Nov 23, 2011

The "Three Mistakes"

 An Important Article About Mistakes which We Homeopaths Do In Practice.Published as editorial in "THE MEDICAL ADVANCE VOL. XLII. CHICAGO, JANUARY, 1904. No. 1."

The "Three Mistakes"

If the weight of a word is determined by the size of the brain
behind it, the value of an opinion on a therapeutic question may
be estimated by the ability of the man who gives it, his practical
experience and the opportunities he may have had that would
enable him to express an opinion. But before such an opinion is
entitled to serious or even respectful consideration, he must at
least have demonstrated his familiarity with the subject under

For instance, when an allopathic practician who never has had
any practical experience in the use of the homeopathic remedy in
the cure of the sick and who does not claim to have even given
the similar remedy a trial at the bed side, expresses the opinion
that there can be no possible curative power in the third potency
of any remedy, we cannot be blamed for declining to accept his
conclusions or for placing our own estimate upon the value of
his opinion. Without the clinical experience necessary to form
an opinion of any practical worth we may either question his
sincerity or ask him what he knows of it experimentally. How often
has he used the third potency at the bed side when it was actually
the similimum ? Has he ever used the third or any other potency
of a homeopathic remedy? Would he think it fair or just to
have his own system of therapeutics judged by such experience?
But with Hahnemann it was very different. He was perhaps
the ablest medical man of his time in Germany, if not in Europe,
with both a theoretical and practical knowledge of the best there
was in allopathy — the medicine of his time. When he published
his discovery of a law of cure, all that he requested of his
medical brethren was to put his experiments — both in testing
remedies on the healthy and in the cure of the sick — to a
practical test, following his rules, and publish the failures to the
medical world. The challenge has neither been accepted nor the
failures published.

The following rules were formulated by Hahnemann after
years of experimental work based on careful and accurate
observation, with complete written anamnesis of the patient; and
no greater mistake can be made by the homeopathist than their

“There are three mistakes which the physician cannot too carefully avoid; 

the first is to suppose that the doses which I have indicated as the proper ones in the treatment of chronic diseases, and which long experience and close observation have induced me to adopt, are too small; 
the second great mistake is the improper use of a remedy; and 
the third mistake consists in not letting a remedy act a sufficient length of time.
Nothing is lost by giving even smaller doses than those which I have
indicated. The doses can scarcely be too much reduced, provided the effects of the remedy are not disturbed by improper food. The remedial agent will act even in its smallest quantity, provided it corresponds perfectly to all the symptoms of the disease and its action is not interfered with by dietetic transgressions. The advantage of giving the smallest doses is this, that it is an easy matter to neutralize their effect in case the medicine should not have been chosen with the necessary exactitude. This being done, a more suitable antipsoric may then be exhibited— Chronic Diseases.”

Very few homeopaths, we venture to say, have ever even heard
of these "three mistakes," for the simple reason that few have
ever read or studied the Chronic Diseases. We see from this that
Hahnemann does not insist upon the use of a specified potency,
although in the Organon he says that the thirtieth centesimal is
the most useful, according to his observation and experience in
both acute and chronic diseases. Hence, we infer that this is
the potency or dose to which he refers as the dose “I have indicated." 
   But this was the thirtieth centesimal, and his experience
extended over many years of accurate clinical observation in both
acute and chronic diseases, and was based on a written anamnesis.

Let us enumerate these mistakes:

First: To suppose that the doses (3Oth cent.) are too small.

Second: The improper use of a remedy.

Third: Not letting a remedy act a sufficient length of time.

The second mistake is generally due to carelessness, laziness and levity.

Many homeopathic physicians, alas! remain guilty of these trespasses to the end of their lives; they understand nothing of the homeopathic doctrine.

The first duty of the homeopathic physician who appreciates the dignity of his profession and the value of human life, is to enquire into the whole condition of his patient, the cause of the disease as far as the patient remembers it, his mode of life, the nature of his mind, the tone and character of his sentiments, his physical constitution, and especially the symptoms of the disease. The enquiry is made according to the rules laid down, in the Ogranon [Section 83 et. seq.]. This being done, the physician then
tries to discover the true homeopathic remedy. He may avail himself of the use of existing repertories. But, inasmuch as these repertories only contain general indications, it is necessary that the remedies should afterward be carefully studied in the materia medica. A physician who is not willing to take this trouble, but who contents himself with the general indications of the repertories, and who by means of these general indications, dispatches one patient after another, deserves not the name of a true homeopathist. He is a mere quack, changing his remedies every moment, until the poor patient loses his temper and leaves this homicidal dabbler.
It is by such levity as this that true homeopathy is injured.”

How many of our professed homeopaths use the remedy properly? 

Even when the similimum has been found, the case is often
spoiled by too frequent repetition. And this “improper use of
the remedy " has little or nothing to do with the potency or
strength of the remedy used. The motto appears to be: “If a
little be good, more will be better." and it is repeated irrespective
of the improvement of the condition for which it was given.
In the selection of the remedy too, how many follow the instructions
laid down in the Organon, Section 80 et seq., of carefully
writing out in full the anamnesis of the patient, as a basis for the
selection of the remedy. Once the Symptoms are properly taken
we may refer to the repertory to find what remedy to study, but
we can rarely be certain of the selection without referring to the
pathogenesis of the medicine. Many homeopaths think it beneath
them to write out the symptoms, or use a repertory in the search
for the similimum and then find fault with a cumbrous materia
medica, filled with unreliable symptoms. These are the men who
clamor for a reproving of the remedial agents of our materia
medica, little dreaming perhaps that similar methods in the selection or use of the remedy will yield similar results.

“The third great mistake which the homeopathic physician cannot too carefully avoid in the treatment of chronic diseases, is the too hasty repetition of the dose. This haste is highly indiscreet. Superficial observers are very apt to suppose that a remedy, after having favorably acted eight or ten days, can act no more; this delusion is strengthened by the supposition that the morbid symptoms would have shown themselves again on such or such a day, if the dose had not been renewed.
If the medicine which the patient has taken, produces a good effect in the first eight or ten days, it is a sure sign that the medicine is strictly homeopathic. If, under these circumstances, an aggravation should occur, the patient need not feel uneasy about it; the desired result will be ultimately obtained though it may take 20 or 30 days. It takes 40 and even 50 days before the medicine has completed its action. To give another remedy before the lapse of this period would be the height of folly. Let no physician suppose that, as soon as the time fixed for the duration of the action of the remedy shall have elapsed, another remedy must at once be administered with a view of hastening the cure. This is contrary to experience. The surest and safest way of hastening the cure is to let the medicine act as long as the improvement of the patient continues, were it
even far beyond the period which is set down as the probable period of the duration of that action. He who observes this rule with the greatest care will be the most successful homeopathic practitioner — Chronic Diseases.”

The too frequent repetition of the remedy has been the most
difficult lesson we have had to learn in the practice of pure homeopathy.

Graduating from a college in which the principles of the
Organon inculcated by Hahnemann were unknown or untaught,
it required years of study and experience to overcome the first
impressions of " the slip-shod " methods expounded in the college
clinic. A repertory was never used. How to select the
'remedy, when to administer it or how often to repeat it, was
never heard at college, as it is taught by Hahnemann. Hence,
we have a fraternal sympathy with the great majority of the
homeopathic profession who were never taught to pay any attention
to this all-important, yet vital injunction of Hahnemann
against the  “too-hasty repetition of the remedy." This is not a
question of potency but of principle. It applies with almost
equal force to all potencies, all remedies and all patients, especially
those suffering from chronic disease; and it is nearly or quite as
disastrous to the patient under the 3x as under the thirtieth, one
thousandth or one millionth. These principles, vital to the life
of homeopathy and the well being of its patients and not  “the
high potency craze " are what the true followers of Hahnemann
are trying to perpetuate. Some professed homeopaths would
seem unable to distinguish between a principle and a potency.

Nov 22, 2011

Symptoms that Distinguish a Case by JULIA C. LOOS

 This articles discuss the importance of symptoms belongs to patient over the symptoms belong to disease and particular organs, in Homeopathic methodology to cure the patient. Article published in "THE MEDICAL ADVANCE.. AND ..Journal of Homeopathics, VOL. XLII., CHICAGO, FEBRUARY, 1904. No. 2."

Symptoms that Distinguish a Case: That Sketch the
Image of the Disease in a Patient

The only basis for study of disease is the record of symptoms
of sick people. No better method has been devised than that of
Hahnemann for bringing symptoms into a comprehensive form
for study and making acquaintance with the image of any individual
miasm. As a preparation for dealing with diseases the first
essential is familiarity with their natural expression when their
course has no interference.

Every miasm (disease), whether acute or chronic, so acts upon
the economy that the orderly functions are disturbed; not properly
performed. In every disease, however, these disturbances occur
in a definite course, each maintains its own order of disturbance,
following the period of invasion, progressing through prodrome
and active period to a period of decline, in acute miasms, but in
never-ending progression throughout the life of the individual in
chronic miasm.

Each disease is characterized by special symptoms by which it
may be recognized, but in various beings these characteristics of
the disease appear in a variety of forms. No individual of the
human race is complete, hence no one is capable of exhibiting in
entirety either the virtues or the vices of its nature. Hence any
disease in an individual is shown only as a fragment of the whole
image, the full nature portrayed by a large number. This individual
fragment is yet a sufficient part of the whole to represent
its nature and is recognized as a form of this or that miasm by the
characteristic combination of symptoms characterizing the miasm.
Many symptoms are so common to different sorts of disturbances
of the vital force that they are characteristic of nothing.

Headache, skin eruptions, loss of appetite, rise of temperature,
vomiting, pain in the abdomen, disturbed bowel evacuations are
common symptoms of sickness; but a certain combination of some
of these common symptoms occurring in definite form characterize
the miasms.

A particular form of fever, with a definite kind of pain in a
certain part of the abdomen with diarrhea of a particular type,
a sluggish, stupid, malaise and peculiar kind of eruption form the
characteristics of typhoid fever.

So each miasm is imaged by a characteristic combination of
symptoms, any one of which is common to many miasms.
From a clear comprehension of the natural functions of all
parts and the control of functions in health, we judge the condition
of each part by the disorder symptoms. No one symptom is
diagnostic of a local condition nor of a disease. All things must
be considered together. The-expression of weak heart action may
include symptoms all over the body, each of which, with different
associations would signify a different derangement. A tumor of
moderate firmness in the epigastrium might be a feature of aortic
aneurism which it would be fatal to have ruptured, but the physician
should be prepared to see a later softening of the tumor with
discharge of pus when the history of the case shows that the tumor
develops after a severe blow at this point and examination shows
superficial tissues involved. To determine the condition giving
rise to functional disturbances sometimes requires careful discrimination, but should not be neglected, if full accurate knowledge is desired.


General symptoms of the patient are frequently deduced from
many particulars. We recognize a general catarrhal condition
from the discharges here and there, or a nervous depression from
sluggish response in several functions or a tendency to wandering
pains or alternation of similar symptoms in different parts or alternation of wholly different symptoms. Local changes lead to the
summing up —" general glandular enlargements " or " indurations "
or " deficient nutrition " or " congestions " or " zymotic state."
The broad conception of the symptoms must be considered
in estimating from the record the true state of the case.


The records of the sick people contain another class of symptoms,
viz., those that characterize the patient, an important class
in each case. Our standard of measurement is the normal healthy
man who naturally at night is prepared to sleep and when day returns, awakes and desires to enter into activity according to his
affections. At regular periods he grows hungry, eats, feels refreshed
and is ready for action again, grows tired from long, continued
exertion and by a short cessation is rested from fatigue.
He feels good, enjoys his activity, the society of friends, is unconscious of the action of internal organs, even of their existence.
He appreciates himself as a unit in mind and body, thinking, willing,
acting a harmonious individual.

But when he is sick, these things are changed. He becomes sensitive
to all sorts of circumstances that ordinarily, in normal state,
are unnoticed; sensitive to the very things which contribute to his
life: light, temperature changes, winds, motion, noise, touch, to
articles of food, etc. He has definite periods of time when he feels
bad, certain hours of the day or parts of the month or year. He
has definite aggravations associated with the natural functions of
the organs, digestion, defecation, respiration, etc. Those things
which normally refresh, now aggravate him. He is comfortable
only under certain limited conditions. He desires queer things.
His natural affections are perverted, he loathes friends, food, activity, his very life, and desires things ordinarily repulsive. He
scolds or becomes violent or taciturn. He dwells on trifles that vex
him, entertains morbid fancies, loses control of memory, of
thought, of feelings. In endless variety the individual himself is
disturbed in sickness irrespective of the way the bodily functions
are performed.

These then are the characterizing symptoms of the patient. To
understand the sick man all these things must be perceived. A
full record of symptoms must include these symptoms that mark
the patient as well as the common symptoms, and the symptoms
that characterize the miasm which afflicts him.


One other class of symptoms is worthy of distinction. Mention
has been made of functions disordered by disease, i. e., by disorder
of the vital force. When disease action has continued under conditions favoring its progress, functions become so far disturbed
that tissue repair is interfered with and normal tissue formation
is replaced by degenerative tissue formation or increased production, developing so-called pathological growth. These things
(overgrowths and deficiencies then destruction), by their actual
presence in the particular locality where they occur, in their interference, give rise to symptoms of disturbed function. Symptoms of disease results must be distinguished from others of all kinds.

Pressure on a part of the brain, on the spinal cord, on the liver,
on the bowels, will be followed by a line of symptoms in accordance with the natural function of the part, not necessarily limited to the area receiving the pressure but extending where the disturbed function is in control. Scar tissue on a sensitive nerve,
growths on the valves of the heart, destruction of the tubules of
the kidney, each produces its mechanical symptoms according to
the function disturbed. These are symptoms of disease results.
Such discrimination of all the symptoms in a full record of disorder
is the rational method of perceiving the image of sickness
for practical use in treating individual cases. Thus we are enabled
to reach definite conclusions of what is going on within, following
the history step by step.

By our philosophy, now proved beyond doubt, the patient is to
be cured most promptly, mildly and permanently by the use of a
remedy most similar in its effects upon the economy to the effects
of the miasm in this particular case, as revealed by the symptoms.


When the totality of the symptoms that specially mark and distinguish the case of disease or in other words, when the picture of the disease, whatever be its kind, is once accurately sketched, the most difficult part of the task is accomplished. The physician has then the picture of the disease, especially if it be a chronic one, always before him, etc. Every phrase in this first sentence is important in its meaning.

Read it again:

Among all the symptoms in the record of our patient, which are to be of use in the selection of the remedy? Those symptoms that accurately sketch the image of the disease, the totality of the symptoms that specially mark and distinguish the case.

From the foregoing discriminating study of symptoms it is clear
that not all the symptoms in the case belong to this class. All
symptoms that do not specially mark and distinguish the case
(i. e., the patient under consideration) are not to be included here.
Some of the symptoms in our record are those common to many
kinds of sickness. Some symptoms are common to the disease affecting the patient, they distinguish the disease. Some symptoms
may be evidences of the results of disease. But those that specially
mark the case are the symptoms of the patient himself. The characteristics of the patient under consideration, those peculiar aggravations and ameliorations that are not an essential element in the pathology of the disease but distinguish one case from another afflicted with the same miasm.

The characteristic symptoms of the miasm give an image of
miasm but the characteristics of the patient produce an image of
the man as he is disturbed by the miasm. The common symptoms
and symptoms of disease results may be ignored in sketching the
image of the disease in this particular case but those that characterize the disease and most of all those that characterize the particular patient affected constitute the totality of the symptoms that specially mark and distinguish the case of disease. When the
symptoms have been clearly distinguished in the record and the
image of the disease in this patient thus accurately sketched, then
the most difficult part of the task is accomplished.

Until this is done by the physician, he is not ready to take any
steps in administering remedies for the correction of the disorder.
No matter how long he must study the record, no matter how long
he must wait and watch and question and search, until the case is
thus sketched, he is not prepared to proceed with a prescription.
The curative remedy is the one capable of producing in the economy such an image of disorder as this disease has produced in this patient. How can it be determined what remedy will do that if
we do not perceive the image here portrayed. The characteristics
of this sick patient are to be the guide points to the curative
remedy, the remedy which is characterized by the same or the
most closely resembling symptoms. Evidently then we cannot
proceed until we determine the characteristic symptoms of the
patient in his sick state.

With this aim, to restore the patient to health, ever in view, having
determined what are the symptoms that characterize this patient
and in their combination keeping the image before us — we
seek the remedy which most closely resembles in its effects — or its image, this image of disorder. This should take the whole attention of the physician until it is accomplished. The intensity of
the patient's sufferings, the anxiety of friends, the social position
of the sick person, the possible financial returns to the physician,
the possible contagion of others,— each and all of these must give
way in the physician's mind to the paramount problem — determining the image of the disease in this patient and the remedy whose image is most similar. To concentrate the attention on this matter it is often necessary for the physician to go entirely out of
the environment of the patient and the patient's associates. More
frequently than not in a case of profound sickness it is necessary
to resort to repertories and records of provings to determine what
remedy is most similar.

When we realize the importance of determining in each case to
be treated what are the characteristic symptoms that sketched the
image of disease in the case, when we realize that when this is
done the most difficult part of the task is accomplished, we must
be impressed with the fact that no student who has not been
thoroughly grounded in this discrimination, no matter how many
years' preparation he has had, is not qualified to practice in the
name of Homeopathy.

What must we say, then of the colleges throughout the land
offering to train students in Homeopathy ? Do we find their graduates
well trained in this line? Do we find the professors in the
departments of Medicine, Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics drilling the students in the discrimination of symptoms to determine ineach case the characteristics that sketch the image of disease in
each patient ? Let the graduates of the colleges testify. Let them
show how much was their attention directed to this and how much
it was directed to bacteria annihilation and treatment of disease results. When these graduates in course of time realize that
" symptoms of disease," “symptoms of the patient," " general
symptoms," " common symptoms," — " disease-result symptoms "
are meaningless terms to them and yet are important in the homeopathic application of drugs to disease, how shall the college withstand the reproof of these who were taught in their halls ? How
shall they repudiate the anathemas?

“Woe unto you hypocrites, Pharisees, blind guides, for ye pay
tithes of mint and anise and cummin and have omitted the weightier
matters of the law. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous
unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity,
wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children
of them which killed the prophets, while ye build tombs of the
prophets and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous."


Mr. I. C. L., 27 years of age, medium height, blonde, with blue
eyes and light brown hair, cheeks sunken, reported first on
December 1. He preceded the report of his own case by stating
that there was a family history of stomach troubles and he himself
had had indigestion for three years or so. Recently has been
emaciating. Weight reduced from one hundred thirty-five or one
hundred thirty pounds to one hundred fifteen. As a child he was
thin until seven years of age but grew stout after that and only
of late years has lost flesh.

Weak, draggy, languid; legs weak, used to be in forenoon but
now continues all day.

Sleep generally good until 4 or 5 A. M. Never can sleep late,
and feels unrefreshed in morning.

Feverish in evening after 5 P. M.; face hot, hands and feet
cold; < by excitement.

Indigestion: hungry always, not > by eating. Has had a diet
of eggs, until he has a distaste for them. By direction has used
malted-milk tablets and Wyeth's malt nerve tonic, and still growing
thin, craves sweets, vegetables, meat (latter, disagrees?) ; used
to crave sour things. Wants hot food. Averse to fat.
Thirstless, except about every two weeks has a spell of un-
quenchable thirst.

Mouth offensive odor: slimy, greasy tasting coating. Tongue
dirty, dry, red tip.

Eructations sour; heartburn.

Eyes yellow.

Constipation, may have no stool for two days at a time.

Colds settle in head from drafts. Had a severe cold four or
five weeks ago.

Skin: Eczema six or seven years ago, " itch," on arms (outer
side) and thighs, vesicles forming yellow lumps that can be rubbed
off. Itching, bleeding or scratching, < warm in bed, > warm
bathing (lard and sulphur). Now dry skin, peels up when shaves;
almost cracks. Color yellow, red blotches on forehead. Pricking,
itching, recently after bathing. (Cuticura soap.)

Perspiration little more of late, since he is weak.

Hair falling after eruption.

Chills slight, first, in summer of 1901, last summer doctored a
month or more (Quinine) ; tertian, 9-10 P. M.

Fever next day, all forenoon. During heat, diarrhea.
Sweat after fever began, continued after the fever.

Thirst absent. Intermediate day, weakness.

This continued until after he left the neighborhood.

Tonsilitis in 1899 at college; > in open air; > in warm room
70° to 72° comfortable, 65° is chilly.

Feet cold in morning, though well wrapped. Can't fall asleep
unless they are warm; one leg or one arm, sometimes middle of
back, cold, on waking; perspiration feet offensive < when cold.

Disposition variable; > company, < alone.

Dreads cold morning bath, past six weeks.

A few days later he reports cold in larynx. Hoarseness, cough
with rattling but difficult expectoration of yellow mucus, soreness
and tightness in chest, pain in back, lumbar region, coldness from
feet to knees and sore lameness all over.

The very clear and interesting sequence of things in this history
was emphasized to the young man. He admitted that he had
about concluded that driving off the eruption was really at the
beginning of his indigestion and was ready to accept the statement
that the skin trouble would return as well as some sign of chills.

Sulphur 55M.

The prescription was made after careful study
which brought Sulphur, Pulsatilla and Lycopodium most prom-
inently related to the case.

One week later he reported the cold improved immediately.
Diarrhea began shortly after last visit and for two days occurred
at 5 A. M. but not later in the day. Since that, bowels were regular.
He reported also that he was vaccinated at fifteen years of
age and had a running sore for six months. The proud flesh was
burned three times a week and bathing was prohibited. Healing
began after free bathing in warm water. A year later for a month
there existed a running sore on left side of lower lip. This left
a red scar which grows bright when he gets heated.

At the first visit his diet of eggs was discontinued and he was
told to eat reasonably of ordinary substantial food. This he did
from the first. In three weeks weight increased three and a half

Chills came on the 19th, and each evening until the 29th, after
supper. At first they were followed by little fever and some thirst.
Later heat and perspiration followed.

Diarrhea again on 3Oth and for three days, beginning at 5 A. M.
Griping pain before and chilliness during stool; no straining,
stools yellow, brown, watery, with flatus.

Eruption on face before diarrhea; sore pustules; a few on back,
sensitive to pressure.

Rheumatism in shin muscles and ankles came at same time, later
persisted in right ankle only.

January 26. Sulphur 55m.

During next two months the eruption continued on face, neck
and shoulders in successive crops of pustules with redness and
itching. Eyes continued yellow, then vision became blurred and
lids agglutinated in mornings with yellow discharge. By the 20th
of March the following record was obtained:

Sleepless for two weeks; wakens often, falls asleep late and
wakens within fifteen minutes of 3 A. M. On waking feels active,
wide awake.

Loss of weight nine pounds in two weeks.
Bowels irregular, at times flatus from rectum.

Languid < evening 4:30 or 5 P. M. until 8 P. M., then feels

Feverish spells in evening.

Perspiration copious all over. Feet soles sore as if boiled; offensive.

Warm, feels excessively warm in moderately warm weather.
Appetite good. Thirsty for large drinks.

Headache dull, feels large. Eyes heavy. On shaking feels as
if something goes from one side to other < left side.

Eyes blood shot, pricking like splinters, on rising, morning, and
in evening after riding in the wind; > bathing cold water ;
lachrymation from light, from touch.

Cough for a week, from tickling in trachea, spasmodic, dry >
by lying; sense of contraction in upper trachea.

Mouth: ulcers on inner side of lip. When seven to eight years
old had several for which yellowish-white powder was used. Old
ones used to burn. These are sensitive to acid.

Depression of spirits comes suddenly in evening. Thoughts
wander when he tries to work mentally.

March 20th. Argentum nit. 4Om.

This was followed by a week of skin activity. The eruption
was much < on face and “every little scratch became a running
sore." Then it was “better than it ever was."

By the middle of April he reported that a gain of two pounds
in weight that week brought him to 121 pounds.

A return of symptoms, especially mental symptoms was the
occasion of a repitition of Arg. nit. on April 24.

After an absence of two months he reported himself better than
be had been for years; and we can readily believe it.

Here is a good verification of the doctrine set forth by Hahnemann,
in which the course of disease action in progress and under
curative measures is well displayed. The young man applied for
treatment to relieve him of indigestion but that was only one chapter
in the history and the treatment that cured that brought out to
the surface all the disorder from his early childhood and when
order was restored, he, the man, was better in every way, and the
physician was minus a patient. But the physician's duty in this
case was accomplished with satisfaction.


Maud K., aged 16 years, came to the office about the middle of
July, complaining of an eruption which had troubled her for about
two weeks. She could give no history of its origin but said several
girls working in the same place, a candy factory, had been affected

The eruption consisted of groups of small vesicles with dull red
areola, slightly hardened at base. Itching, at night in bed, <
when gets warm. After scratching, burns and breaks open continuing
to ooze yellow water. Areola spreads after first appearance.
Eruption began on abdomen, later developed on outer side of
right thigh, on back, back of neck and in axillae.
Leg stiff (on walking) about the eruption; soreness on walking.
Face on left side frequently has pimples under the skin. Is
swollen beneath the eyes on waking in the morning some days.

In attempting to pick out the most peculiar, unusual, striking
things about this eruption, the first selection was the place of its
first appearance.

Abdomen eruption: given in " Kent's Repertory " with the list:
Agar., Anac., Apis., Ars., Bar. m., Bry., Calc., Kali. bi., Kali. c.,
Merc. Nat. c., Nat. m., Phos., Rhus, Sul.

The following distinguishing features were then noted with
the remedies found in each of the preceding lists:

Eruption vesicles: Anac., Ars., Bry., Calc., Kali. bi., Kali. c.,
Merc., Merc, c., Nat. c., Nat. m., Phos., Rhus., Sul.;
 Itching, Anac, Bry., Calc., Nat. c., Rhus, Sul.;
Red areola, Anac, Nat. c., Sul.;
Discharging, Anac., Nat. c., Sul.;
Vesicles in groups, Sul;
Inflamed, Anac;
Itching becoming warm in bed, Anac., Sul.

Because the eruption with its peculiarities presented so unfamiliar
an image and that remedy seemed a little out of the ordinary
for eruptions, Anacardium was first consulted in " Hering's Guid-
ings Symptoms." How beautiful seemed the words of the text:

“SKIN— Bright scarlet eruptions of the whole body, especially of the thighs in contact with the nut and of the abdomen.
Destruction of the epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small miliary pustules, with unbearable itching and discharging a yellow liquid forming crusts. Chest, neck, axillae, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum and thighs were not only covered with raised crusts, discharging a thick yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into wart-like excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an erythematous redness and
the itching fearful. Itching worse in evening and when he went to bed.”

Here was a better description of the thing than I had made even
on seeing it. So, although the case presented a wholly unfamiliar
image at the beginning, here in the materia medica album I found
its photograph and had no doubt of the effects of Anacardium in
this case.

It was administered with the warning that the eruption might
come out more for a few days but would then grow better and
nothing was to be put on but olive oil and water.

Much later I learned that the eruption came out in large, close,
red spots on thighs and legs but occasioned little pain after a day
or two and the whole skin was cleared in about one week. The
other girls had a much longer siege, even to three months. Then
indeed was breathed again a prayer of thankfulness for means of
discriminating symptoms and the possession of a logical repertory.

A short time ago a friend of the allopathic persuasion, or, call
it what you will, remarked that he had rheumatism, and added
that " Salicylate is good enough for patients but I don't want any
of it; " and we wondered if he knew that homeopathic physicians
were not afraid to take what they prescribed; and if he had any
idea of the number of them who took Perfection Liquid Food —
which they find so good for their patients — " when a little run

Nov 21, 2011


Tongue observation is an important part of Homeopathic Case Taking.When symptoms are not individualizing a case, signs can be important for final selection. Among signs, tongue is an important place to search for guiding indications.

Following article published in THE CRITIQUE,Formerly THE DENVER JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATHY,VOL. V. DENVER, COLO., MARCH 15,1898. No. 3.


By Walter J. King, 

Resident Physician, Denver Homeopathic Hospital.

While a true homeopath never prescribes for one symptom
only, but always in his prescribing considers the totality of
the symptoms, yet their are single symptoms which often serve
as guide-posts and point towards that remedy which, when the
totality of the symptoms is taken into consideration, is found to
be the indicated remedy. Not only in the treatment, but also
in the diagnosis, one symptom may assist us greatly in quickly
and correctly reaching a decision.

The tongue is a mirror in which we may discover by its
color, coating, volume, dryness and movements, the reflection of
the condition of the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems,
and the state of the secretions. A red, smooth tongue is a sign
of failing nutrition; a clean, smooth and bright red tongue indicates
inflammation of the gastric or intestinal mucous membrane.
Whenever the blood is watery and deficient in red
globules, we find the tongue remarkably pale. It is very red in
glossitis; in inflammation of the fauces or of the pharynx; it is
exceedingly red and shining in scarlet fever, also to a lesser
degree in the other exanthemata. In dangerous cases of pneumonia
and bronchitis, or in structural diseases of the heart, the
tongue is bluish and livid; this is due to deficient aeration or to
an obstruction to the flow of the venous blood. In chronic
diarrhoea and dysentery it is often red, smooth and dry; this
condition is also a frequent attendant on the cachexias. A clean
red tongue, with papillae prominent, or a white coating through
which the red papillae appear, is usually indicative of scarlet
fever, though sometimes present in pneumonia. The tongue is
loaded with a whitish coat of epithelium in inflammation of the
respiratory textures, at the beginning of fevers, and in disorders
of large portions of the abdominal mucous tract. In disturbances
of the liver, a yellowish coat is apt to be present; when
the blood is contaminated, the coat will be of a brown or very
dark hue. A furred appearance of the tongue is apt to be
present in scrofulous children; it is often present in grave acute
maladies, also sometimes in chronic diseases of the abdominal
viscera. A thick yellowish sheathing of one side may be produced
by decayed teeth or affections of the fauces. A pale
flabby tongue "with large papilla" is indicative of gastric debility;
also present in chlorosis. A sharp and pointed tongue is
often observed in inflammation or irritation of the brain. The
tongue will be found swollen in inflammation of its own sub-
stance' It will be swollen, broad and flabby in low fevers, in
in some affections of the brain, as a consequence upon the disturbed
circulation which accompanies diseases of the heart, and
sometimes in chronic ailments of the digestive organs. A relaxed,
dilated, and tremulous tongue indicates nervous or congestive
fevers. A dry, dark colored, glazed, furred or fissured
tongue, especially in acute diseases, is always to be dreaded, because
it is proof, not only that the secretions are arrested, but
also of depraved blood and ebbing life force. A dry tongue is
never a favorable sign. A fissured tongue is congenital in some
persons; it may occur in chronic inflammation of the intestines
or in chronic affections of the liver. In diabetes, coma, or persistent
breathing through the mouth, the tongue will be dry.
Impeded and tremulous movements of the tongue are attendant
in delibitated conditions of the system. In hemiplegia one side
is crippled, and the tongue turns away from the affected side of
the organ. A serious cerebral lesion is to be thought of when
the patient has imperfect articulation associated with difficulty
in moving the tongue.

The following manifestations or symptoms of the tongue
indicate a serious condition; a livid color, a very red, shining or
raw aspect, a heavy coating of a dark or black hue, dryness, or
tremulous action.

A few remedies that may be pointed to by the tongue are
as follows:

Antimonium Crudum:—Thick, milky-white coating on the
tongue, from slow digestion.
Antimonium Tartaricum:—Tongue coated thinly, white
with reddened papillae; red edges; tongue very red, dry in the
middle, with bitter taste.

Arsenicum Album:—Gangrene of tongue; spots on tongue
burn like fire.
Arum Triphyllum:—Tongue red like a beet, with prominent
papillae, excessive salivation.
Aurum Metallicum:—Tongue stiff and hard as leather; taste
entirely lost, craves nothing but acids.
Acidum Muriaticum:—Aphthae and ulceration of tongue,
which is heavy and paralyzed; taste acrid and putrid, like rotten
eggs, with ptyalism.
Belladonna:—Papillae deep red, inflamed and enlarged;
tongue fissured; trembling when protruded.
Borax:—Aphthous stomatitis.
Bryonia Alb:—Grayish or thick yellow coating; dry, brown
tongue; everything tastes bitter.
Gelsemium Sempervirens:—Can hardly protrude the tongue
it trembles so; speech thick, from congestion of the base of the
Hydrastis Canadensis:—Tongue large, flabby and slimy
looking; coating yellow, slimy, sticky, furred, Stomatitis materna.
Hyoscyamus Niger:—Tongue dry, red, brown, cracked and
Iodium:—Tongue heavily coated, continuous taste of salt
in the mouth; ravenous hunger, cannot be satisfied.
Ipecacuanha:—Constant nausea with a clean tongue.
Iris Versicolor:—Gums and tongue feel as though covered
with a greasy substance.
Kali Bichromicum:—Tongue thick, broad and mapped or
coated with thick, yellow felt.
Lachesis:—Tongue dry, red, black, stiff, cracked, much
trembling of tongue when protruding; tongue catches on the
teeth when protruding.
Leptandra Virginica:—Tongue coated yellow or black down
the middle.
Mercurius:—Very heavy, thick, moist, yellow coated tongue,
which takes the imprint of the teeth; fetid breath but
sweet taste in the mouth.
Mezereum:—Burning in the tongue extending to stomach.
Natrum Muriaticum:—Great complaints about the dryness
of the tongue, which is not very dry.
Nux Moschata:—Tongue so dry it sticks to the palate, especially
after sleeping, without thirst; the saliva seems like cotton.
Nux Vomica:—The first half of the tongue is clean or comparatively
clean; sometimes it is red and shining, but the posterior half
is coated with a deep fur.
Opium:—Paralysis of the tongue; tongue white, mouth
dry with unquenchable thirst from arrest of mucous secretions.
Ostrya Virginica:—Yellow coated tongue, slimy, coppery,
bitter taste.
Phytolacca Dec:—Tongue feels rough with blisters on the
sides, and a very red tip; great pain in the root of the tongue
when swallowing.
Podophyllum Peltatum:—Tongue full and broad with pasty
coat in the center and shows imprints of teeth, from portal congestion.
Pulsatilla Nigricans:—Tongue coated whitish yellow, with
tenacious mucus.
Rhus Toxicodendron:—Tongue has a triangular red tip,
white often on one side; takes imprint of teeth.
Sepia:—Large, pale, flabby and indentated tongue.
Silicon:—Sensation as if a hair were lying on fore-part of
tongue; tastes of blood in the morning.
Spigelia:—Fine stitches in the tongue, is full of cracks.
Stramonium:—Tongue yellowish-brown and dry on the
center or swelled and dry, showing the imprint of the teeth,
no desire for water, all kinds of food tastes like straw.
Sulphur:—Whitish or yellow coating; red tip and borders:
burning and dryness of the tongue.
Terebinthina:—Tongue red, smooth and glossy, as if deprived
of papillae in typhoid fevers.
Taraxacum:—White coated tongue, which peels off, giving
"mapped" appearance.
Thuja Occidentalis:—Ranula on both sides of the tongue,
transparent, of a bluish-red-gray and jelly-like appearance.
Slow speech. Tip of the tongue sore to the touch.
Ustilago Madis:—Prickling sensation in the tongue, with
a feeling as if something was under the roots of the tongue
pressing upward. Slimy, coppery taste.
Valeriana:—Tongue thickly coated, with taste as of rancid
Veratrum Album:—Tongue cold; unquenchable desire for
cold drinks; dry, blackish, cracked tongue, or coated yellow,
with red tip and edges.
Veratrum Viride:—Tongue yellow at the sides, with a red
streak along the center and inclined to be dry.
Yucca:—Sallow yellow face and tongue, tongue takes imprints
of teeth.
Zincum:—Taste of blood in the mouth; sweetish rising
from the stomach, with a clean, red tongue; tongue dry and
feels heavy.


Small and Less Used Medicine From Materia Medica Of Dr W. Boericke 

(American Arum)

This remedy has a marked action on the genital organs, and pruritus of this region. Coldness of single parts and inclination to lie down, with aggravation on lying on left side. Slightest noise startles from sleep. Dread from motion. Modifies craving for tobacco. Tobacco heart. Asthmatic complaints.

Head :- Headaches and mental states of smokers. Very forgetful, does not know about the occurrences of things. Confused headache with pain in shoulder, pressure in eyes and forhead; extremely sensitive to noise, throbbing in ear.

Stomach :- Gnawing in orifice of stomach, which prevents deep breathing, and eructations. Eructations. Stomach feels full of dry food; sensation of fluttering. Acrid vomiting, thirstless and tolerates only warm drinks. Sighing respiration.

Male :- Pruritis. Glans very red. Organs seems larger, puffed, relaxed, cold, sweating; skin of scrotum thick. Erections when half-asleep; cease when fully awake. Impotency; relaxation of penis during excitement. No emission and no orgasm during embrace.

Female :- Pruritis of vulva [Ambr.; Kreos.] and vagina during pregnancy. (Hydrogen peroxide 1:12 locally). Voluptuousness. Cramp pains in uterus at night.

Skin :- Sweet sweat – attracts flies. Insect bites burn and itch intensely. Itching rash alternates with asthma. Burning sensation and erysipelatous inflammation.

Respiratory :- Larynx seems constricted. Breathing impeded. Catarrhal asthma; mucus not readily raised. Patient afraid to go to sleep.

Modalities :- Better , after sweat, after sleeping in daytime.
  Worse, motion.

Relationship – 
Incompatible: Arum Triph.
Complementary: Nitric Acid.
Compare: Capsic.; Phosph.; Caust.; Selen.; Lyc.; Ikshugandha (Sexual weakness, emissions, prostatic enlargement).
Dose – Third to sixth attenuation.

Nov 17, 2011

Homeopathic Medicines in Constipation

Constipation is a very common symptom. Here is one more page for Indicated Homeopathic Medicines in Constipation.

Following article was published in THE CRITIQUE, Formerly THE DENVER JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATHY, VOL. V. DENVER, COLO., MARCH 15,1898. No. 3.

By Pearl B. Wheeler, M. D., Physician to the Ladies Relief Home, Denver.

Since the intestinal canal is governed by the two great
systems of nerves, the sympathetic, presiding over the upper
portion and the cerebro-spinal, taking charge of the lower; it
would be but natural to think of a close association between
this canal and all other parts of the body. Consequently, when
a physician has a case of constipation to deal with, he finds
but an index to disorders in the nervous system and the result
and not a cause of trouble as is supposed by many.
The character of the stool becomes a guide to the cure of
distresses elsewhere, for seldom will there be found a case of
real constipation without other symptoms in connection with
it. The true homeopath, then, who accurately chooses his
remedy with reference to the totality of symptoms will seldom
need to resort to enemata(enema), injections, etc.
The following remedies with their accompanying symptoms
may perhaps prove worthy of consideration.

Aesculus:—Constant urging to stool or ineffectual efforts
(Ambra Gris., Nux, Colch., Iod., Anacard.) Stools large, hard,
dry and dark. (Bry. Nux) Dryness of rectum which feels as if
full of sticks.
Hemorrhoids with little bleeding. Constant
back-ache, feels as if it would break
(Kali. Con). After stool
prolapse of anus with back-ache, (Prolapse of rectum Podo
and Ruta).

Alumina:—No desire for stool. Difficult evacuation from
want of peristaltic motion and dryness even when soft stool is
(China) requiring great pressing (Merc. Prot.) Stools
hard, knotty and scanty, (Graph. Agar. and Kali Bi) or soft
and clinging to anus. Bad effects of lead (Platina, Opium),
scanty and insufficient (Carbo. Veg., Hepar, Kali Bi., Nat.Carb.,
 Nit. Ac., Ruta., Verbasc., Zinc). Vertigo, as if every
thing was turning in a circle.

Agaricus.—Stools hard and knotty at first, followed by
loose stool and finally diarrhoea. Itching, burning and red-
ness of feet and hands as if frozen. Itching at anus as from
worms (Nux). Violent cutting in abdomen and discharge of
flatus with sharp stitching in liver. Painful drawing in pit of
stomach. Hysterical subjects.

Ammon. Carb.:—Stools difficult, hard and knotty (Alumum.
 Graph. and Kali Bi). Hemorrhoidal tumors protruding
before, during and after stools. Discharge of stool during and
after evacuation. Can't sleep at nights on account of burning

Ammon. Mur.:—Large, hard stool, crumbling after passing
 anus, requiring great effort to expel, then followed by soft
stool (Anacard.) Feces covered by glairy mucus. (Causticum
Graph and Lyc.) Giddiness with fullness in head in A.
M. and especially after getting up. Crumbling stool is characteristic
of all the muriates.

Ambra Gris.:—Frequent ineffectual urging to stool (Nux
Aesculus, Colch., Iod., Anacard.) Stinging, smarting and itching
 of anus. Varices of rectum. Hemorrhoids (Aesculus,
Hydrast., Iris, Nux.) Heat in head on alternate days with
fear of losing his senses.

Anacard:—Frequent urging through the day, unable to expel
 anything. Sensation as if rectum was stopped up with plug,
(Nux) Sensation as if lump had lodged in rectum (Sepia).
The expulsion not taking place immediately, a painful twisting
twitching is felt across the abdomen. Stools loose at first, then
hard (Opposite Agar., Am. Mur.) Pale color, violent pressing
in region of right temple.

Antimon. Crud.:—Hard stool with difficult expulsion
without previous straining. Alternating constipation and di-
arrhoea of old persons (Bry. Lach., Rhus, Puls.) Feces too
large. Milky white coating on tongue. Stupefying headache
with nausea in the evening or after eating.

Apis:—Prolapsus Ani (Calc., Ferr., Mur. Ac., Acetum,
Pod. and Aescul.) Hemorrhoids with stinging pains. Tenderness
 of abdomen to pressure (Bry. and Nux) Feeling in
abdomen as if something would give away if he strained at
stool. Great debility as if he had worked hard. Must lie

Bell:—Constipation with tendency of blood to head. When
stooping, blood rushes to head followed by dizziness. Plethoric
 individuals. Shuddering during stool. Stools in lumps
like chalk.

Bry.:—Constipation. Chronic constipation (Verat. Alb.)
Stools large, hard, (Calc. Carb., Mag. Mur.) and as if burnt.
(Mag. Mur.) Lips dry and parched. Thirst. Rheumatic
tendency. Headache, as if skull would split by motion.

Calc. Carb.:—Stools large and hard (Nux, Mag. Mur.,
Bry.) sometimes only partially digested (Hepar). White
stools (Black- Opium, Phos., Verat. Alb.) increasing
from day to day. After stool, gloomy feeling in head and
feeling of faintness. Oozing of fluid from the rectum, smelling
 like herring brine. Too early and too profuse menstruation (Bell)
 Scrofulous individuals. Violent itching of anus
(Caust. Nit. Ac., Sil., Sulph.)

Carbo. Animal:—Constipation. Unsuccessful desire for
stool (Nux, Anacard., Ambra Gris.) Passes only very offen-
sive flatus (Lach.) During stool, pain in small of back (Aesculus)
with inflation of abdomen. Stools hard and knotty
(Alum., Graph., Am. Carb., Kali Bi.)

Carbo. Veg.:—Hard, tough, scanty stool (Caust.) Labor
like pain. Discharge of tough feces in fragments. Violent
urging with tingling in rectum and pressure in bladder (Sulph)
Burning in bowels and sensation as if diarrhoea would set in.
Great debility (Apis) and weakness as soon as he makes the
least exertion.

Caust.:—Frequent and unsuccessful desire to pass stool,
with red face and anxiety. Hard, tough stool (Carbo. Veg.)
covered by mucus (Hyd.) Shining as if greased. Stool too
small shaped (Phos.) comes off in pieces, (Carbo. Veg., Mag.
Mur.) Passes better while standing. Light colored (pale Anacard,
like chalk- Bell,) white stool (Calc. Carb.) Writhing
pain in abdomen, previous to stool. Excessive itching in anus
day and night (Caust., Sil., Sulph., Nit. Ac., Calc. C.) Soft
small stool, size of a goose quill (Phos.) Constipation of
children. Involuntary emissions of urine when coughing
sneezing or laughing, frequent and urgent desire to urinate
with scanty emission. Thirst.

Chelidon:—Stools in hard lumps (Hyper) like sheep dung
(Mag. Mur., Plumb., Ruta, Verbasc.) Suitable to persons with
hepatic diseases, shooting pains from liver to back. Constant
pain under lower inner angle of right scapula. Crawling and
itching in rectum and reddish urine.

China:—Difficult stool even when soft (Alum.,Plat., Phos.Ac.)
 Dizziness and heat in head with accumulation of feces
in rectum. Menses profuse, bright or black and clotted. Discouraged.

Cimex:—Stools hard and in small balls (Plumb., Thuja,
Opium, Mag. Mur.) Stools with hemorrhoidal sufferings.
Pain in small of back, extending over abdomen with distension
of abdomen. After white stool, discharged in small pieces,
rectum closes firmly.

Cocculus:—Hard stool expelled with difficulty (Nux), after
stool, violent tenseness of rectum even to fainting. Contractive
 pain in rectum, preventing sitting.

Colchicum:—Extremely painful stools. Scanty evacuation
even soft stool is expelled with hard straining in back (Alum.
China, Plat., Phos. Ac.) with pain in back (Aesculus, Kali Carb.)
 Ineffectual pressing to stool (Nux, Colch., Anacard.)
Feels feces in rectum but can't expel them. Lancinating or
lancinating-lacerating at anus.

Conium:—Frequent urging without stool (Anac, Lyc,
Nux). Hard stool with tenseness (headache discharge of
prostate fluids). Tremulous weakness after every stool (Verat.Alb.)
passing off in open air. Frequent stitches in anus between stools.
Involuntary flow of urine, suddenly stops and
continues after a short intermission. (Ledum., Gummi-Gutti)
Dizziness when turning in bed. Heat and burning in rectum
during stool, (Burning in Epigastrium, Apis).

Cuprum:—Suppressed stool with general heat. Obstruction
of intestinal canal or violent evacuation.

Eup. Per.:—Constipation with catarrh.

Euphorb.:—Stool like glue (like putty, Alum. Plat.) with
previous itching of rectum. Burning sore pain around the anus
(Mur. Ac, Aloes, Ars.) Itching of rectum during desire for
stool (Mur. Ac).

Graph.:—Stools hard and knotty, (Alum., Kali Bi) lumps
being united by threads of mucus. A quantity of white mucus
is expelled with stool (Lach.) or the feces are covered with
mucus (Am. Mur., Lyc) Stools size of lumbricoides.
Humid tetters and eruptions.

Hepar:—Sluggishnsss of rectum (Alum.) Stools hard or
soft and insufficient (Alum., Carb. Veg., Kali Bi, Nat. Carb.,
Nit. Ac, Ruta). After mercurial dosing.

Hydrastis:—Stools lumpy, covered with mucus. (Lyc.,
Graph., Am. Mur.) Constant headache with piles, severe
pains in anus and rectum for hours after stool. Fainting turns
and heat in bowels.

Ignatia:—Difficult stool causing prolapsus ani (Aesculus,
Mur. Ac., Ruta, Cale. C., Ferrum). After stool a violent, stabbing,
stitching from anus up into rectum (Mezer) Constipation
from taking cold or from riding in a carriage (from traveling, Plat.)
Grieving. All-gone feeling at stomach.

Iodium:—Ineffectual desire for stool, immediately prompted
by drink of milk. Scrofulous people with low cachectic
state of the system. Stools hard, knotty and dark (Graph.)
Part of feces retarded.

Kali Bi:—Habitual constipation. (Verat. Alb.) Painful
retraction of anus. Stools dry, knotty, with burning at anus,
(Nat. M., Verat.) Stools slate colored, bloody, coldness of extremities,
debility and headache.

Kali Carb:—Insufficient, soft stool (Alum.) Constipation
with distress and colicy, stitching pains an hour or two
before stool. Too large sized feces (Ant., Collinson., Cond.)
Stools resembling sheeps dung (Chel., Mag. M., Verbasc., Berber.)
Passing of white mucus before and during stool. Large
painful varices (Mur. Ac.), inactivity of the rectum (Alum.,
Ign., Opium).

Lach.:—Chronic constipation without any other ailments.
Constipation of years standing (Verat. Alb., Lach., Phytol.,
Sarsap.) Unsuccessful urging to stool, anus feels closed, feces
press against it at all times without passing, only flatus
is passed, sensation as of lump lodged in rectum (Sepia)
Sheep's dung stool (Chel., Ruta, Plumb., Mag. M., Verbasc.,
Berber.) with difficult, scanty discharge or tenesmus. Severe
pains in back with constipation (Aesculus, Kali Carb). Cadaverous
smelling stools.

Lycopod:—Ineffectual urging owing to contraction of
sphincter ani. Small stool with sensation as if much remained
behind (Part of feces ratarded, Iodium), (Nux). Acid and
heartburn with great drowsiness after dinner (Phos.). Red
sand in urine (Phos., Sil.) Fermentation in abdomen.

Mag. Mur:—Constipation, stool hard, difficult and insufficient.
Knotty, like sheep's dung, covered with blood and mucus.
Stools in little round balls (Opium, Plumb,) crumbling
as they pass the anus (Am. Mur., Nat. Mur.) Throbbing in
stomach with dullness of head.

Nux Vom.:—Constipation with rush of blood to the head.
Stool insufficient, black, hard, often streaked with blood as
from inactivity of intestines, with ineffectual effort to go to
stool (Bry., Anacard., Lyc, Iod.) Sensation as if anus were
closed or too narrow (see Anacard. and Lyc.) Large hard feces
(Calc. C, Mag. Mur., Bry., Verat. Alb.) Piles, blind or
bleeding. Frequent eructations of some bitter fluid. Sensation
as of stone or lump of lead in stomach. Frontal headache.
Sedentary habits. Pregnant women (Bry., Lyc, Sepia) Victims
of drugs.

Opium:—Torpor of bowels after chronic diarrhoea or from
abuse of cathartics (Nux) Stools small, hard, black balls,
(Plumb.) balls that crumble as they pass, like excrement of
dogs in small lumps, (Prun. Spin.) Constipation from fear
or fright. Costiveness for weeks with loss of appetite. Inertia
of rectum (Alum. Hepar). Vomiting of stecoraceous matter
in consequence of intussusception.

Phos.:—Stools long, narrow and hard like a dog's (Caust.
Opium, Prun. Spin.) Very difficult to expel. Exceedingly
painful cramps in rectum after stool. Alternate constipation
and diarrhoea (Bry., Ant. C, Lach, Rhus., Phos.) Very sleepy
after eating, especially after dinner.

Platina:—Difficult expulsion of scanty stool, adhering to
parts like soft clay. After lead poisoning (Alum, Opium).
Constipation caused by travelling. Cramp like pressing in
temples from within, outward. Low spirited and nervous.
After expulsion sense of great weakness in abdomen or chilliness
(Puls., Cocc, Gummi Gutti, Verat.)

Plumb:—Stools consist of hard balls made up of smaller
balls. Constipation with violent colic. Sensation of constriction
in sphincter ani (see Lyc. and Nux.) with ineffectual

Puls.:—Constipation, especially if feces are large and hard
after suppressed intermittent fever by quinine, with menstrual
disorders. Constipation consequent upon eating rich greasy
food. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea (Ant. C., Bry. Phos*
Lach., Rhus.)

Ruta Grav.:—Frequent urging to stool with protrusion of
rectum (Ign. Nux., Podo, Aesculus.) Constipation following
mechanical injuries.

Sabadilla:—Violent urging to stool with noise like croaking
of frog. Must sit a long time before stool (which is enormous)
is passed, preceded by immense amount of flatus, and
followed by burning in abdomen.

Sarsaparilla:—Obstinate constipation with urging to
urinate. Desire for stool with contraction of intestines and
excessive pressure from above downward as if bowels would be
pressed out. Frequent scanty emissions of urine, especially at

Selen.:—Stools so hard and impacted that they must be removed
by mechanical agency. Feces contain threads of fecal
matter like hair.

Sepia:—Hard, knotty stools, sometimes mixed with mucus
with cutting pain in rectum (Ignatia, Mag. Mur.) Unsuccessful
urging to stool. Only wind and mucus are passed with sensation
in rectum as if lump had lodged in it (Anac., Sepia.)
Not relieved by stool. Insufficient stool with teneemus. Pressing
stool does not relieve. Constipation during pregnancy
(Alum., Bry., Lyc., Nux.)

Silic.:—After much effort and straining stool recedes back
in rectum after partial expulsion. Stools composed of hard
lumps. Constipation of women before and during menses
(Constipation before and diarrhoea after menses Graph.) Infants
and scrofulous children.

Sulph.:—Stools hard, lumpy, (Silic) mixed with mucus,
followed by burning pain in anus and rectum (Sepia). Constant
heat on top of head (Coolness, Verat.) Frequent weak
spells. Constant urging pressing on rectum as if it would protrude,
with pressure on bladder. Palpitation of heart. Fainting
regularly towards 10 or 11 in forenoon.

Thuja:—Obstinate constipation as from inactivity or
intussusception (Opium). Stools in hard balls (Opium, Plumbum,
Verat. Alb.) streaked with blood (Sulph. ac.) Violent
pain in rectum during stool. Copious and frequent urination
with burning in urethra. Offensive perspiration in anus at
perineum. (Colch.)

Verat. Alb.:—Chronic constipation (long standing Lach,
Phytol., Sarsap.) particularly in infants. Much straining with
cold perspiration on head. Stool too large and hard (Bry.,
Calc. C., Mag. Mur.) Inactivity of rectum, it seems as if
paralyzed (Alum., Opium.)