Aug 31, 2014

होम्योपैथी में दवा देने का क्या आधार है?

होम्योपैथी, चिकित्सा का एक ऐसा सिस्टम है, जिसमें दवायें रोगों के लिये नहीं बल्कि उस रोगी को आधार बनाकर दी जाती हैं. यानि एक ही रोग में सभी रोगियों को एक ही दवा नहीं दी जा सकती बल्कि दवा हर रोगी के अलग-अलग गुण-दोषों के आधार पर तय होती है.

 इसे ऐसे समझें कि मौसम के बदलाव पर होने वाले जुखाम, बुखार और खाँसी के अलग- अलग रोगियों को अलग-अलग दवायें मिलेंगी, होम्योपैथी में सभी का बुखार उतारने के लिये ऐलोपैथी की तरह पैरासिटामोल नहीं है. प्रत्येक व्यक्ति एक ही रोग की स्थिति 
में भी अलग-अलग ढंग से लक्षण प्रकट करता है. यानि होम्योपैथी, 'रेडीमेड' नहीं बल्कि 'टेलर मेड' मेडिसिन है.

अन्य चिकित्सा विधियों में रोग का डायग्नोसिस ही चिकित्सा का आधार होता है, यानि एक बार रोग का पता लग जाये तो दी जाने वाली दवायें हर रोगी के लिये एक जैसी ही होती हैं. लेकिन होम्योपैथी में ऐसा नहीं है. 

दवा का चुनाव रोगी के लक्षणों पर आधारित होता है. तो क्या एक ही रोग में लक्षण भी भिन्न- भिन्न होते हैं? 

उदाहरण के लिये बुखार की बात करते हैं - बुखार के एक रोगी को ठंड लग कर बुखार आता है लेकिन फिर भी ढकना उसे अच्छा नहीं लगता, लेकिन दूसरे रोगी को बुखार में ठंड लगने पर ढकने से आराम मिलता है, तीसरे रोगी को बुखार आने से पहले ठंड लगते समय बहुत प्यास लगती है. चौथा रोगी बुखार आने पर प्यास की शिकायत करता है और पाँचवां
पसीना आने पर पानी पीना चाहता है. इनमें से किसी रोगी को जरा सा हिलने पर ही ठंड और कंपकपी बढने लगती है जबकि दूसरे रोगी को ठंड लगने पर पैर हिलाने से आराम रहता है. ये सभी रोगी हो सकता है मलेरिया से पीङित हों लेकिन लक्षणों में इन मामूली अंतरों की वजह से अलग-अलग होम्योपैथिक दवाओं से ठीक होंगे. जबकि अन्य चिकित्सा विधियों में लक्षणों का ये मामूली अंतर कोई महत्व नहीं रखता. 

इसी प्रकार उदाहरण के लिए- माइग्रेन सिरदर्द के रोगियों में भी लक्षणों की विभिन्नता अलग- अलग दवाओं की ओर इशारा करती है. दर्द के भिन्न प्रकार जैसे- कटने जैसा दर्द, हथौङे से पीटने जैसा दर्द, कीलें चुभने जैसा दर्द आदि. 

इसी तरह सिर के अलग- अलग भाग में होने वाले दर्द अलग- अलग दवाओं के चुनाव की ओर इशारा करते हैं. सिरदर्द के एक रोगी को लेटने से आराम मिलता है लेकिन दूसरे का दर्द लेटने से बढ जाता है, एक 
रोगी को सोने से सिर दर्द ठीक हो जाता है जबकि दूसरे रोगी का दर्द हमेशा नींद में ही शुरु होता है. इस प्रकार लक्षणों की मामूली भिन्न्ता और लक्षणों के विभिन्न समूहों के आधार पर होम्योपैथिक दवाओं का चयन किया जाता है जो कि रोगी को ठीक करती हैं. 

यानी, होम्योपैथिक दवाओं का चयन व रोगी के ईलाज की योजना डायग्नोसिस पर निर्भर नहीं करती, बल्कि रोगी किस प्रकार के लक्षण प्रकट करता है उसी के आधार पर होम्योपैथिक दवायें दी जाती हैं. 

डॉ रविंद्र सिंह मान

© 2014 Dr R S Mann

Aug 19, 2014


Originally published in "The Homoeopathic Recorder, Vol XXVI, Lancaster, Pa., 1911."  

Edited by: Dr. Ravinder S. Mann

 Dr. A. D. Hard, of Marshall, Minn., has a paper in Medical 
Times, March, on  “Thiosinamine in Senility.” He claims that 
this drug acts “as a resolvent of indurated flesh.” He concludes 
by suggesting “that Thiosinamine be given in one-tenth grain 
doses three times a day for the purpose of staying the hand of 
time and keeping a man from growing old.” One-tenth grain 
is to be found in the 1x tablet triturates of Thiosinamine. 
Dr. Miller (British Hom. Jour., Mar.) on “symptoms” men- 
tions some invaluable ones but deeply hidden, not easily confessed 
by the patient, perhaps not fully realized save in a shamefaced 
way. Among such mentioned is a presentiment of death, Apis; 
lack of natural affection, Sepia and Phosphorus; lurking impulse 
to kill those nearest and dearest, Phosphorus and Nux vomica, 
and a suicidal prompting in China. This class, as said before, 
is hidden but very valuable when discovered by the man who 
knows the deeper working of his Materia Medica. 
Crataegus oxyacanth. as a “Heart Remedy” — I cannot speak too 
highly of Crataegus as a remedy in affections of the heart, as it 
positively has no reaction. Its action is similar to Strophanthus, 
but it has not the disagreeable taste of the latter drug. In a few 
days Crataegus favorably influences the whole of the nervous 
system, increasing the appetite and improving nutrition and 
assimilation, its influence benign mainly on the sympathetic and 
solar plexus. It is gentle in its action on the cardiac organ, 
prompt and strengthening. In one case in which it was admin- 
istered the patient was irritable, wan, and of a melancholic dis- 
position. After a few day’s treatment with Crataegus, these symp- 
toms were greatly modified and, shortly afterwards, disappeared. 
It is a safe heart remedy, and the best results are obtained from 
the 6 tincture, which I have always found to act quickly and 
consistently. — Kopp, in Homoeopathic World. 
The following is from a paper by Dr. E. R. Waterhouse 
(Eclectic) in Clinical Reporter for March: “These friends” (the 
homoeopaths) “have told us that Belladonna in very small doses 
acts as a prophylactic against scarlet fever. I will say that I 
have watched this for more than twenty years, and have given 
it to children where there were cases of the scarlet fever in the 
house, and in no case have these children contracted the disease. 
Only a few weeks ago I had a case of scarlet fever where there 
were four other children in the house, together with the mother 
and father, and none of them had ever had the disease. They all 
got the Belladonna except the father, who would not take the 
medicine, and in due time he had scarlet fever, but none of the 
others did.” 
In an old note book we find, under Cicuta virosa: “Considered, 
says Lilienthal, almost a specific in epidemic meningitis cerebro- 
spinalis,” but where, and when he said it is not given. 
Spigelia, as all homoeopaths know, is often a wonder worker 
in the most painful cases of neuralgia, so that the following from 
the official journal A. M. A. is curious reading: “Therapy, the 
only therapeutic use for Spigelia, is to promote the removal from 
the intestine of the round worm, and occasionally to aid in the 
removal from the rectum of the pin-worm.” They have much to 
learn about medicine. 
Dr. C. J. Junkermann, of Cleveland, O., in Jour. A. I. H., says 
that Ruta graveolens is very useful in “patients who have a ten- 
dency to the formation of deposits in the periosteum, in bone, in 
tendons, about joints, over-straining of tendons in the places 
where they are weak, will form nodules, lumps, bunches or little 
tumors in the tendons. I will include also gradual increasing 
contraction of the flexors, so that the hand becomes permanently 
flexed, or the foot becoming flexed so that the sole becomes more 
concave and the toes drawn under from over-straining and vio- 
lence to the contractors and flexors.” Presumably it is used ex- 
ternally and internally. 
Dr. F. C. Richardson (N. E. Med. Gaz., May), writing of 
poliomyelitis, says that the medical treatment must be symptom- 
atic. The remedies he found to be most useful in the cases he 
treated were Gelsemium, Belladonna, Eupatorium and Helle- 
Dr. E. X. Ritter, Williamsport, Pa. (Med. Summary, April), 
praises the effects of Apocynum in sciatica and neuralgia, lumbar 
and crural. He gives several cases, pain in left sciatic nerve, in 
right leg, and in back which were relieved by half a dram of 
Apocynum in four ounces of water, teaspoonful doses every few 
Dr. J. H. Allen, Chicago (The Clinique, April), says that 
Arsenicum iod. has helped him in cases of large, hard glands, in 
tubercular glands and in tertiary syphilis, ulcers, hard and carti- 
laginous-like, sallow and tired, heavy feeling in legs. 
Dr. J. W. Miller, of Miami College (Therapeutic Gazette), 
writing of eczema of the palms, after giving the usual salves, etc.,. 
adds that great benefit is derived from soaking the hands in hot 
water. Internally, we may add Skookum chuck 3X (medical lake 
salts)  have often proved to be very effective in eczema and kin- 
dred skin ills. 
Mercurius cyanide, according to Dr. J. H. Clarke, is “a very 
efficient prophylactic in diphtheria.” He also says that it acts 
better in the 30th than in lower potencies. Some years ago a man 
in New York who had been poisoned with Merc. cy. was treated 
by the doctors for diphtheria at first, before they discovered what 
he was suffering from. 
Mezerenm is said to be a good antidote to mercurial poisoning. 
There is probably no drug in the materia medica that produces 
so complete a picture of the worst sort of “fits” as does OEnanthe 
crocata. The numerous poison cases from the roots on record 
seem to prove that. Curious to relate a practitioner not long ago 
said, “OEnanthe crocata? Never heard of it.” Yet a case of epi- 
lepsy, or any kind of “fits,” should never be given up until this 
drug is tried. 
“It (Oleander) will be found to be, if not a complete remedy, 
yet an indispensable intermediate remedy in some kinds of mental 
derangements, e. g., absence of mind.” — Hahnemann. 
“Belladonna will dry the mother's milk, and when it is given 
directly after confinement it will often prevent or retard the flow. 
When we wish to dry the flow of milk, as in cases of death of the 
child, or at weaning time, the application of an ointment contain- 
ing Belladonna will accomplish it in short order with no detri- 
mental effect.” — Dr. E. R. Waterhouse, Eclectic Medical Journal, 
Dr. C. R. Green, Troy, N. Y., contributes a paper to Am . A. 
J. of Hom., for May, on “The Third Action of Hepar Sulphur 
Calcarea in Suppuration.” After quoting various text-books — 
Hughes, Farrington, Nash, Boericke and Goodno — on the drug 
when given high aborting, and low hastening suppuration, he re- 
lates a number of cases, where pus had formed, operation being 
either unadvisable or refused, where the drug in the 3X caused the 
pus to be absorbed, cure following. The cases, four in number, 
included one in the neck, the throat, hand and wrist from gonor- 
rhoea, and a case of appendicitis where patient refused to be 
operated on. 
Dr. A. J. Howe, one of the old eclectics, said that a lotion of 
Thuja was good for anal protrusion. Apply externally. 
Dr. W. M. Gregory, Berea, O. (Medical Summary, May), 
writes of Calendula, of which he accidentally heard somewhere : 
“First, it will absolutely prevent the formation of pus in lacerated 
wounds and burns ; second, it is of the most helpful things in 
the world to relieve pain; third, it is a truly wonderful remedy to 
promote healing and prevent sloughing.” 
“In chronic cases we often find the patient complaining of pain 
in the cervical region, with a tendency for the head to draw 
backward, with nervousness. Here the field is most its own, as I 
know of no other remedy that is so certain in its action. In 
slender, pale-faced girls between the ages of twelve and twenty, 
losing flesh, morning cough, irregular appetite, and even in a few 
cases so far as to have the hectic fever; nervousness, nervous 
chills, etc., when the patient is tall and bloodless — it seems that it 
is in this class of patients that the results have been best. In 
these cases also there may be scant menstruation or neuralgic 
dysmenorrhoea. In cases, old or young, where there seems to be a 
lack of red blood, here is the picture for Gossypium:” — Dr. 
O. C. Baird, Chanute, Kansas, in N. E. M. A. Quarterly. 
“Agnus castus tincture, one-half teaspoonful in 
a half glass of water, teaspoonful every hour, never fails to estab- 
lish the flow of milk after child-birth.” — Dr. S. A. Bass, Wichita, 
“I have absolutely cured numerous fibroid tumors 
of the breast by the internal use of  Thyroidin 2x.” — 
Dr. E. J. Burch, Carthage, Mo. 
The alkaloid of the fountain of youth has been discovered in 
Thiosinamine, as, according to Dr. Hard, Medical Times, one- 
tenth grain three times a day will “stay the hand of time.” The 
drug is said to soften indurated flesh, hence it ought to do the 
same to the hardening tissue of age, so runs the argument. If 
you want to stop the clock of time better use the 1x tablet trits., 
as these represent exactly 1/1o grain. 
“Cundurango 30 will relieve the sharp cutting pain in cancer, 
a dose every half hour for a few doses. It takes the place of 
morphine." — Dr. Rhoda Pike Barstow, Irving Park, III., con- 
Dr. W. Banta, Calistoga, Calif., tells of a man he treated for 
scorpion bite in a finger. The treatment was Echinacea applied 
undiluted to the bite and a teaspoonful of the drug in water in- 
ternally, at once followed by another later, divided in twenty drop 
doses, every two hours during the remainder of the day. By 
night he was well on to recovery. In contrast to this he tells 
of another case treated at a sanitarium whose hand was swollen 
enormously, the patient was unconscious for four days, and had 
a crippled hand afterwards. 
The quickest relief for haemorrhoids is in Aesculus and Hama- 
melis Suppositories. 
This has been verified. Sore throat from inhaling cold air. 
Throat insufferably dry, Cistus Can. 
A small cut or injury becomes very much swollen and inflamed, 
sometimes discolored. In such cases Pyrogen will help. 
In cases of ulcerated teeth do not forget that ancient standby 
Heckla lava. 
Do not stick too close to the idea that the Pulsatilla patient 
must be a mild blonde, or the Sepia one a snappy brunette, and 
so with others. 
“Prickly heat,” perspiration, itching, Ledum. 
Mr. W., aged JJ, consulted me about “discomfort in his ab- 
domen,” and headache. He said : “I have a feeling that I want 
to keep passing a motion, and when I try to do so I cannot. I 
feel as if someone has pushed something lumpy up my back pas- 
sage.” He further said, “I do not mind my other troubles, so 
long as you get rid of this feeling for me;” I ordered Sepia 30. 
Two doses were sufficient to cure him entirely of this discom- 
fort. — MacCandlish, H. W., July. 
With a history of gonorrhoea think of Medorrhinum 30. 
When at a stand-still in heart cases do not be afraid to “try” 
Crataegus ox. in 5 drop doses of the tincture. It is not a poison 
like Digitalis, Nitro glyceriiie, etc. 
While the reader may never be called upon to treat a case of 
beri-beri it may be interesting to know that Dr. J. N. Majumdar, 
of Calcutta (Indian Homoeopathic Review, July) says that “Rhus 
tox. generally is our principal remedy.”' There are other reme- 
dies, of course, that may be called upon according as the symp- 
toms develop. 
Dr. S. C. Paul, in Indian Homoeopathic Review, July, makes 
the following peculiar distinction between the homoeopathic prep- 
arations of Tuberculinum and Bacillinum, in tuberculosis, derived 
from his experience as a practitioner, namely, that Tuberculinum 
acts well where the climate is dry and Bacillinum where it is wet 
and in marshy districts. 
On arterio-sclerosis. Dr. J. Herbert Moore in the discus- 
sion said : “To my personal knowledge and in my experience 
Plumbum from its pathology seems to take the lead” — i. e., in the 
therapeutics of this disease. The general opinion seemed to be 
that therapeutics in this condition are of little avail. 
In a general discussion of tonsils, adenoids and goitre (Iowa 
Hom. Jour., Nov.), Dr. Nettie Campbell told of a bad case in a 
young child which improved under Tuberculinum and Malan- 
drium. She also praised Baryta carb. in tonsillar 
troubles, curing cases in which it had been said that nothing but 
an operation would avail. Other doctors also praised the action 
of this remedy, but some maintained that it was a waste of time 
to do anything but operate. Burnett said that Bacillinum once 
a week should always be considered in tonsil cases. 
Our old friend, Stacy Jones, says in Medical Genius: “Con- 
vulsions. Spasms of all kinds. Epilepsy. The one grand mas- 
ter remedy is Melilotus. Adult 1 drop of the tincture every 5 
minutes during an attack.” If everything has failed this hint 
may be useful — if not it will be no worse than what has preceded. 
The same quaint authority says: “The acetate of copper, in 
minute doses, stands in the front rank of remedies for heart 
trouble with anguish and oppression, and rigid spasm.” Now in 
his dosage “minute” stands for the 2x on the average. 
According to Clarke's big Dictionary of M. M., “slag,” or, as 
it is known in homoeopathic pharmacy, Silico-sulpho-calcite of 
alumina, did one thing for a prover that was rather satisfactory 
to him, namely, it produced no symptoms, but “it cured him of 
flatulent distension in the evening and an oppressive feeling over 
the heart.” It has also cured housemaid's knee and also “a 
dreadful anal itching, piles and constipation as if by magic.” in 
one prover it produced “soreness of the anus,” but “his general 
health was much improved by it.” Slag seems to be a useful but 
little known remedy. It is generally used in the 3X and 6x trit- 
Formica rufa has been commended by several homoeopaths in 
the past, notably Dr. R. M. Cooper, for nasal polypi. Some 
cases are on record where, after several operations, where the 
polypi returned, this remedy cleared away the trouble and others 
where it obviated an operation. It was used from the 2x up. 

Aug 15, 2014


Originally published in  "The Homeopathic Recorder, Vol. XXVI, Lancaster, Pa. 1911". 
Edited By: Dr Ravinder S. Mann

Dr. J. V. Mott, Amelia, O. (Ec. M. J., Jan.), writes of Sumbul 
in asthma which gives prompt results, almost as much so as 
morphine, without the danger. He gives big doses, a dram, 
in hot water, and “it is a horrible dose, but the patient is glad 
to take it for the expected relief.” “Continued in small doses, 
it will cure most cases of asthma, if the disease begins before 
middle life.” 
Dr. Simpson (Hom. World, Jan.) reports case of a married 
Woman, age 35, very much troubled with sudden, urgent desire 
to urinate, the urine often escaping involuntarily. “Over the 
region of the bladder a dull pain was mostly present,” worse by 
standing or walking; no mal-position. Equisetum hyemale 6 
effected a complete cure. 
Dr. B. C. Woodbury, Jr., Portsmouth, N. H. (N. Am. J. 
Hom. j February), reports a case of sciatica of twenty years 
standing, always worse in wet weather, entirely cured by Rhus 
tox. 200. 
A case of intercostal neuralgia following a bruise cured 
by Ranunculus bulb. 3X. 
Also, Silicea mariana 3X has proved itself of service in consti- 
pation, with inactivity of the rectum with receding stool (Silicea 
and Natrum mur.) . 
“Given a pain in the region of the kidneys, and I always think 
of Agrimonia as the remedy. In my practice I have seen wonder- 
ful results from it, in cases of months' and years' duration, and 
when everything had failed. I have found other uses for it, but 
this has been so prominent that I always associate the medicine 
and the position of the pain.” — Scadder. 
The Agrimonia here referred to is Agrimonia eupatoria. Used in 
small material doses. 
Among the old-timers it had great repute as a remedy for kidney 
and bladder diseases. There is no proving but it has been used 
by some Homoeopaths after the methods of Burnett. 
Dr. Ashley B. Palmer, Seattle, Wash. (Pacific Coast J. of Hom.), 
reports a case of anterior poliomyelitis in a baby aged under two 
years. Gelsemium in this case had a quick and favorable action, 
though he gave other remedies, Aethusa, Kali phos. and Helle- 
bore for certain symptoms,  “but, in the main, I am staying by 
Gelsemium, for I see a constant improvement”. 
For sudden, sharp pains in any part just recall Kali carb. 
 Dr. Royal E. S. Hayes, Farmington, Conn. (Med. Advance, 
January), says that “Nux vomica appears to be the ‘ineffectual 
Effort’ remedy.” “Ineffectual effort is a general characteristic,” 
with excitement, irritability, etc. 
Dr. G. W. Harvey, Millville, Cal. (Cal. Ec. Med. Jour., Febru- 
ary), finds that Bryonia is as sure a prophylactic in measles as 
Belladonna is in scarlet fever, Echinacea for diphtheria, Pulsa- 
tilla for whooping cough, and “malaria is prevented and the pa- 
tient made immune in any climate by Arsenicum iodide 3X.”
Dr. Truman Coates, Oxford, Pa., in a letter mentions the case 
of a man, deaf for years, who complained much of noises in his 
ears, indeed more of than that of the deafness. He received 
Thiosinamine 2x tablets, and in a week his whole condition was 
much improved ; the noises no longer bothered him, and he could 
hear better. Some bad weather threw him back, and he came 
back for more of the “same medicine.” 
A correspondent of the Homeopathic World, February, tells of 
a lady who suddenly “became stone deaf.” A London specialist 
pronounced the case to be hopeless, but under Pulsatilla nutall- 
iana her hearing was restored and has remained for eight months. 
The correspondent got the hint from Clarke's Materia Medica, 
who credits it to Burnett. 
According to Burnett, 5 drop doses of Chelidonium is about 
the best “liver medicine” going — if one may drop into the ver- 
Granatum has been reported as a remedy of use where persist- 
ent vertigo is the most marked feature of the case. 
In cases where there is great difficulty in retaining the urine, 
day and night, the first remedy to be thought of is Ferrum phos. 
It has given relief in many cases of inability to retain the urine. 


Originally Published in "THE Homoeopathic Recorder,Vol. XXVI Lancaster, Pa., February, 1911 No. 3"

By R. F. Rabe, M. D., New York. 
The case to be recited presents nothing unusual or new, but is 
reported from the standpoint of the materia medicist or pre- 
server rather than from that of the gynecologist. Hence, to a 
certain extent at least, the criticism of the latter concerning the 
omission of exact diagnosis is disarmed, although technically 
entirely justifiable. 
Mrs. X, age 22, married three years. Before marriage had 
always had very profuse and prolonged menstrual periods, 
although these were invariably on time. Careful homoeopathic 
treatment seems never to have corrected this Menorrhagia. 
Shortly after her marriage at 19 years, a miscarriage, or rather 
an abortion, occurred at the end of her first month of pregnancy. 
So far as known, this was not artificially induced. She subse- 
quently became pregnant again and went to term, giving birth to 
a healthy child. 
After the abortion, as well as after the birth of her baby later 
on, the menorrhagia continued in spite of careful homoeopathic 
prescribing at the hands of good men, together with local treat- 
ment and curettage. The baby was nursed for three months, 
but since the menstrual periods continued during lactation, the 
latter was abandoned. 
The condition of the patient as noted at the time of my first 
examination of the case was as follows : Menses usually four 
to five days late, lasting eight to nine days and very profuse. 
The patient is irritable, apprehensive, fearful, and will not go 
to the theatre for fear of fire or something happening. Sleep is 
unrefreshing. No appetite, but craves acids. Perspires easily, 
formerly was troubled by offensive foot-sweat. Axillary sweat 
of an offensive odor. Sweaty palms. Attacks of mental de- 
pression, coming at no particular time. Is inclined to constipa- 
tion. After the abortion had symptoms of uterine prolapse, that 
is to say, bearing down sensations, but has had nothing of this 
since the birth of the baby. Has occasional waves of heat through 
the body. Face pale, yellowish, sickly in appearance. Patient 
maintains that she always feels better in rainy weather. 
It will be observed that in addition to the menorrhagia we have 
also a pronounced neurasthenia of the common type to deal with. 
It will be further noted that the taking of the case reveals numer- 
ous symptoms which have absolutely nothing to do with the 
menorrhagia per se. For example, the general amelioration of 
the patient in w r et weather seems absurdly irrelevant to the gyne- 
cologist, but to the materia medicist offers the open sesame to 
the cure of the patient. Unfortunately for the prescriber, a 
bimanual examination was not made, so that he is deprived of 
any corroborative evidence which such an investigation may have 
afforded. This is the weak point in the presentation of the case. 
Although the needful remedy was at once apparent, to prove the 
correctness of choice a rapid repertory analysis was made. 
By taking the most obvious as well as the most characteristic symp- 
tom of the case, we find that fourteen remedies are credited in 
the repertory with the production of cure of late and profuse 
menstruation, Of these, six are especially important. They are 
carbolic acid, causticum, kali carbonicum, kali iodatum, phos- 
phorus and silicea. 
Of the entire fourteen, twelve produce the symptom of mental 
depression, another characteristic of the patient. 
Of these twelve, eleven are especially to be noted, and of these 
again, but two, causticum and phosphorus have the further peculiarity of causing a state of apprehension or fear. 
Of these remaining two candidates for selection, but one, causti- 
cum, is credited with the modality, general amelioration in wet 
Hence, if the logic of the analysis be correct, if the technique 
of selection be without flaw, the choice of remedy must be mathe- 
matically certain. A reference to and study of the pathogenesis 
of causticum shows the contention to be justified. 
Since the administration of this remedy in two single doses, 
at an interval of about three weeks, the patient has improved in 
clear general health, the fear and apprehensiveness have been 
almost overcome, and the menstrual periods are more nearly 
normal in amount than they have ever been. Cure seems assured. 
Repertory Analysis 
Menses late and profuse (Kent, p. 724, 2d Ed.) — Carb. ac, caust., 
chol., cur., dulc, ferr, Kali c, kali iod., lach., nit. ac, phos., 
sil., staph., vib. 
Mental depression (p. 75) — Caust., chel., dulc, ferr., kali c., kali 
iod., lach., nit. ac, phos., sil., staph., vib. 
Apprehensive (p. 45), fear that something will happen — Caust., 
Amelioration in rainy weather (aggravation in dry weather), 
p. 13 19 — Caust. 

Aug 14, 2014


 Homeopathic Recorder
 Vol. XXVI Lancaster, Pa., January, 1911 

Edited By : Dr. Ravinder Singh Mann

McCandlish, Hom. World, reports a case of a woman aged 23, 
who since her eighteenth year, had suffered horribly from dys- 
menorrhea, so much so that she would scream with pain. Allo- 
paths and Homoeopaths could give no relief, until he carefully 
took the symptoms, worked them out in the repertory, and was 
surprised to find the result was "Apis." which remedy completely 
cured the patient. 
McCandlish, Hom. World, tells of a "large, hard, tense red 
scar" on a woman's breast from an operation, which, under 
Phytolacca 1. became more like the surrounding skin. 
McCandlish, Hom. World,reports a case of a ten-year-old 
girl discharged as incurable from hospital. She had from birth a 
weakness of the ankle joint, which caused her to drag her right 
foot along the ground when walking ;latterly the weakness began 
to spread up the leg. Conium 30 morning and night, enabled 
her to walk and run “quite nicely now when she likes and when 
she knows she is being watched.” The italics seem to indicate a 
queer mental state. 
McCandlish, Hom. World, reports a case of a man aged 43, 
suffering from itching anus, which was moist, wet, edematous 
and sore. Anacardium 30, morning and night, cured the case. 
Hom. Monthly, November, reports several cases in which 
blood was passed from internal parts by mouth or rectum in 
which Calendula Q. ten drops in half a tumblerful of water, tea- 
spoonful doses of the latter, acted in a most gratifying manner. 
The diseases were tuberculosis, cancer, disease of the bowels, 
etc. The indication is the passing or coughing of blood. Calen- 
dula is a wonderful but little known remedy. 
Dr. Williams (Medical Record) says that the pulp of a ripe 
pineapple applied to a boil will establish drainage in a short time. 
It seems to digest the necrotic head. This seems to be on the 
same principle by which it clears away the membranous throat 
deposits in diphtheria. 
Dr. D. W. Dimock, Brockton, Mass. (Medical World), advises 
as a “mother's friend” the application of ‘olive oil’ over the 
lower abdomen, around and over the vulva and perineum every 
night on retiring" for pregnant women. Keep this up every 
night for months before confinement. One woman who had 
always suffered agonies before had such an easy delivery after 
doing this that she named the girl baby born ‘Olive.’ 
Dr. Geo. D. Scott (Therap. Gaz., Aug.) advises the use of 
fruit juices in the diet of infants : cooked fruit juices are nourish- 
ing and mildly laxative. Perhaps a little fresh juice of ripe 
fruit would also be beneficial. 
Dr. McCandlish, Hom. World, tells of a woman with pains in 
her legs that had been getting worse for three years ; worse in 
the morning so that she dreaded to get up ; neither bone nor joints 
were affected: remedies, including liniments, did no good. On 
the theory that the seat of the trouble might be the facise and 
muscle sheaths. Dr. McCandlish prescribed Phytolacca 1. In 
seven days the pain had entirely disappeared. 
Dr. Ashley B. Palmer, of Seattle, Washington, reports a case 
of anterior poliomyelitis in Iowa Hom. Journal, December. It 
was first treated, but not recognized by an allopath who gave 
castor oil. When seen by Palmer the paralysis was established. 
Case made complete recovery under Gelsemium in rather high 
potency, with some other inter-current remedies as indicated. 
But Gelsemium seemed to be the remedy for the central disease. 
Dr. Lewis Robinson, of Carmel, Maine, writes that he has used 
Crataegus extensively in heart murmurs with excellent results. 
Dr. A. L. Fisher writes of Arnica oil that “it is of great value 
in stopping the falling out of the hair, a serious thing for those 
afflicted, and for which Arnica oil was recommended many years 
ago. I have used the preparation for this trouble many 
times with excellent success, in fact, not a failure.” If we re- 
member aright it was either Dr. Clifton or Dr. Ussher who first 
wrote of this use, in Homoeopathic World, fifteen or twenty years 
It should be remembered that an important indication for 
Rumex crispus exists when there is a lacerating pain under the 
clavicle, especially when there is hawking. It should be espe- 
cially kept in mind when the pain is in the breast, in the upper part 
of the lobe of the lung forward, or in the region of the left 
shoulder. — Pop. Z. f. H. 
Caulophyllum is useful in inflammatory rheumatism of the 
wrist. There is sharp pain in the hand and in the finger joints, 
especially in the second joint when closing the hand, and the 
joints are stiff. — Pop. Z. f. H. 
“Cancers — epithelioma — yield very rapidly to the local and in- 
ternal administration of Echinacea. Carcinomas can be arrested, 
the odor destroyed, and the patient made comfortable under its 
use, and I believe that many cures have been and will be effected 
by its use in this most loathsome of all diseases.” — Holmes' 
Eclectic Quarterly, Dec. 
We have often been called to a case which looked to the pa- 
tient and friends that appendicitis was in full blast. The intense 
pain, hardly endurable, with these cases of intestinal colic, I have 
seen them fade away by giving 15-drop doses of Dioscorea in hot 
water every ten, fifteen or twenty minutes. — Dr. F. R. Crowell, 
Lawrence, Mich., in Ec. M. Dec. 
“My first knowledge of the use of Variolinum was given to me 
by that close student and staunch Homoeopath, the late Dr. 
Martin Deschere, of New York. He told me of his experience in 
an epidemic of small-pox in Hoboken, N. J., in the first years of 
his practice. Quarantine was not really attempted at that time, 
and cases were all treated in their own homes. He told me that 
he had small-pox in over one hundred families, and that he used 
Variolinum as a prophylactic in every instance upon those who 
were exposed and did not have a second case in any family where 
the Variolinum was given at once.” — John B. Garrison, M. D., 
in North Am. J. of Hom. 

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