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Sep 21, 2011


If you've come to this page directly via a search engine, please note this article is mainly for homeopaths and students of homeopathy, so assumes a certain level of understanding of homeopathic concepts and terminology.

Small and Less Used Medicine From Materia Medica Of Dr W. Boericke. 

(Back of Galipea Cusparia)

Rheumatic and paralytic complaints – great difficulty in walking. Crackling in all joints.

The greatest craving for coffee is a characteristic symptom. Caries of long bones. Paralysis. Tetanus. Stiffness of muscles and joints. Oversensitive.

Principal action on spinal motor nerves and mucous membranes.

Head –  Oversensitive. Headache, with heat of face. Acute pain in cheeks. Drawing in facial muscles. Pain in temporal muscles, when opening the jaws. Pain in articulation of jaw, in masseter muscles, as if fatigued by chewing too much. Cramp-pain in the zygomatic arch.

Stomach – Bitter taste. Irresistible desire for coffee. Pain from naval into sternum. Atonic dyspepsia. Belching, with cough. [Ambra.]

Abdomen – Diarrhea and colic. Tenesmus with soft stool; chronic diarrhea, with debility and loss of flesh. Burning in anus.

Back – Itching along back. Pain in cervical vertebra. Drawing in the neck. Pain in spine, at nape of neck and sacrum, worse on pressure. Twitching and jerking along back. Bends backward.

Extremities – Stiffness and tension of muscles and joints. Pain in limbs on walking. Arms tired and heavy. Caries of long bones. Coldness of fingers. Pain in knees. Cracking in joints.

Skin – Caries very painful ulcers which affect the bone.

Relationship – Compare: Nux.; Ruta; Mercur.; Brucea. – Bark of Nux Vomica or Angustura falsa. (Tetanic spasms with undisturbed consciousness, worse noise, liquids, paralyzed lower extremities, worse least touch, cries for fear of being touched. Painful jerking of legs; cramp-like pain in knees; rigid and lame limbs of paralytics. For pain in the passing of calculus.)

Dose – Sixth potency.


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