Sep 29, 2013


Homoeopathic Recorder
Vol. XX Lancaster, Pa., March, 1905, No. 3

 By   Dr. W.  H. Wheeler
Edited By Dr. Vandana Patni 
About five months ago I was consulted in regard to a case of 
prolapsus of the vagina in a woman seventy-seven years old and 
told, that one of the best homoeopathic and Hahnemannian physicians 
in the country had advised a surgical operation, saying that 
she knew of no internal remedy which would be likely to help the 
case. The prolapsus had already existed for at least a year and 
was steadily getting more and more troublesome, together with 
increasing weakness and marked irritability in one who naturally 
was one of the kindest of women. But having an intense antipathy 
to needless surgery, and counting surgery always needless until 
careful study of all possible clews has proved beyond a 
doubt that no other remedy is possible, I asked the privilege of 
going over the case to see if somewhere in our Materia Medica a 
vaginal tonic could not be found which would touch the case. 
As so often happens in such cases, I soon discovered that in the 
case as it now stood there were no clews; but a very careful study 
of the lady's past life and family history brought out the fact 
that she had often been helped for a while by Pulsatilla and Silica, 
though neither of these seemed to have any real control over the 
prolapsus. But Thuja is complementary to both of these; in fact, 
is probably the true chronic of Pulsatilla three times out of four, so 
I devoted myself to a study of some of the more rare and unusual 
symptoms of Thuja, and sending my patient by mail a list of 
seventy-nine of these I soon got conclusive proof that all through 
her past life a thuja vein had run, for she had had quite a number 
of its rarest and most distinctive symptoms. So I advised a 
trial dose of Thuja 1000 to see if medicine could do anything 
for the case. This was Oct. 15, 1904. As is so often the case 
with Thuja when it does its finest curative work, the initial 
aggravation after taking this one dose was very severe, actually 
putting the dear lady to bed. But then came the relief. She 
began to feel stronger, and the prolapsus gradually became less 
and less and soon wholly ceased. Her irritability also became a 
thing of the past, and for four whole months she felt better than 
she had for years, in spite of slowly advancing old age and a very 
trying winter climate. At the end of these four months some of 
the symptoms and a renewed tendency to prolapsus showed itself, 
and I have just advised a second dose of Thuja; but that in a 
woman seventy-seven Thuja should have given such marked 
relief for four solid months certainly shows that it has a marked 
affinity for prolapsus vagina in so-called Pulsatilla women, which 
is well worth keeping in mind. 
To show how marked and many-sided the improvement has 
been I will quote a part of the lady's last letter: she writes, 
“Till the last few days I have not had to lie down as often as I 
used to, have had but little backache, have been largely free from 
coughs which used to trouble me a good deal and have had only 
one attack of grippe this winter, and that much milder than usual; 
my knees and ankles do not feel cold as they used to do before 
[one of her most persistent symptoms formerly] . I do not get 
tired when working, as I used to do, and am able to do a good 
many hours' work each day.” To all of which her daughter 
adds,  “that she has also been her old, sweet self once more, with- 
out the strange irritability and temper fits which were formerly 
beginning to trouble her so much, and make it so hard to keep a 
servant girl.” Evidently Thuja has helped, and is going to help 
still more; but this is enough to set many an interested reader to 
observing for himself. Think of it as one of the commonest 
chronics of Puls., always expect a rather severe aggravation 
EVERY time you USE IT, and tell your patient to expect it, 
and except in very urgent cases like this do not begin higher 
than the 30th for chronic troubles, and I am sure you will soon 
learn to love it almost as much as I do, for it has saved some of 
my dearest friends and is saving others from sufferings almost as 
old as Noah's ark; for though it works very slow it works 
wondrous deep. Of course, the 30th is slower than the 1000th would 
be, but the curative aggravation is also less. In fact, one young 
doctor who needed it, turning up her nose at 30ths, took the cm. 
and was almost frantic, so sharp was her aggravation. But if 
you wish to get really fine results be patient and don't repeat 
until an unmistakably serious relapse of at least five days’ duration 
calls for it, for some of its later curative action is even more 
cheering than the relief and uplift which it gives when first taken, 
two to four months seeming to be the time that a single dose of 
the thirtieth can run with steady improvement and only a lot 
of minor annoyances to show that the work is not mere palliation 
but cure, melancholia slowly changing to mere neurasthenia, in- 
sanity slowly changing to mere restlessness, despair to mere 
intermittent blues, etc. 
And now just one more hint that may save some one much 
worry. It has wonderful power over dropsical swelling of the 
feet of several weeks’ duration in some mild Pulsatilla women, 
when the dropsy is probably due to mere weakness rather than 
heart disease in its graver forms, though over true heart disease 
it seems to have great power in some cases. But dropsy due to 
weakness it sometimes cures like magic. I do not find this symp- 
tom reported in our repertories; but Allen's Cyclopaedia 
(Symptom 2714) tells us that in the case of one prover it persisted for 
ten days. 


 Homoeopathic Recorder
Vol. XX, Lancaster, Pa., January, 1905  No. 1

By Dr. Mossa, Stuttgart
Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder from Allg. Hon. Zeit.
Edited By Dr. Vandana Patni
A servant girl, twenty-nine years of age, had suffered much 
ever since her ninth year from rheumatism. This pain roved 
about in all the joints, sometimes in the fingers which are red and 
swollen, then again in the shoulders or the loins. She cannot 
sleep at night. The joints are stiff and sore and hard to move. 
The mother-tincture of Gnaphalium, ten drops a week, continued 
for two months, brought remarkable relief. In the course of two 
months she was freed from all pains, except a slight aching in the 
back (Cartier). Gnaphalium is generally most useful in non- 
inflammatory rheumatism, and still more in nervous rheumatism 
and in gouty myalgia. 
Kalmia Latifolia
A school boy, ten years of age, had an attack of rheumatic fever, 
lasting thirteen days. Acute pains in the shoulder-joints and in 
the upper arm, jumping from one side to the other; penetrating 
lancinations in the cardiac region, worse at night; thirst for large 
quantities of water; great restlessness. Pains darting through 
the intercostal muscles in the left side, worse while breathing; 
the tongue, red in the middle, with a red triangular spot on the 
tip; the joints neither reddened nor swollen. Temperature higher, 
respiration 48-60 ; the cardiac pains worst while lying down. The 
boy had had a similar attack the year before, which had been less 
painful, indeed, but which under allopathic treatment had lasted 
six weeks and a half, and had left behind a deficiency of the 
valves. On giving him Kalmia latifolia the pain disappeared in 
two days. 
This remedy is according to J. H. Allen most effective in rheu- 
matism after gonorrhoea, especially when the small joints are 
affected. The gonorrhoea in such cases has often been quickly 
repressed. Whenever in rheumatism the joints, especially those 
of the fingers and toes, or the knee joint, are swollen, we should 
think of Medorrhinum; for there is usually a specific infection pres- 
ent. This remedy has cured gouty exudations, extending to the 
whole of the body. The patients in such cases have hardly any 
use of the joints affected (similarly as Rhus in muscular rheuma- 
tism). It is worse in cold weather, better when it is warm.
Winter is always the worst season with such patients, especially 
when it is cold and moist. They complain of heaviness of the 
limbs while walking, as if the limbs would refuse their service. 
In Arthritis deformans, this crux for patients and physicians, 
Dr. Bonino has found the best results from a weekly alternation 
of Causticum and Thuja. In pronounced gout Urtica urens has 
been most serviceable. 

Sep 28, 2013


Homeopathic Recorder
Vol. XX. Lancaster, Pa., December, 1905 No. 12

By G. W. Harvey, M. D., Pittville, Cal.

Edited By: Dr. Ravinder S. Mann
This remedy comes more and more into my daily practice as 
time goes by, and I have learned to prize it highly in many cases 
aside from sexual ailments. I recently cured a man of pruritus 
ani who had tried all sorts of sure cure for blind, bleeding and 
itching piles without more than temporary relief, with Phosphorus. 
In this case there was constant moisture of the parts, evidently a weeping 
of the prostate gland into the rectum, as the odor, so the patient 
informed me, was always one of smegma instead of feces as he thought it 
ought to be. Five drops of Phosphorus in alcohol enough to moisten a 
dram vial of No. 35 blank sugar pellets, and five of these three times a 
day, cured him to stay cured, so he says. 
Another cure was one of bleeding gums, where there had been 
a history of scorbutic taint. There was present also not a little 
pyorrhoea alveolus, but the Phosphorus cured the bleeding perfectly 
and very materially benefited the pyorrhoea. 
I have had many cases of haemoptysis and nose bleed, where 
there were small amounts of blood discharged at frequent intervals 
that were perfectly cured by small doses of Phosphorus. In 
uterine haemorrhage of passive type where the patient is anaemic 
and of pale, sickly color of skin, Phosphorus will very materially 
benefit her and help toward a perfect recovery. 
In nausea and vomiting, where Ipecac nor Nux seem to be indicated. 
Phosphorus will generally do the work and do it well. 
As a prophylactic measure in chloroform anaesthesia I give 
Phosphorus gtt. 1, aqua dest. q. s. to four ounces, and one teaspoonful 
of the mixture before giving the chloroform. This generally 
prevents the terrible nausea and vomiting that so often follows 
this necessary procedure. 
In cirrhosis of the liver from alcoholism, Phosphorus is a sheet 
anchor. It controls the fearful vomiting that often attends this 
disease and promotes the resolution of the diseased gland quite 
rapidly, but I generally combine it with Chionanthus and 
Lycopodium to hasten results. 
Some months ago I was called to attend a lady of forty odd 
summers who evidently was a victim of gall stone colic, but in 
addition to this she also had “jiminy fits,” as she called them, 
with severe uterine haemorrhage and passage of polypi every 
three or four months. Dioscorea, Nux and Chionanthus would 
give relief, but that was all. I finally gave small doses of Phosphorus 
for the haemorrhagic condition, and you may imagine my surprise to 
learn that I had cured the whole collection of ills, polypi, haemorrhages, 
“jiminy fits,” and what made the patient feel most good over, 
the terrible colic that had troubled her years without any material relief. 
Phosphorus will cure many cases of chronic hoarseness where 
there is no acute inflammation. 
Phosphorus will often relieve and cure that terrible itching and 
biting in the skin, following jaundice. It will also cure the purple 
haemorrhagic spots on the hands, following wrongs of the liver. 
Phosphorus is a fine auxiliary remedy with Bryonia and Ipecac, 
in pneumonia with rusty sputum following, hepatization of lung 
tissue. — California Med. Jour. 

Sep 25, 2013

The Importance Of A Single Symptom By Ad. Lippe

The Homoeopathic Physician
May, 1883

The Importance Of A Single Symptom

Ad. Lippe, M.D., Philadelphia

Edited By: Dr. Vandana Patni

The importance of a single symptom becomes apparent when we detect in a patient a single characteristic symptom corresponding with a single characteristic symptom observed in the proving of a drug. To illustrate this position I will, first, quote a case from my case-book in which an objective symptom indicated the truly specific remedy.

This case was one of very malignant “ship fever.” The patient had been sick nine days when I found him in the morning, lying on his back, perfectly unconscious; eyes wide open, glaring, and fixed on the ceiling, pupils dilated; cheeks red and hot; mouth wide open, lower jaw hanging down; tongue and lips dry, black, and cracked; picking of bed coverings; pulse 200. The pathological condition was most certainly approaching paralysis of the brain.

The unconsciousness in this case reminded me at first of Bell., Hyos.,, Opium, Rhus, or Stram. The eyes indicated Bell., Hyos., Opium, or Stram. The tongue and lips of Arn., Ars., Hyos., Opium, or Stram. The hanging of the lower jaw of Ars., Lyc. Or Opium. Not being able to select a remedy, I further examined the patient and found that he has passed urine involuntarily all night, but this symptom again left me to choose between Arn., Ars., Bell., Hyos., or Rhus; but upon still further examination I found on the sheet of the patient a large deposit of red sand, resembling brick dust deposited from the urine involuntarily discharged. Here was the objective symptom characteristic of the case and of the remedy. I now concluded to give Lyc., therefore I dissolved six pellets of the 200th potency in half a tumbler full of water, and had a spoonful, every two hours, put into the open mouth of the unconscious patient. When I saw him again, at 2 P.M., I found him with his eyes and mouth firmly closed in a natural sleep and in a very heavy perspiration. He finally recovered fully, and enjoyed perfectly good health for many years.

In this case the single characteristic was a guide in the selection of the curative remedy, but not in the diagnosis of the disease. If this single symptom had been a guide in the diagnosis of the disease, it would not have been a guide in the selection of the curative remedy.

To illustrate further the position assumed that one single symptom is very important, let us refer to the frequently recurring symptom, “Sinking at the epigastrium.” This symptom standing alone and by itself is of no importance whatever, neither characterizing a remedy or any abnormal condition of the system. Whether caused by a disturbed condition of pneumo-gastric nerve, or of the uterus, or by nervous depression, the symptom by itself, or the supposed cause, will never assist us in finding the curative remedy.

As far as our observations have been able to enlighten us, this symptom has been successfully removed by the following medicines: Alumen, Ambra, Baryta, Digitalis, Ignatia, Kali Carb, Lobelia, Lycopodium, Petroleum, Oleander, Sepia, and Veratrum.

The important single symptom in this connection under Alumen is that the sinking sensation is aggravated after eating, while under Baryta it is relieved by eating. This symptom is on record in Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases: “Sensation of weakness in the stomach, which disappears after eating.” The important single symptom under Ambra we find thus in Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura: “She must lie down on account of giddiness and a sensation of weakness in the stomach.”

Under Alumen and Baryta we find one conditional symptom, the aggravation and amelioration after eating. Under Ambra we find one concomitant and one conditional symptom, the combination of the sinking feeling with the condition of being obliged to lie down.

Digitalis has the characteristic symptom so often confirmed in practice and given by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica Pura: “A weakness of the stomach, as if the stomach were sinking away and as if life would vanish.” Later it was observed that this sensation of weakness generally occurred “after eating.”

Under Ignatia, we find in Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura: “A peculiar sensation of weakness in the upper abdomen and in the pit of stomach;” and “drawing and pinching in the lower abdomen, descending into the rectum like pressing, with qualmishness and sinking in the pit of the stomach and paleness of the face (after forty-eight hours, two days before menstruation).” And again: “Debility, as from weakness (sinking), around the pit of the stomach; he feels qualmish and must lie down.”  

Under Kali carb., we find in Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases: “Pressure in the stomach with rumbling, sensation of emptiness and eructations.”

Under Laurocerasus, we find pain in the stomach, like fainting; feeling of weakness in the stomach.

Under Petroleum we find in Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases: “Sensation of emptiness in stomach, as from fasting.”

Under Lobelia, we find: “Feeling of weakness of the stomach or in the pit of the stomach, extending through the whole chest.”

Under Oleander, we find in Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura: “Sensation of great emptiness in the pit of the stomach, with a fullness in the abdomen,” and it had been observed that this sensation of emptiness in pit of stomach has been relieved by drinking brandy, often accompanied by nausea.

Under Sepia, we find in Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases: “Emptiness in the stomach (sensation of) with nausea as soon as she thinks of any food that might be offered to her.”

Under Veratrum, we find in Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura: “Sensation of weakness of the stomach, with an internal sensation of coldness in the region of the stomach and a light pressure.”

The importance of a single symptom in connection with this much perplexing sensation of “sinking at the epigastrium,” weakness at the pit of the stomach, is very obvious. We find that Alumen and Digitalis have an aggravation of this sensation after eating; that Baryta has an amelioration after eating; that under Oleander brandy relieves; that under Kali carb. is accompanied by eructations; that under Ignatia this sensation has appeared two days before menstruation, accompanied by pale face and qualmishness, which caused the patient to lie down; that under Sepia the sensation was increased by thinking of food. The sensation is strongest in the pit of the stomach under Digitalis, Ignatia, and Lobelia; under Digitalis the sensation is so intense that he feels as if life would vanish.

Many cases will met in practice in which these symptoms are present with the sensation of sinking at the epigastrium; yet, at times, other remedies will have to be looked for to find symptoms corresponding with the peculiar characteristic symptoms of the patient.

A single symptom is all-important if it is the characteristic of the medicine, corresponding with the characteristic symptom of the case to be treated. Inasmuch as we no longer treat diseases, or supposed diseases conditions giving rise to them, but as we treat patients, it is no longer our duty to find the single symptom as a guide in diagnosis. It is our task, however, to find the single characteristic symptom both of the patient and of the remedy.

If we first get a clear idea of what constitutes the characteristics of medicines, we involuntarily adapt ourselves to the easy finding of the characteristic symptoms of the patient. The characteristic symptoms of a medicine go through all its pathogenesis like a red streak. We find, for instance, that all the symptoms, Aconite is capable of producing in the human system, and therefore is able to cure, are accompanied by “Anxiety,” and differ in the restlessness which is caused by “anxiety” under Aconite from the restlessness which is caused by “anguish” under Arsenic. Aconite has no characteristic pains. The burning and stinging in internal organs, tearing in external parts, and tingling in (fingers, oesophagus, and back) external parts, Aconite has in common with many other drugs; if, for instance, a patient complains of tearing in external parts, as in acute rheumatism, yet lies perfectly quiet, afraid to move, and if compelled to move suffers much pain, no experienced physician could think of administering Aconite, simply because the accompanying fever indicates inflammatory disease, but he would give Bryonia, if the other symptoms also indicate it. On the contrary, if the patient is very anxious and restless. Not afraid to move, but tossing about, which he declares he cannot help, although it increases his pains, no one would give Bryonia, but Aconite, if otherwise indicated.

The “Anxiety” of Aconite may be termed a general characteristic, like the “anguish” of Arsenic or the constant aggravation of all the symptoms after sleeping under Lachesis, or the amelioration in open cold air under Pulsatilla; the amelioration the cold air alone being equally characteristic of Iodine, or the aggravation at 3 A. M. under Kali carb.

Besides these general characteristics which go through the whole remedy, we observe special characteristics as under Kali bichr. that all the mucous discharges are stringy, or under Phosphorus that the cough is aggravated in the cold air.

The single symptom, which becomes all-important in a case, may comprise the kind of pains experienced, as under Apis “the burning, stinging pains;” or it may comprise the locality, as wrist and ankle under Ruta; or the direction the pain or disease follows, as from right to left, below upward, from the inside outward, or vice versa; or the condition (of amelioration or aggravation),as in the amelioration from heat of Arsenic, the amelioration from cold of Iodine; or from concomitant symptoms, as the great, unquenchable thirst, the great desire to drink large quantities under Natr. mur. or again, the thirstlessness of Pulsatilla.

The single symptom becomes all-important in some well-known diseases, as, for instance, in whooping cough. **** Yet the true physician has first to choose the proper remedy, and then to administer it properly if he hopes to be successful in this, as well as all other diseases. The character and peculiarities of the cough alone do not indicate a remedy. it is indispensably necessary to inquire further, and first ascertain at what time of the day the cough is aggravated. What else aggravates the cough? What are the concomitant symptoms? What is the character of the expectoration?

And in this manner it will become apparent that as to time the Drosera aggravation is after midnight; that the cough returning every day at the same hour may indicate either Lycopodium or Sabadilla.

Under the conditional aggravations it will become apparent that if pressure on the larynx aggravates the cough, Cina will be indicated; or that if walking fast brings on or aggravates the attack, Sepia will cure; or that if hasty eating or drinking causes an attack, Silicea will cure; or, with regard to the expectoration, that if the great quantity of mucus which threatens to suffocate the patient is difficult to expectorate, and if raised at all is tough and stringy and hard to detach, etc., Coccus cacti is the remedy.

All these single symptoms become important and will enable the practitioner to select the curative remedy; the name of the disease never will, as no medicine has ever produced or can produce whooping cough, but only a cough similar to whooping cough. The cough produced by mephitis for instance, has been very similar to whooping cough, but was not whooping cough and can only cure in those cases where the concomitant symptoms correspond with mephitis – Am. Hom. Review, 1863.   

                            = = = = = * * * * * * * * = = = = =

This paper was written twenty years ago, and after that long lapse of time its author is more than ever convinced of the great importance of the single symptom. The single peculiar symptom, expressive, as it were, of the characteristic individuality of the sick and not necessarily belonging to the form of disease of which he suffers, if also characteristic of a proved drug – becomes very frequently a guiding symptom, will very often lead us to compare the symptoms of the sick with the symptoms of the drug presenting that guiding symptom, a remedy which probably escaped our notice without it, and if the similarity between the symptoms of the sick and the provings of the drug become apparent, then and then only has this single guiding symptom been profitably utilized. Later on it was claimed that this single symptom, when present both on the sick and in the provings, would absolutely demand recognition and was erroneously termed a key-note, and this erroneous interpretation of the importance of the single symptom opened the way for great and fatal abuses. And now for an illustration: We find, for instance, in that excellent work on Diphtheria by Dr. Gregg, a case of diphtheria cured by Lachnanthes. The indications for the use of Lachnanthes were – the stiff neck the patient had. A cure followed. The deduction from this observation of a cure would be that a stiff neck in diphtheria is a key-note for Lachnanthes in that disease. This is, of course, poor logic, and later experience illustrates it. In a case of diphtheria we lately published this very painful stiff neck was a very prominent symptom, and the clinical experiment has shown that another case of diphtheria where this stiff neck was present had been promptly cured by Lachnanthes, that in the stiff neck following not unfrequently diphtheria and scarlet fever Lachnanthes had very often cured it. In the case alluded to, all and every symptom of the patient suffering from diphtheria, also the stiff neck, were covered by Kali bichr., and the stiff neck was cured with the other very grave symptoms of diphtheria. Kali bichr. has probably never been given for wryneck before, and now if in a case of diphtheria this stiff neck occurs, we will have to take into consideration the similarity of the other symptoms of the patient, having this guiding symptom to make us compare Kali bichr. and Lachnanthes. Again, we find under Lachesis, as a very characteristic symptom, throat and cough symptoms worse after awaking. The clinical experiment demonstrates that Kali bichr. and Aralia have the same symptom, and we will now, knowing that this great aggravation after sleeping is not a key-note for Lachesis, not be easily disappointed when we carefully compare also other remedies causing and curing this single important symptom. The lesson we are taught is, that a single important symptom alone should not be termed a key-note, but a guiding symptom.     

Sep 20, 2013


(Page No. 559 – 563)


Edited By: Dr Ravinder S. Mann
Translated for the Homoeopathic Recorder from “Willst du Gesund 
weren ?”
There are in homoeopathic practice states of disease, the 
symptoms of which viewed in their completeness, point to a 
single remedy of the homoeopathic treasury of medicines, so 
that when rightly applied the said disease can be thereby fully 
extinguished. But not less numerous are the cases in which a 
single remedy carries us only to a certain point; then changes 
appear or symptoms still remain which point to another remedy; 
and the time for its application has come, when the improvement 
makes no further progress. In this case, however, it is 
by no means indifferent what remedy is elected to follow immediately 
after the other, for experience shows us that there are 
some remedies which are especially adapted to complement one 
another's action, while there are others which mutually repel 
each other. There is not at the present time any satisfactory 
explanation of this phenomenon which, however, rests on experience 
and observation. 
We also frequently find in homoeopathic practice that simultaneously 
two remedies are prescribed by some physicians to be 
used in alternation. This mode of treatment, which is especially 
frequent in acute diseases, but also used in chronic cases, is not, 
indeed, in agreement with the method of our master, Hahnemann, 
who directed that only one remedy should be used, yet 
the choice of two remedies may be perfectly justified even from 
the homoeopathic standpoint; for there are states of disease 
which point to different remedies, not only by some of their 
secondary symptoms, but even by their fundamental character. 
The latter is, indeed, very rarely the case, and we find more 
frequent instances where alternating remedies are prescribed, not 
from necessity, but with a well meant intention of hastening 
the cure. And this result may, indeed, be hastened by the use 
of alternating remedies, when these remedies are mutually concordant 
and supplementary. But the use of alternating remedies 
has also its drawbacks, which appear when one of the remedies 
is unsuitable and not adopted to the special case, so that its influence 
instead of furthering the cure only serves to obstruct the 
action of the other remedy. On this account we ought from 
principle to continue our observance of Hahnemann's doctrine, 
that only one remedy should be brought into action at one time. 
The image presented by the provings were obtained and continue 
to be so from the use of one single remedy at a time on a 
healthy person. But these results only obtain their full value 
when they are confirmed by practice, and for this it is necessary 
that the respective remedies should be prescribed singly. The 
more frequently a remedy has thus been “confirm” under 
certain circumstances the greater will be the confidence of the 
practitioner in its virtue and the more easy will it then be possible 
for him to associate with it another remedy in consequence 
of the experience he has gained. By this the practitioner also 
is led to see that there are remedies which serve specially to 
complement one another. 
As an example of this I would here mention Silicea, 
Calcarea fluor., which gives splendid results in caries of the 
bones. We may further refer to Sulphur and Mercurius, which, 
when used alternately, are very effective in the cure both in 
humid and in dry herpetic eruptions. I have had much experience 
in the latter disease, so that I may say that in the course of 
years these two remedies have been of the greatest service to me 
in many herpetic cutaneous ailments ; I have used them in the 30, 12 
and 6 potencies. Usually these remedies were given alternately, 
every 4 or 6 days, one dose of one or the other. In humid eruptions, 
with an inflamed basis with violent itching, of which we find 
especially many cases with children, I have found these two 
remedies effective with hardly an exception. When such eruptions 
come to suppurate Hepar sulphuris is to be preferred; still 
remedies like Graphites and Juglans cinera, etc., may still be 
considered, especially when the success of the former remedies 
has not been decisive and permanent; but Sulphur and Mercurius 
are always the chief remedies and will continue to be so. 
Of course the treatment of a chronic cutaneous disease will always 
require months. 
Two additional remedies, which are mutually concordant and 
supplementary, are Arsenicum and Carbo vegetabilis in chronic 
ulcers on the legs. These remedies are indicated when dilatation 
of the veins lies at the bottom of the disease, and this is well 
known to be the case in most instances of this ailment. They 
are indicated in cases where the process is inert for a long time, 
and where the secretions from the ulcer is slight in quantity and 
perhaps occasionally sanguineous, and where there are burning 
pains, occasionally also stinging pains, while there is no intermission, 
even at night. 
Arsenicum and Carbo veg. are given in herpes somewhat more 
frequently than Sulphur and Mercurius. We may also give for 
two days three doses a day of one remedy and then, after a pause 
of one or two days, give the other remedy in the same manner. 
It is certain that chronic ulcers on the legs are improved and 
cured in this manner without necessitating a cessation of the 
usual employment. The remedies mentioned last I have preferably 
used in the 12 potency, also in the 30, but rarely in the 6. Instead 
of Carbo veg. it may also become necessary to use Lachesis, when 
the limb affected is much disfigured by considerable swellings and 
the parts around the ulcer have a bluish-black appearance. 
Two other remedies which also supplement one another's 
action remarkably well are Calcarea carb. and Nux vom. when 
the catamenia appear too early and are too profuse. This 
ailment may also be caused by a certain weakness, and is not 
always due to change of position, ulcers, etc. In such cases, 
Nux vom. and Calcarea carb. in the 30 and 12 potencies, one dose 
every third day, prove very curative. Even in cases where female 
physicians had operated on the patient, and where the irregularity, 
according to their statement, was due to a thickening of the mucous 
membrane, I have been able to effect a cure through the two remedies, 
demonstrating that modern surgery is not always 
the last sheet-anchor for suffering patients. In these cases also it is, 
however, necessary to continue the treatment for several months. 
I do not mean to be understood that in the above-mentioned 
diseases only the two remedies there mentioned ought to be used. 
I myself have, indeed, learned to know and value these remedies 
by very many observations, but another practitioner may also 
discover other remedies which used together may not be less 
effective. I have only desired to make a small contribution to the 
doctrine of alternative medicines, and perhaps assist one 
or another practitioner to a certain success in similar cases. 
The following from the Medical Advance gives a good idea of the 
nature of the recently published Gross' Comparative Materia Medica: 
The first edition appeared in 1866, and for many years this 
splendid volume, upon which the author spent so many years of 
hard labor, has not been obtainable. If our practitioners will use 
this work in comparing the action of two remedies, the symptoms 
of which are opposite or more or less similar, they will have very 
little excuse for alternating remedies. Here are about 500 com- 
parisons of 100 of our most frequently called for remedies, and a 
little work will yield an abundant harvest in the brilliant cures which 
follow the carefully selected simillimum. Never before has the student 
of Materia Medica had such an opportunity to become familiar with 
the essence of his armamentarium as is here offered. A study of these 
comparisons will speedily remove the erroneous impression 
of the student in the similarity of drug pathogeneses, for the complaint 
is frequently made that the symptoms are nearly the same in every drug. 
On the contrary, after a study of Gross, the question more frequently 
asked will be, “Where is the similarity?” It would certainly be difficult 
to find the similarity in the following remedies so often given in 
alternation by those who believe in and practice poly-pharmacy: 
PULSATILLA                                               SEPIA 
Inclination for open air                         Aversion to open air. 
Hot and painful swelling of                  Painless swelling of glands. 
Eruptions more humid than                   Eruptions mostly dry. 
Heat on suffering part.                           Sweat on suffering part. 
Taciturnity.                                             Loquacity. 
Mood gentle, distrustful.                        Mood  Irritable, rarely amorous. 
Mania from suppressed menses             Mania from profuse menses 
Catamenia too short and scanty.           Catamenia protracted and profuse. 
Worse from warmth of bed.                   Better from warmth of bed. 
Better from pressure.                              Worse from pressure. 
Mostly worse after sleep.                     Better after sleep; but worse  when            
"Frequent reference to this work will not only save much 
valuable time in a sharp and clear-cut individualization of the 
remedy, but it will often demonstrate that our examination of 
the patient has from some cause been imperfect, something vital 
has been overlooked by the physician or patient, and a new and 
more complete examination must be made. Those who have 
used this book most consider it almost indispensable when a life 
depends upon the selection of the perfect remedy. A very 
trifling change may often decide a momentous question. Be 
sure you are right, then go ahead."