check pain and hemorrhage of tooth extraction.
Sepia 200 : Persistent inflammation and pain after tooth extraction.
Symphytum Q, 200, 1M : Fractures, Bone surgeries, promote union.
Hekla Lava 3X, Conium 200, Calc Flour 6X, Causticum 200 : In cases of Hard bone tumours, and bony growths.
Bovista 30 : Hard swelling persisting on a fractured and joined bone.
Sticta Paul 30, 200 / Kali Phos 200 / Coffea 200 : Sleeplessness after surgeries.
Bellies P 30 , 200 : Sore pains, Bed sores, Suppuration.
Baryta carb 200 / Cistus Can 200 : Enlarged cervical glands, after tonsillectomy, soft tumours.
Bellies P 30 / Conium 200 / Phytolacca 200 : Post operative inflammation of breasts ( Mastitis) in females.
Merc Sulph 200/ 1M : Useful in absorption of plural effusion after thoracic surgeries.
Aconite 30 / Belladona 30 / Merc. Sol 30 : Post operative rise in temperature.
Hepar sulph 3x / Myristica 3x : Easy draining of abscess.
Hepar Sulph 1M / Silicea 1M / Calc. Sulph 1M : Helps in drying up suppurating wounds and boils. 

A historical article on role of Homeopathic medicines in surgery was written in Homeopathic quarterly "The Torch of Homoeopathy" in 1960 under topic Hahnemann- Homoeopathy and Surgery.

Constipation: Indicated homeopathic Medicines and their comparative features

Presented By:

Dr Ravinder S Mann
Dr Vandana Patni

Constipation is not a disease but a clinical symptom, so whenever we need to prescribe a medicine for constipation always review and consider the underlying cause or disease which is causing constipation. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on basis of complete symptom picture of a patient.

For effective treatment of your case consult  here with us.

Some Important medicines with their clinical features are:- 

Abies Nigra - Constipation in Low-spirited persons with dyspepsia. Pain in stomach always comes on after eating. Patient feels as though he had swallowed some indigestible substance which had stuck at the cardiac orifice of the stomach.

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Ineffectual effort with constant urging to stool. Large, Hard, Dry stool. This medicine acts especially on lower bowel. Dry, swollen mucous membrane of rectum causes burning and pain as if rectum is full of small sticks. These pains lasts for hours after stool. Low backache of lumbo-sacral region which worsen on walking and stooping. 

Aletris Farinosa - Anemic women who, feels tired all the time, in addition to uterine trouble and leucorrhea, have extreme constipation. Stool large, hard, difficult, great pain with great effort being required to effect an evacuation from the bowels.

Alumen – Medicine for one of the most severe kind of constipations. No desire for stool for days. Ineffectual evacuations . Stool hard, knotty and marble like. Long lasting pain and smarting in rectum after stool with itching in anus. Hemorrhage from anus. 

Alumina – Inactivity of rectum. No desire and ability to pass stool unless there is large accumulation of stool in rectum. Rectum sore, dry, inflamed, bleeding. Itching and burning in anus. Characteristic symptom of Alumina is that even soft stool passes with great difficulty. Very much straining.
This medicine indicates in constipation of infants and old peoples. 

Ammonium Muriaticum - Ammonium muriaticum acts on mucous membranes. All mucous secretions are increased and retained. Constipation is with hard and crumbly stools which are covered with glairy mucus. Burning and smarting in rectum during and after stool. 

Anacardium – Sensation of a plug anywhere in the body. Patient feels as if his anus is plugged. Great urgent desire for stool, but on sitting for stool; desire passes away without any evacuation. Itching in anus and moisture from rectum. Hemorrhage during stool.
According to Dr E. A. Farrington in his clinical materia medica “ The rectum seems powerless; he complains of a sensation as of a plug or of some foreign substance in the rectum; this symptom is not the mechanical result of the retained feces. Here again you notice the sensation as of a plug or some foreign substance interfering with the normal function of the organ. Now these symptoms that I have mentioned are more common than we think. When they do occur ,we are more apt to think of Nux Vomica, Ignatia, Sulphur and forget Anacardium.”

Antimonium Crudum - Diarrhea and constipation alternates, especially in old peoples. Summer constipation with thickly coated white tongue, irritability and fretfulness. Hard lumps of stool mixed with watery discharge. Piles continually oozing mucous.
According to Dr E A Farrington; in his Clinical Materia Medica; “If there is constipation, as is often the case when vomiting predominates, the stools will consist of white, hard and dry lumps that look like undigested curd. In older persons, particularly in the aged, for Antimonium crudum suits both extremes of life, we have an alteration of constipation and diarrhea: the stool, in constipation consisting of hard, dry lumps; that in diarrhea, of water mixed with fecal lumps.” 

Bryonia Alba – Mucous membranes are all dry. Dry, parched lips and mouth; excessive thirst, bitter taste; feeling of a stone in the stomach; stools large, dry as if burnt and hard. Stools brown, thick, bloody; worse in the morning, from moving, in hot weather , from cold drinks.
Complaints in warm weather especially after cold days. Bryonia patient can not tolerate the heat of sun. 

Cascarilla – Cascarilla has abdominal symptoms relieved by warm drinks, we use this medicine when there are hard knotty stools covered with mucus like Graphites, and constipation is associated with colic and burning.

Causticum - Stool is hard, tough, covered with mucus; shines like grease; small shaped; expelled with much straining or only on standing up. Rectum sore and burns.

Chelidonium Majus - Constipation with stools hard, round balls like sheep’s dung, bright yellow, pasty; clay colored, stool floats in water. Diarrhea alternates with constipation. Burning and itching in anus. 

Collinsonia Canadensis – Pelvic and portal congestion causes hemorrhoids and constipation, especially in females.
Hemorrhoids and constipation are with sensation of sharp sticks in rectum. Bowel symptoms are worse in evening and at night. Most obstinate constipation with aching in anus and hypogastrium. Constipation of pregnancy.
Collinsonia has a symptom found under Opium, namely, dry balls of fecal matter are passed from the rectum; but they differ from those of Opium is that they are of a light colour.

Graphites – Bowels are usually constipated. Stools are large, difficult, knotty covered with mucus or united by shreds of mucus. Smarting, sore anus with itching. Hemorrhoids which burn and sting, the anus is so extremely sore that patient is very much annoyed when sitting. Flatus is rancid or putrid.

Hydrastis – Constipation with sinking feeling in stomach and dull headache. Smarting pain during stool in rectum and long lasting pains after stool. The bowels are apt to be constipated, the stools being coated or intermixed with mucus.

Lac Defloratum – Constipation with ineffectual urging like Anacardium and Nux Vomica, feces dry and hard like Bryonia and Sulphur; Stool large, hard, great straining, lacerating anus;Painful extorting cries.

Lachesis – Constipation; inactivity, stool lies in rectum without urging; sensation of constriction of sphincter. Offensive stool. Constant urging in rectum, not for stool.

Lycopodium Clavatum – Medicine for intellectual peoples. Excessive accumulation of flatulence immediately after eating; not like Nux Vomica in which distress in stomach occurs sometimes later after eating. Cannot bear the pressure of clothing about the waist.
The bowels are usually constipated, however, with ineffectual urging to stool. Stool hard, difficult, small, incomplete. After stool there is a feeling as of a great quantity remaining unpassed.
Constipation since puberty; since last confinement; when away from home; of infants.

Magnesia Mur - Feces are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus, stool hard, knotty, difficult passage, like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus and intestines get obstructed by this kind of stool. Abdomen tense, sore, sensitive to touch but ameliorated from pressure.

Natrum Mur - Constipation obstinate, stool hard, difficult, crumbling, difficult expulsion of feces, fissuring the anus, with bleeding during stool, leaving behind soreness at anus, constipation from inactivity of rectum, worse when walking about, with troublesome perspiration at the slightest movement. Natrum mur suits to depressed peoples who are prone to take cold, skin troubles like eczema and have irritability and dryness of mucous membranes and emaciated.     

Nitric Acid - Desire for stool but passes very little; ineffectual urging to stool with sharp, splinter-like cutting pains in rectum during stool and this pain remains for hours, patient feels as if stool remains in rectum and could not pass. 

Opium - Chronic constipation, no urging for stool for days, stool as few hard, round, dark-balls; inactivity of rectum. Dryness of mucous membranes. 

Sepia - Sepia patient has all-gone sensation in rectum & stomach and sometimes a sensation of ball in rectum. Constipation of pregnancy. Sepia patient is hypochondriasis with aversion to family and to household duties.

Silicea - Large stool, hard lumps which remains long in rectum, with violent efforts the feces are nearly expelled but suddenly recede into the rectum, even as soft stool  expelled with much difficulty, extreme hunger, aversion to meat, in women constipation before and after menses.

Sulphur - Habitual constipation, sulphur patient are hypochondriac, having hemorrhoids, complaining of dull feeling in brain with heaviness on top of head, weak, hungry sensation in stomach about noon, burning of soles at night, heat and itching of anus, stool hard, insufficient, difficult, first effort is so painful that patient stops straining, stool hard, black as if burnt, sleep short and broken easily.

 Some more Homeopathic medicines for constipation.

1. Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory by W. Boericke
2. Allen’s Keynotes by H. C. Allen
3. Clinical Materia Medica by E.A.Farrington
4. Homoeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L.Tyler
5. Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics by E. B. Nash
6. Analytical Repertory by C. Hering
7. Homoeopathic Therapeutics by Samuel Lilienthal

Feb 3, 2011

Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Term “Fibromyalgia” means pain in muscles and fibers. It is a chronic disorder. Fibromyalgia can be characterized as Pain, Stiffness and Tenderness of the muscles, tendons and joints.

But Fibromyalgia consists of other sign and symptoms too like disturbed sleep with feeling tired on awakening, debilitating fatigue, Anxiety, Depression, Cognitive Dysfunction, Difficulty with swallowing, disturbed Bladder and bowel functions, Tingling and numbness and lastly psychiatric disorders may coexist with Fibromyalgia. In this context Fibromyalgia is referred as Fibromyalgia Syndrome or in short FMS.

2% to 4% population roughly has FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome). Not all the patients experience all the above symptoms. Women suffer much more than men. Women to men ratio are 9:1 approximately.

Most commonly involved areas of body are neck, shoulder, hips, around knee, head and face. When shoulder and neck are involved then pain from these areas usually extends to head and take form of chronic recurrent headache.

FMS is most common cause of muscular pains. But in FMS pains are not associated with inflammation and deforming pathological process as in other rheumatic diseases as in Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE etc. Fibromyalgia syndrome does not damage any internal body organs. So deformity of joints or any damage to tissues and organs is not the part of Fibromyalgia Syndrome.

Sign and Symptoms:-

A- Pain, Stiffness and Tenderness of muscles, joints and Tendons. Tender points in muscles which are painful on pressure.

B- Muscle twitching, spasm of muscles, nerve pain, tingling and numbness of skin.

C- Generalised weakness with weakness of limbs specially

D- Chronic sleep disturbances with tired feeling on awakening.

E- Functional bladder and bowel disturbances.

F- Cognitive Dysfunction- Fibromyalgia is associated with anxiety and depression. Poor concentration, short and long term memory problems.

Causes of Fibromyalgia-

Exact cause of FMS is not yet known. There are different hypothesis –

1. Central nervous system involvement- It says in FMS patients there is increased sensitivity in the brain to pain signals.

2. Decreased Dopamine Levels- Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which helps in pain perception and natural analgesia. Low levels of Dopamine develop FMS.

3. Decreased Serotonin Levels- Serotonin regulates sleep, mood, pain and concentration. Decreased levels of serotonin may cause FMS.

4. Stress may precipitate Fibromyalgia.

5. Injury to neck, shoulder or other parts may precipitate FMS.

6. Infection may cause FMS.

All these factors may cause FMS but there is not any proved scientific facts behind them.

Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia-

There are not any specific scientific methods or tests to diagnose FMS. Tests may be done to exclude other medical conditions.


1. Stress management is important part of treatment with changes in day to day lifestyle.

2. Exercise- Walking, swimming, cycling, Yoga may improve.

3. Conventional Medicine-

Although there is not any developed method of prescribing medicines in cases of FMS but usually Antidepressants, Muscle relaxants and Analgesics (Painkillers) are prescribed with more or less improvements.

4. Homeopathic Medicines-

Homeopathy is safe method for disorders in which functional disturbances are not based on any pathological damages.

In homeopathy there are hundreds of medicines are available to combat anxiety, stress, depression, sleep disturbances, muscle stiffness, muscle pains and tender points in muscles.